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Fan game Idea ~ Pokemon Final Edition

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Hi, i'm a new guy and i've been playing around with a fan game idea. It basicly goes around with the Arceus, Palkia, Dialga, Giritina, mytho. Basically the "end" of a reality and your journey to extend the existence of your reality. at the moment i'm looking for tilesets kinda going for a reborn/reverse world theme. there's some plot stuff for me to work out and i'm planning to work with a friend on characters..... any and all thoughts are welcome!

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Also if I may... I think that stories that deal with such huge themes (for what I understand, your idea basically deals with post-apocalyptic scenarios) are not that good for Pokemon games, which is a problem that, to MUCH a lesser extent, I have with Reborn too. What I am trying to say: if the story is all about what this human character is doing to that other human character, and/or what the relationship between this and that human is, and/or how humans adapt to a post-apocalyptic scenario and "extend their existance", then their Pokemon end up being out of focus. Like, it's you vs the legendary that is the focus of the story. The Pokemon you use to face it pretty much feel like tools, and not like creatures you bond with. In other words, instead of having a story about Pokemon which just happens to deal with certain themes, you risk ending up having a story about dealing with certain themes which just happens to feature Pokemon.

I don't know if I managed to get my point across, but if I did please try and keep this in mind.

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-coughs- well this idea got panned, back to the drawing bord

Fair enough points, i supose it's back to the drawing board. have to keep up with my friends fan game he'll probably be posting the demo by the end of the month. I've been trying to come up with a semi decent idea of my own.

And to be frank before i head off for the evening, i'd like to do somethng with wonky space/time stuff with the right conditions it could be rather fun and to speak to mr. Darkspite you may be right in that regard, however what i presented to you was a very rough idea, though i will thank you and Mr. Tomas Elliot for commenting.

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I've also noticed that as of yet no one to my knowledge has done anything in the horror spectrum of pokemon, prehaps i could do something in that regard however how i would do that without using a cliche darkri or hypno story line is beyond me..... though as you can tell by now i'd like to do a mature story line i simply can't seem to think of any decent ideas

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I've also noticed that as of yet no one to my knowledge has done anything in the horror spectrum of pokemon, prehaps i could do something in that regard however how i would do that without using a cliche darkri or hypno story line is beyond me..... though as you can tell by now i'd like to do a mature story line i simply can't seem to think of any decent ideas

Probably a crazy idea but... what do you think about combining Silent Hill with Pokemon? At least it would be a little different.

Make it so the protagonist is drawn to a an isolated place and in there weird things start happening that are related to his past and psychological traumas? I don't see a problem with resorting to DarkRay or Hypno... as long as the story is coherent and interesting enough. Maybe some legendary pokemon (or fakemon) of dreams and nightmares died but his aura still lingers and influences an entire region to a reign of horror. Or maybe young people venture into that place to prove their worth and maturity in a community, kinda like the trials some tribesmen have to go through to become adults. After all, it takes a lot of effort and overcome your worst fears and nightmares and still come out alive and relatively sane.

Edited by IvoryOwl92
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  • 3 weeks later...

You know what I wouldn't mind seeing? Pokemon games that aren't tied up with evil organizations and the like. There can be conflict without organized crime. Even in Reborn, Team Meteor hefts a good chunk of story. Instead, why not feature a corrupt government or..... one type of pokemon rising up to try and dominate the others or something? I dunno, just throwing out random ideas.

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