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Pokémon Reborn Custom Battles!


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These custom teams aren't final and will by no means possibly get fully implemented, though. ^^; Though Amy's Lapras and Kingdra have been confirmed because she's used them in-game, the rest of her team remains to be a questionmark.

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The third battle is live! Surprisingly enough, it's a lot shorter than the other two..

..So I might have to push the actual upload date back 1 or 2 days, due to some.. Technical difficulty. No, I didn't break anything, before you point fingers.

I'm just trying to sort out the new video thumbnail and due to my lack of logical sense, I've been altering this image for a good 3 hours because I messed up the background.

That, and I've yet to figure out a team to use & I've yet to playtest this battle to make sure it's actually doable to a certain extent.

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Aaaaaay, not bad lol. I haven't actually seen this until now somehow XD. But pretty sweet there Dashie. They were all pretty fun little battles so far. I wonder how much you will go and jsut go for. Going to extend it to other staffers and people around etc etc... Either way keep it up Man. These are were cool and fun to watch lol.

((and we all know if you made me a theme team I would horribly be destroyed because there would be a Farfetch'd on it no question XD.))

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I'm relatively sure Deino isn't confirmed to be blind. But we don't really know what on earth on the thing around it's head is XD. It only rumoured at best they are blind as it was never confirmed to my knowledge.

((and at least make it a Zweilous Bibs like geez. Hustle at least makes it able to do something. Man trying to give Dan a baby mon.... Unbelievable. :P ))

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  On 8/4/2015 at 4:24 PM, Hukuna Fulmine said:

I'm relatively sure Deino isn't confirmed to be blind. But we don't really know what on earth on the thing around it's head is XD. It only rumoured at best they are blind as it was never confirmed to my knowledge.

((and at least make it a Zweilous Bibs like geez. Hustle at least makes it able to do something. Man trying to give Dan a baby mon.... Unbelievable. :P ))

'They cannot see, so they tackle and bite to learn about their surroundings. Their bodies are covered in wounds.' - Bulbapedia, Deino's PokéDex data from some game.

Zweilous isn't confirmed to be blind, Deino is. That's why I said Deino and not Zweilous :/

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  On 8/4/2015 at 6:26 PM, Pineapple said:

that could very well be me too

Actually no. There's Furret. Fuck Furret.

zzzz You'd be 6 Bibarels with Moody and Metronome whatchu on breh

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..I made a Strawpoll to figure out which one of these I want to add after I record the next 5 Custom Battles, because I'm holding back on using other forum members for a liiiiiitle bit. Not to worry, I'll eventually add them, but I'd like to not stray too far away from the original characters in-game, y'know.

Poll can be found here and I'll be taking votes for the next 2 weeks, so voting will end on August 20th.

I'll add the top 5 results of this poll to the battle bracket and figure out teams that would suit them best and I'll do my best to create a customized trainer battle. (No promises I'll have learned to create the custom event by the time this poll will no longer be used, though.)

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  On 8/4/2015 at 7:28 PM, RainbowDash said:

..I made a Strawpoll to figure out which one of these I want to add after I record the next 5 Custom Battles, because I'm holding back on using other forum members for a liiiiiitle bit. Not to worry, I'll eventually add them, but I'd like to not stray too far away from the original characters in-game, y'know.

Poll can be found here and I'll be taking votes for the next 2 weeks, so voting will end on August 20th.

I'll add the top 5 results of this poll to the battle bracket and figure out teams that would suit them best and I'll do my best to create a customized trainer battle. (No promises I'll have learned to create the custom event by the time this poll will no longer be used, though.)

IMO, learning how to create teams that work with the AI is way harder than implementing the trainer fight (and you're also learning about coding which is twice as hard as either.)

But yeah, I had to redesign the fights for a lot of those characters on your poll and the fourth Cain and third Kiki fights kicked my butt so hard. If you're going to make teams for any of the rivals, I'd recommend turning them back into mono teams (you don't have to) because they felt weaker once they drived away from that. As for if Taka and Sirius get picked, good luck. I'm still sitting here trying to figure out how to make those two tougher (maybe buddy them up with another if you're up to it) as they still sit on the really easy end.

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Honestly, I have ideas for both Taka and Sirius on how to make them even tougher- But I have no idea whether that's a good idea for my sanity or not. .___.

If anything, Cain will keep the Samurott and use a Poison-monotype team, and I did have a beefed up version of the final Victoria battle.. Which turned out to be extremely overpowered for that point in the game, but it would work as a means of "revisiting" a certain place.

I'm anxious to see what results this poll will yield.

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