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[OU] Power Syndicate


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My team is based on this foo here, but he can't be my lead because he's an all out attacker. Why base a team on Tyranitar? I did this because he has great synergy with the rest of the team and his sandstorm is a great trump card against the common focus sashers and weather teams.


Here's the guy that make people cry, he spanks all special attackers in the face, and walls alot of attackers that don't use stat boost. Slowbro has great synergy with Tyranitar.


Celebi! Armed with Nasty Plot and it's great special attack this here is my second main sweeper. Though it doesn't have a really tight synergy with Tyranitar it still has it with Slowbro and my next pokemon:


Lucario, now here's my lead, a devastating duo with Celebi, except for those dang fire types, but I got slowbro for that. Now Lucario has an amazing movepool and armed with sword dance, it blends shit.


My baton passer, I use Mew to Nasty Plot and add +2 to Celebi or Tyranitar.


I noticed that Scizor could hurt my team because of 3 of my pokemon being phychic and one dark and rock. Now Magnezone has an ability called Magnet Pull which doesn't allowed steel pokemon to switch out, and Magnezone can easily overpower.



Lucario (M) @ Life Orb

Trait: Inner Focus

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spd

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Swords Dance

- Ice Punch

- ExtremeSpeed

- Crunch


Fighting - Slowbro, Celebi, Mew

Fire - Slowbro, Tyranitar

Ground - Slowbro, Celebi

Phychic - Slowbro, Tyranitar, Mew, Magnezone, Celebi

Flying - Tyranitar, Magnezone

Lucario simply has to Sword Dance up as much as he can, and obliterate the foe with Extremespeed, a priority move with a base power of 80. Lucario hasn't failed me before and won't now, Ice Punch and Crunch for coverage against slower ground types, but Extremespeed can easily take out a Landorus without defense EVs.


Slowbro (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Own Tempo

EVs: 216 Def / 132 SAtk / 160 SDef

Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

- Thunder Wave

- Slack Off

- Ice Beam

- Scald


Bug - Lucario, Magnezone

Electric - Celebi, Magnezone

Dark - Lucario, Tyranitar, Magnezone

Ghost - Tyranitar

Grass - Lucario, Celebi, Magnezone

Can easily paralyze a pokemon and use Slack Off until it takes effect. Then Scald/Beam, simple. Slowbro can't easily be OHKO'd, I'm serious, Slowbro is boss and shouldn't be messed with. Ties up well with Tyranitar and Celebi.


Tyranitar (M) @ Chople Berry

Trait: Sand Stream

EVs: 92 Def / 160 SAtk / 40 SDef / 216 Spd

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Crunch

- Thunderbolt

- Fire Blast

- Earthquake


Fighting - Slowbro, Celebi, Mew

Ground - Slowbro, Celebi

Water - Slowbro, Celebi

Bug - Lucario, Magnezone

Grass - Lucario, Celebi, Magnezone

Steel - Lucario, Slowbro, Celebi, Magnezone

I put a chople berry on Tyranitar because it takes 4x damage from fighting. Tyranitar's attack is so high that timid barely effects it. Now look at Ttars move set. It's lovely. Coverage against everything. Except for Fighting, though Fire Blast OHKOs a lot of fighting types because of their low special defense. Nonetheless Tyranitar is my main sweeper and hurts everything.


Celebi @ Leftovers

Trait: Natural Cure

EVs: 220 HP / 200 SAtk / 88 Spd

Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

- Nasty Plot

- Giga Drain

- Hidden Power [Fire]

- Recover


Bug - Lucario, Magnezone

Ghost - Tyranitar

Dark - Lucario, Tyranitar, Magnezone

Fire - Slowbro, Tyranitar, Mew

Ice - Lucario, Slowbro, Tyranitar, Magnezone

Ghost - Tyranitar

Easy to use and effective, set up Nasty Plot and Giga Drain your enemies shit. HP Fire to crush bug types hopes and dreams. Recover for healing of course. I wanted to use Celebi because of this actually, the Nasty Plot thing really works. Try it out.


Mew @ Leftovers

Trait: Synchronize

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spd

Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)

- Nasty Plot

- Baton Pass

- Substitute

- Ice Beam


Dark - Lucario, Tyranitar, Magnezone

Ghost - Tyranitar

Bug - Lucario, Magnezone

Mew also has Nasty Plot, start by using sub and because of Mew's bulk, can easily set up against a physical attacker. Ice Beam to get rid of the Gliscors that I see a lot. Mew is sometimes the ultimate troll also, if someone wants to status any of my pokes I can easily switch Mew in.


Magnezone @ Air Balloon

Trait: Magnet Pull

EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Thunderbolt

- Hidden Power [Fire]

- Flash Cannon

- Explosion


Ground - Slowbro, Celebi

Fighting - Slowbro, Celebi, Mew

Beep! Yayayayay Magnezone, may all the Scizors and Metagross run in fear. This guy isn't just for steel types though, he's an all-rounder so you can use him to attack other pokemon. Yayayaya. I wanted to use Magnezone because like I said before, Scizor is a huge threat and I really need Magnezone to take care of it, and... this is my team.


Lucario (M) @ Life Orb

Trait: Inner Focus

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spd

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Swords Dance

- Ice Punch

- ExtremeSpeed

- Crunch

Slowbro (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Own Tempo

EVs: 216 Def / 132 SAtk / 160 SDef

Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

- Thunder Wave

- Slack Off

- Ice Beam

- Scald

Tyranitar (M) @ Chople Berry

Trait: Sand Stream

EVs: 92 Def / 160 SAtk / 40 SDef / 216 Spd

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Crunch

- Thunderbolt

- Fire Blast

- Earthquake

Celebi @ Leftovers

Trait: Natural Cure

EVs: 220 HP / 200 SAtk / 88 Spd

Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

- Nasty Plot

- Giga Drain

- Hidden Power [Fire]

- Recover

Mew @ Leftovers

Trait: Synchronize

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spd

Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)

- Nasty Plot

- Baton Pass

- Substitute

- Ice Beam

Magnezone @ Air Balloon

Trait: Magnet Pull

EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Thunderbolt

- Hidden Power [Fire]

- Flash Cannon

- Explosion

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Actually the following Pokemon would bend you over, and call you Sally:



Crustle (If used like a boss)



Notice the pattern?

Lol Magnezone could handle this, except for Volca and maybe Crustle, then Lucario or Celebi can come out to finish the job.

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They haven't put it very gently, but it is risky to have a team be 2/3rds weak to one type. You have two steels to counter, but they have no form of recovery, which means if they go, it's gonna be a painful end game. Stealth Rocks (on Mew or Tyranitar?) would certainly help, but you may want to consider swapping one of your psychics out if you're so willing.

Additionally, being that as you have three psychics currently- use Justified on Lucario to draw the attack boost from Dark type attacks? You could get some great momentum that way. Switch in, +1. Swords Dance as they switch out, +2. Kill everything.

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1.) Terrakion: How do you deal with it? Slowbro? Its only a check bro, don't forget that it can only take one X-Scissor and so many banded CC to the face. Celebi is probably offensive [i name threats before I rate] and won't take an X-Scissor to the face either. Mew seems good with that WoW, oh wait, it missed.... Lucario/T-Tar out sped by Terrakion and CC stops them cold.

2.) Tornadus: Like, Hurricane/Focus Blast/Grass Knot set will demolish everything, assuming FB hits. Nothing can out speed it...

3.) Scrotom: Too many Pokemon psychic. Scizor can threaten everyone, and what it can't, Rotom-W can finish. Celebi/Slowbro core both weak to Scizor

4.) Dragonite: Bro, every team needs rocks. Without it, Volcarona/Dragonite automatically become huge threats. Rocks is why they are currently in OU, so use them. Since you don't have them, T-Tar is the closest counter. Slowbro with ice beam, but other than that, once it gets +2, good game.

5.) Toxicroak: Yeah, this thing can rape you dude. Sucker Punch/Drain Punch/Ice Punch.... good game.


I see you copied my idea for the Gen4 monster XD. Its fine on this team.


Its fine, its Mew thats the problem.


Run Defensive Choble T-Tar, with SR.


Keep it I guess, not that bad.


Switch for Amoongus, specially defensive, better synergy with Slowbro.


Magnent Rise>Explosion

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