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Help me build a team around Blastoise


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Blastoise is a versatile Mon and like everyone has said a rain team is your best choice. Meowstic male with prankster can be a good rain setter and you should get a damp rock to help. Dual screen support is also good. Manectric is a really good addition to a rain team. Under the rain thunder is quite helpful for getting rid of other water types blastoise would have trouble with. Heliolisk with dry skin is another alternative. It can learn surf and thunder and dry skin will prevent your opponent's water mons from taking advantage oftl the rain. Toxicroak is reliable and can handle grass types. Arnaldo may need a bit of breeding for aqua jet and knock off but it is really good with swift swim. Escavalier is an alternative but doesn't reap much benefits from the rain so Armaldo is better. For breeding knock off skorupi is needed. For aqua jet tirtouga is needed. For flying types you could get either a noivern(catch a noibat at tanzan mountain not any earlier than that) or swanna. Both learn hurricane. Swanna has water moves while noivern has dragon pulse and boomburst. Choose what you like. Steelix isn't bad as long as it has sheer force but be careful of it's weakness during rain. Empoleon is a good steel type to use if you want although you get it a bit late and it has some move issues.

Well that's all I have to say. Hope it helps.

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