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New Pokemon Ideas

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So I have been thinking; Wouldn't It be great if some low base stat total Pokemon got an evolution? Here is an example; Delibird evolves into Deliengel by being exposed to a frost stone. The base stats are: 70 Hp, 85 Att, 55 Def, 95 Sp. Att, 55 Sp. Def, and 145 Speed. Design wise the body stretches higher a bit, It looks more determined, has a bigger sac to carry things with, an Ice detail is on its feathers on its head, the fluff grows longer and wraps around its neck like a scarf, and lastly it has two snow white wings on its back. Its so fast because it delivers so many things every day. The abilities should be Vital Spirit and Hustle with the hidden ability Refrigerate. Its Pokedex entries are: 1) This Pokemon was originally thought to be a guardian angel because it helped any lost or injured travelers in the snowy mountains. 2) It can fly so fast, that any delivery made to another region would only take one day. No matter how heavy the package is.

Now I made this to see what other people can think of for fun. I don't have the skillz to make a game, no matter how much I want to. I have many more ideas for Pokemon, but I also want to hear others opinions. Do not just pull another idea from another person without giving them some credit. We are better then that. Your Idea can be whatever you can think of whether Megas, Evolutions, Pre-evolutions, Game mechanics, or even brand new Fakemon. Quote others If you think that their Idea is missing something or is good. Lastly to say, Show me what you got!

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I do have a Shenreon (Dragon Eevee) in my game, but firstly, an evolution for Shuckle: Swap the Attack and the Defense and raise the speed by a whole lot. Now Shuckle can hold the Eviolite (but still has terrible HP), and its evolution can be a powerhouse! That's all I came up with for this.

Shenreon, I'll describe later.

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A lot of things actually:

  • Evo for dunsparce, with more attack, defense and speed.
  • Evo for farfetch'd, with waaaay better atrack and speed.
  • Evo for Arbok, dark/poison, with decent speed and more attack.
  • Eeveelutions of all types and ALL of them evolving by stones, like it should have been from the start.
  • Evo for Mawile and Sableye that makes them justice and doesn't change their thing completely unlike their megas.
  • Evo for Unown: since they didn't feel like making Sigilyph the one, heck just make a weird ass symbol mon called Missigno and call it a day.
  • Evo for Weezing, poison/fire or poison/dark with levitate, and more SpD.
  • Evo for luvdisc, since Alomomola wasn't it for some reason.
  • Evo for lumineon, that sucks, and could avoid sucking with an evo.
  • Evo for Dugtrio, to make everything but its speed suck less.
  • Evo for some mons that are connected to legendaries: with all the insane coding they can put nowadays, why not make it so that you could evolve one (one and no more, to prevent OPness) of the carbinks you've caught or the phiones you've bred into Diancie and Manaphee respectively? evolving at a certain location, within a certain time of the day, holding a specific item that can only be found once, with max happiness, and boom, got yourself a legendary.
  • Evo for Chatot, so that it can become even more scary.
  • Evo for Octillery.
  • Evo for Ledian.
  • Evo for Ariados.
  • Evo for Noctowl.
  • Evo for Electric rodents (pachirisu, dedenne, emolga, etc.)

And more that I don't remember right now.

Edited by zimvader42
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Dunsparce evo.

And I'm still waiting for my Poison/Steel Pokemon.

And a Grass/Fire Jalapeno Pokemon.

And an Electric/Ice Pokemon that can abuse Boltbeam coverage.

And Ghost/Normal Pokemon. One of the best type combinations.

I'd also really like to see Mismagius become Ghost/Fairy while retaining Levitate. Immune to Normal, Fighting, Dragon and Ground.

Ho ho.

You. You gonna like Pokémon Se7en. I won't say any more, but you gonna like it.

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  • Pre-evo for Tropius that looked like a banana with leaves on it -- Pure Grass type
  • Evo for Torkoal that increases its Atk and SpA and actually make it more useful
  • Evo for Sunflora with a Grass/Fire typing and an increase in every stat bar HP, especially SpA and Def
  • Evo for Stantler to make it relevant, since it's probably the most forgotten pokemon in existence
  • Remove the pallete-swapped elemental monkeys from the pokemon world. I started with giving them evos, but realized how aweful they look
  • Joined Evo for Plusle and Minun. Probably something like a Kangaroo with an Electric/Fighting typing that kicks ass and takes names.
  • Find a way to make Magcargo relevant again. And no, being a pillar in Pyrous mt doesn't solve it. It needs an Evo to deal with the aweful typing it has.
  • Mega for Leavanny, since it desperately needs the boost in Atk and Spe, and making it stronger via another evo is not an option.
  • Pre-evo for Girafarig, and possibly another Evo
  • Megas for Butterfree, Raticate, Flygon, Milotic, Luxray, Ursaring, and Gogoat just for the lolz
  • A better Bug/Rock pokemon that can actually use his awesome typing in the competitive gaming
  • A common pre-evo for Tauros and Bouffalant
  • Evo for Sandslash since his cousin, Excadrill, gets all the ladies and he gets nothing
  • An Electric/Psychic Rotom form, like a PC or an old Television
  • A non-binary Nidoran line
  • Release the Zygarde forms as soon as possible

That'll be all for now.

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I do have a Shenreon (Dragon Eevee) in my game, but firstly, an evolution for Shuckle: Swap the Attack and the Defense and raise the speed by a whole lot. Now Shuckle can hold the Eviolite (but still has terrible HP), and its evolution can be a powerhouse! That's all I came up with for this.

Shenreon, I'll describe later.

Shuckle evolution is too OP. Why not a new move or ability that uses defenses as offense. The best offense is defense, after all.

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Mega-Drapion: Make it look scarier, increase in attack speed & defense

Mega-Braviary: FREEDOM TO THE FULLEST! Increase in attack speed and defense

Mega-Golurk: Make it a better looking ancient temple gaurdian. Increase in attack defense & sp.defense

Mega-Hypno: Souls will be much easier to take. Increase in sp.attack speed defense & sp.defense

Mega-Poliwrath: Same situation with slowbro. Increase in attack defense and speed, lower sp.attack


Need an evolution:

Druddigon: Since fairies arrived, it has been shoved into redundancy

Ambipom: Give it a 3rd tail and give it some sort of defensive boost

Girafarig: Make it taller like giraffe and increase it's attacks

Basculin & Alomomola: Seeing they're the only fish PKMN that don't evolve, increase their stats so they can perform their niches alot better

That's all I got

I do have a Shenreon (Dragon Eevee) in my game, but firstly, an evolution for Shuckle: Swap the Attack and the Defense and raise the speed by a whole lot. Now Shuckle can hold the Eviolite (but still has terrible HP), and its evolution can be a powerhouse! That's all I came up with for this.

Shenreon, I'll describe later.

This is madness...

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  • Evo for Sunflora with a Grass/Fire typing and an increase in every stat bar HP, especially SpA and Def

Here's my thought on it; 85 Hp, 75 Att, 80 Def, 125 Sp Att, 85 Sp Def, and 85 Speed. Its abilities Chlorophyll or Solar Power and Its Hidden Ability is Drought.


Mega-Drapion: Make it look scarier, increase in attack speed & defense

Mega-Braviary: FREEDOM TO THE FULLEST! Increase in attack speed and defense

Mega-Golurk: Make it a better looking ancient temple gaurdian. Increase in attack defense & sp.defense

Mega-Hypno: Souls will be much easier to take. Increase in sp.attack speed defense & sp.defense

Mega-Poliwrath: Same situation with slowbro. Increase in attack defense and speed, lower sp.attack


Need an evolution:

Druddigon: Since fairies arrived, it has been shoved into redundancy

Ambipom: Give it a 3rd tail and give it some sort of defensive boost

Girafarig: Make it taller like giraffe and increase it's attacks

Basculin & Alomomola: Seeing they're the only fish PKMN that don't evolve, increase their stats so they can perform their niches alot better

That's all I got

This is madness...

You Sir, Have some Ideas there.

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