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Team For Aya

DAD 4 Game

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So I'm currently at the part of the game where you face Aya, and I'm currently having a difficult time. I know my team isn't the best, but I haven't really ventured into competitive pokemon (or even played the newer games in general) since around the time Diamond was released. Any suggestions are appreciated. My team currently is:



Volt Switch

Electro Ball

Shock Wave


Petal Dance
Giga Drain
Leaf Storm
Rock Smash
Blaze Kick
Double Kick
Sleep Powder
Bug Buzz
Mud Bomb
Gunk Shot
Sludge Wave
I'm definitely considering taking out Panpour and Butterfree. Panpour just doesn't have that great of stats, and Butterfree isn't much better either. I'm definitely also taking out Sunflora for this gym at least. What are some good pokemon to replace them with? I was thinking of a psychic type like Meowstick and maybe a ground type like Donphan, Sandslash, or Golem. Also, is Muk worth keeping for the rest of the game? It seems like a decent special wall, and Sludge Wave is a pretty good move, but other than it hasn't been anything special.
By the way, how exactly do I get the Espurr in Peridot, and I'm not too familiar with the gen 5/6 Pokemon, so is there a major difference between male/female Meosticks?
Edited by DAD 4 Game
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#1 You wanna make sure you make your pokemon have physical attacks or special attacks not both(maybe besides emolga but idk)

#2 if you wanna replace some pokes i suggest getting rid of panpour and sunflora.

#3 Some pokes i suggest:

Go to the underground railnet (under opal bridge) and get past all the rocks and in the very bottom right corner of the area there should be a key. Then in the slums somewhere you can open a door to get a scraggy(BE PREPARED TO VS 3 PANGOROS ONE AT A TIME),

i forget if there needs to be a certain weather condition but in the area where cain got the oshowat(i forget the name) you can find a lotad,

drapion is a alright pickup in the wasteland,

Noibat and noivern is like magikarp and gyaurados, magikarp is useless until it evolves, same for noibat but it evolves at lvl 48, i like it.

budew is really strong and is available in the begining of the game somewhere(CHECK OUT SOME OF THE GUIDES IN ON THE HUNT)

Edited by foovy10
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Well, I am surprised for 2 things: you are using sunflora and you don't really explore. Hosently, do some exploring around but you are at the point where you can get espurr in the wild. Lapis alleyway is the location of them. And they are completely different in the movepool. I tell some suggestions: if you are willing to breed, get manoswine, Swinub is in the cave near shade gym beyond the rock smash point. However since aya 's field nerfs ground types to the point of near no use so go down the psychic route. Try your luck with the mystery egg, you can get after finding all five police officers and after trading the female reward Pokemon egg. Will edit later after I do a quick search through the types you can replace most of your team and does that blaziken has sb?

Edit: well scraggy, sharpedo,drapion, and lotad will help overall but the first 3 three will partly body aya. Scrafty (scraggy evo) had some bulk, sharpedo, against the Nido duo and partly venasaur. Drapion, you probably have to use other moves except on venasaur and keep away from the Nido duo they still can be threats. Lotad will start helping after the 6th gym.

Edited by OmegaRa1der
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Try solid rock Camerupt with Earth Power! Aya's field nerfs only Magnitude and Eartquake, so it can be usefull.

Simple Swoobat with Calm Mind can sweep but you must beware of the physical Dark moves her mons have.

Although most people suggest ground and psychic moves, I have found easier to beat her by taking advantage her secondary types, but you need a lot of diversity in your team.

Make sure that your Blaziken has speed boost and relearn it Bulk Up.

I have used Muk on my 1st run and kept it till the end of Episode 12. Its bulk is really good and Poison Gas with Black Sludge has helped me stall many fights, especially the many double battles! (poison gas targets both opponents).

If you want to replace Simipour with another water type, Lotad and Squirtle are good options. Later you can even consider Horsea and Piplup.

If your Butterfree has Compoundeye you can still use it in this battle for its Sleep powder, but definetely replace it after that. Leavanny, Accelgor, Escavalier, Heracross and Galvantula are all usefull bug pokes that can replace it after 1-2 gyms.

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