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Reborn Nightmare Mode


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Does anyone think it is possible to beat Reborn with only 2 Pokemon plus level 1 hm slaves?

If so what Pokemon would you try it with? Only thing is no Legendaries.

My first thought was Gengar and Rhyperior, but I am rethinking that.

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I remember someone trying to do a one pokémon only run. Started with Turtwig, and got stuck fighting the ZEL and Taka double battle.

Possible? With some insanekamina luck and patience, you might be able to pull it off.

You're probably going to break your F12 button though.

I have no clue which two pokés you'd use though >.>

Think of something with a lot of coverage moves, and that can use a lot of TMs. And then bam.

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It's possible up to a certain point. The reason it stops at a certain point because of the Lv 100 cap. Enemies are going to get strong enough to a point no two single Pokemon can withstand them (unless it's the combined force of a perfect coverage Blaziken and Gyarados). Let's take your Rhyperior and Gengar set for example. You'll cream Julia, struggle to get by Florinia, Slaughter Corey and Shelly, but Shade might be impossible for you. Gengar is too frail to take a hit, but it might be able to one shot all of Shade's team if it has the stats in all the right places.

But yeah, you might be able to get far, but the planning and all the work required doesn't make it worth the hassle.

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I know by direct experience that one-Pokemon runs are ridiculously easy in canon games for a simple reason: you end up outleveling your opponents by some 15 levels, so what you lose in coverage/type matchup you gain in raw stats. But in Reborn there is that little thing called "level cap"...

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Yeah, I remember that Blaziken-Swoobat speedrun too. From experience, Speed Boost Blaizken can sweep most leaders/bosses who do single battles. I've also swept Florinia with a Simple Swoobat, so a Blaziken/Swoobat run can work with a lot of luck and patience.

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With enough luck definitely - put double team on a pokemon, reset until it works.

Alternatively, you can cheese the entire game with revives - you can buy revives early on (albeit expensively), and you can get infinite amounts of money by rebattling trainers.

Edited by Kithros
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I remember there was a post a few months ago of someone detailing their speed run, where they only used a blaziken and a swoobat, he made it up to Samson I think.

Yeah, I remember that Blaziken-Swoobat speedrun too. From experience, Speed Boost Blaizken can sweep most leaders/bosses who do single battles. I've also swept Florinia with a Simple Swoobat, so a Blaziken/Swoobat run can work with a lot of luck and patience.

The person your thinking of is dondon151, he also wrote out a full in-detail run while he was playing as well.

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