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Wait...what? WTF Dream.

Eternal Edge

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My dream started somewhere at some unnamed convention that Lady Gaga was preforming at. After the show I was able to meet her, where I was working up the courage to ask her out. She said yes for some reason (lol it's my dream). She gave me something that would let her know if it was someone she wanted to see was knocking at her door. Then there was a skip or something, we had been dating for a while but she was starting to grow distant. I kept asking her why when one night someone pulled up. This car had no sign of being someone she wanted there, so I looked outside closer and saw it was the devil. SHe had told me this was the day she was afraid of. She had made some sort of deal with him ( I don't think she mentioned the details) and that she was afraid our relationship was breaking that deal somehow. So in order to stop her from being hurt I gave my life to the devil in order to save hers, I wouldn't take no for an answer. This is where the dream got a bit fuzzy, I think I was starting to wake up here but then I fell back asleep, but next thing I knew we were back together and we'd somehow gone back to the middle ages. An evil sorceress was trying to take over the kingdom. She was doing it in a somewhat political fashion as in she wouldn't let others know she was a sorceress. SOmehow Lady Gaga and I found out and we worked to expose her. We knew people wouldn't accept the fact she was a sorceress so instead we tried finding political evidence against her, and there was plenty. As we exposed it people began to doubt the sorceress. We had decided to go for the big one and find the one piece of evidence that would finally expose her. Lady Gaga went to the room to investigate and I stood guard. The sorceress was coming down the hall after a while and spotted me, she became furious and chased me around, I led her away from the area so that Lady Gaga could get away.

Then I woke up =c

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