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i'm ecstatic about it; more customers + outdoors labour like woodchopping gets a lot more pleasant when it's not cold and rainy.

do you "get your value" from the time you spend on the reborn forums, or do you perceive it as a time waste?

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This is a ludicrous question. Am I the type of person who would willingly continue a project if it were to be perceived as resulting in the incurring of a sustained loss?

That's the beauty of rhetorics, anyways. I answer and also ask a question simultaneously, so I needn't ask another question.

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I abhor the human voice in song. I am a keen critic of classical and Carnatic, Hindustani and western orchestral and chamber music, and I can reasonably appreciate instrumental jazz before the introduction of electric instruments (another convention that I can't fully fathom), but the moment a voice enters the scene and sings something, it is almost as if I become tone deaf, for all song disinterests me.

There's a long story behind that, nevrmind. I'll ask the same question of you again, just to see another view.

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im almost completely on the opposite side of the spectrum; only a faint appreciation for classical remains of my side of the the bridge over the endless abyss of musical differences. lyrics, for me, is the color of the story the instruments ink. it makes the setting palpable to me; although i painted myself into a corner by saying "speaks to you"; it's rarely i identify with music. rap, especially, is one of my favorite genres, but it isn't made for me. i can't think of any song that has spoken to me personally of late; perhaps jamie t's man's machine?

what's the most controversial opinion you have when it comes to food?

alternatively, if thy name is Viridescent, speak, brother, of thee times past, i really wanna know how you got traumatized out of liking lyrical music

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I don't watch anime. I've never even heard of this Jojo thingy.

As for Weenie's question, sigh...maybe sometime later. I'm not obliged to answer it now because it isn't the immediately prior question, mind you!

What makes you like rap? I have always found it rather unintelligible (as well as a tad crude if it contains unsavoury language, which in my limited experience I have found to be plentiful in the samples I have heard...)

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Relax? What is this "relax" you're speaking of? I only have time for studying and forum posting... Spending any time on other things? Preposterous!

Edit: That snipe O_o I think absurd humor is lovely. I also very much adore the Theatre of The Absurd, and the derivatives it has in the modern drama genres.


What is the function of a rubber duck?

Edited by Tartar
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It's too late I'm already eating it

I love losing to people who are genuinely better than that aren't assholes because it means I can learn something. But it mostly depends on the person

What's the weirdest dream you can remember?

Edited by BlueMoonIceCream
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I love losing to people who are genuinely better than that aren't assholes because it means I can learn something. But it mostly depends on the person

Is this why you enjoy playing Smash bros with me so much?

The weirdest dream which I can remember was, um... It was something undertale related... You know what, no. I don't wanna talk about it anymore...

*Passes the question onto the next person*

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(Oi, PsyDucklan, answer already dammit!)

Weridest dream? Okay, this dream was a non existing movie about a boy who wanted to become a cannibal, but wasn't allowed by his parents. His sister, after taking a walk outside, returns home and find her brother, who has suddenly aged to be around 40. He says he ate their parents, but asks her to rescue them, as they appearently had shrunked before their son ate them. Then the girl shrinks and travels inside her brothers body to find their parents.

After this, I am suddenly on my mothers living room, eating dinner with my family. My father and sister purpose we should see a movie, and then brings up the same non existing movie some earlier.

Why do you play Pokémon?

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