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Your 3 Favorite Types


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Ghost, psychic and fairy.

This guy is the one who insisted to have Dark as the most represented type in Se7en, and he didn't list Dark in his top 3. Liar.

As for me, I love Ice and Rock, the types with most weaknesses in the game (which pises me off to no end). All other types are tied for third, since I really like them all, I don't have any particular preferences outside of the mentioned soft spot for Rock and Ice...

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This guy is the one who insisted to have Dark as the most represented type in Se7en, and he didn't list Dark in his top 3. Liar.

As for me, I love Ice and Rock, the types with most weaknesses in the game (which pises me off to no end). All other types are tied for third, since I really like them all, I don't have any particular preferences outside of the mentioned soft spot for Rock and Ice...

Now hold on, hold on y'all, there's plenty of inaccurate info in these few lines. Now, let me show you all how a REAL filthy casual nitpicks:

  • First off, kudos to you Elliot for loving rock and ice, they surely deserve more love than they usually get (which is a thing coming from a guy who finds both of those boring, specially rock). HOWEVER, while rock indeed has 5 weaknesses, it is not ice its partner in the "most weaknesses" award: that place goes to grass, with 5 weaknesses as well. Ice has 4. Still, I find it disgusting that both rock and grass have 5 weaknesses, but I'll never get tired of ranting about this lol, so now's not the time...
  • Second, it is true that we have 22 dark types because I insisted on keeping it as one of the most common types paired with bug, but that doesn't mean dark should necessarily be in my top 3 XD. Just like I don't struggle to draw ice and rock types just because I don't like those types, doesn't mean I would give them less love. All types loved as equals, that's the philosophy. In other words, dark's place as the most common type in Graterras has other reasons to be (the dark lord commanded me o.o ), but ghost, fairy and psychic are my 3 definitive favs. Also, 22 ghost types would make for a very "dead" pokédex, amirite? get it? deeeead pokédex? yeah you get it...

Also, if I'm commenting on this is cuz is 4 AM here and I'm kinda bored and sleepless :I

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