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team for Terra


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my team is

Gengar lvl 71: curse, trick room, shadow ball, hex

Walrein lvl 64: surf, swagger, frost breath, blizzard

Floatzel lvl 65:waterfall, strength, surf, aqua tail

Heracross lvl 65: Close combat, brick breack, Megahorn, areial ace

Charizard lvl 73: flamethrower, flame burst ,wing attack, drragon claw

Donphan lvl 73 earthquake, giga impact, assurance, rollout

Ive tried to battle her 4 times and have not beat her.

Do I just need to lvl up walrein, floatzel and heracross a little more or should i replace some members of my team.

I have Hypno, fearow, ariados, rhydon, quagisire and druddigon in my PC that I have trained to be in rotation

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What problems are you facing? Her whole team in general or one member? Your team is good except for some movesets. You should level up walrein and floatzel and have gengar know rain dance. With rain dance boosted attacks you should be able to beat most of her team except for quagsire and garchomp. Floatzel with swift swim should be able to out speed garchomp but with luck walrein should be able to beat garchomp. For quagsire a grass move is recommended but strong stab moves should handle it. Have a damp rock on your rain setter and keep the rain up for the battle.

Good luck. If you need more help just ask.

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What problems are you facing? Her whole team in general or one member? Your team is good except for some movesets. You should level up walrein and floatzel and have gengar know rain dance. With rain dance boosted attacks you should be able to beat most of her team except for quagsire and garchomp. Floatzel with swift swim should be able to out speed garchomp but with luck walrein should be able to beat garchomp. For quagsire a grass move is recommended but strong stab moves should handle it. Have a damp rock on your rain setter and keep the rain up for the battle.

Good luck. If you need more help just ask.

Yea donphan has boosted attack in nature so his earthquake can Knock out half of her team with one hit (nidoking,hippopotas,excadrill). its just her Claydol and her Garchomp that give me the most problems. Psychics boosted damage destroys gengar (my gengars faster but it cant knock it out with only one shadow ball). but the rain dance idea should be able to take care of that for me

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Having Aqua Tail on Floatzel is kind of redundant, since you run both Waterfall and Surf already. You could teach Floatzel Brick Break from TM, or something like that.

Note that in Terra's field, physical/special attacks depend on type of the move and not on the move itself, as it was before Gen 4.

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Be warned as the special stat works a lot different on her field. Also Swagsire giving you issues? Without a grass move it's may be a problem for your team. I guess Gengar can try to outmuscle it but it's pretty healthy. In fact, a lot of her mons are.

Selfdestruct gets a big buff on this field and I almost one-shot Garchomp with a Gigalith using it that was like 8 levels below at least. It also halves the defense of whom it hits.

Edited by Monochrome_Complex
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