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Psychic/Fairy run viability


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Hi everyone,

I'm pretty new to the whole monotype/duotype run idea but want to replay reborn in a fun way.

I was wondering if those with more experience could let me know if a psychic/ fairy run would be viable or if it wouldn't really work. Obviously I'd start with Fennekin.

So pretty much, do you guys think this type of run would work or should I change at least one type (these are my two favourite types so if it would work I'd stick with this).

Also if anyone could recommend pokemon that would work for this run I'd love it. I'm currently thinking about having pokemon like Delphox, Wigglytuff, Gothitelle, Malamar and Gardevoir.

So thanks for any advice!

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Hi there! I think that the thread in my signature may be of service to your run, and hopefully after you complete it may be able to contribute yourself!

As for a personal opinion, I'd use Gardevoir, Clefable, Malamar, Metagross, Delphox and Azumarill. Delphox gets the steel types, Metagross is metagross, Malamar can also help with opposing Steel types with Contrary Superpower, Clefable is a good wall, Gardevoir's great for handling Poison types and Belly Drum Azumarill is dope. Also I just love all those Pokemon haha

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Those all sound good to me (I'm not sure if I'm going to get Metagross as it is a LOT of work for a level one pokemon but I'll look into it). Given how late in the game a lot of these pokemon come in I'll probably pick up Igglybuff and Espurr to help me early on.

I'll be sure to help out with that thread when I finish.

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Cmon. In no situation would running a monotype ever be unviable Psychic/Fairy is great, especially with Delphox with that fire coverage. You can get Mr. Mime, Gardevoir etc. Azumarill, Mawile, the list of fairies goes on. Even Gallade. I hope you prosper!

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I can't believe I am the one saying this, but for a duotype Psychic-Fairy, it'd be better if you used Gallade instead of gardevoir, unless you go Medicham which is also a pretty good option since it can go Fire-Thunder-Ice punch and Hi Jump Kick or even Zen headbutt -removing one of the punches-

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Does anyone know what the staff think on editing in a pokemon for the purpose of one of these runs. I'm looking at when you can get clefairy and it isn't until Agate circus and I could edit one in (a low level one obviously) in RPGMaker.

I would never do this in my main run but in this one I was wondering whether it was okay in a run like this. Otherwise I'll go with igglybuff.

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Does anyone know what the staff think on editing in a pokemon for the purpose of one of these runs. I'm looking at when you can get clefairy and it isn't until Agate circus and I could edit one in (a low level one obviously) in RPGMaker.

I would never do this in my main run but in this one I was wondering whether it was okay in a run like this. Otherwise I'll go with igglybuff.

You can get clefairy early on, from an event, you help a lady by fighting 2 meteors and you choose either igglypuff or cleffa.

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You can get clefairy early on, from an event, you help a lady by fighting 2 meteors and you choose either igglypuff or cleffa.

That's been removed. Now you get Igglybuff from that event.

Usually, people only edit in Pokémon for runs where there isn't an option to use before the first gym (e.g. Ice, Rock). You have lots of choice in a duo-type run, so you should be fine.

Edited by SkyRunner
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You can get clefairy early on, from an event, you help a lady by fighting 2 meteors and you choose either igglypuff or cleffa.

That event, in episode 15, has been changed to only Igglybuff. Unless you revert to earlier episodes, the earliest you get a Cleffa/Clefairy/Clefable is in Agate

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That's been removed. Now you get Igglybuff from that event.

That event, in episode 15, has been changed to only Igglybuff. Unless you revert to earlier episodes, the earliest you get a Cleffa/Clefairy/Clefable is in Agate

Oh well, i didn't know. Well azurill trade has been axed in episode 15 too, so you will have to revert to episode 14 in order to get those.

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Oh well, i didn't know. Well azurill trade has been axed in episode 15 too, so you will have to revert to episode 14 in order to get those.

You can get Azurill from the Mystery Egg. Any files where you get the starter before E15 always get Azurill, and there's a one in eighteen chance that the egg will contain Azurill in a game started in E15.

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You can get Azurill from the Mystery Egg. Any files where you get the starter before E15 always get Azurill, and there's a one in eighteen chance that the egg will contain Azurill in a game started in E15.

You mean the mystery egg in the park that contained Ducklett?

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I think I'll revert back to fourteen to get a Cleffa and Azurill then go back to 15 (I know that this is risky but I've backed up my save just in case it corrupts).

Want to play Reborn in a fun way? Then don't go back >:]

Dual runs are generally fun, and well... with that little type there called "Fairy", i don't think you're going to have any problems.

A tad late but I just wanted to give my two cents. Good luck.

But really, I don't think you even need to revert back to have a good run m8~

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i like dual runs because it gives you a bit more freedom than mono runs(whicha re still a blast in their own right) plus you can get some really cool dynamics. Minus the earthquake cheesers(ugh) I'm really having a blast with my electric/poison run and have found both types to be really good at taking advantage of Reborn's field system.

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