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Version 6 - Those We Lose


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thankfully the problem with melia was told

but too late for me i could finish geara and zetta alone after the 1000th lose xD

but seriously it was really hard man but the changes and everything new was great made

as a question

what did dr. jenkel mean with "narcissas gym"?

i couldn´t find anything

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Yay sites finally up, and I can finally download V6.2 ...

jeez... I wanted to load 6.2 and suddenly the site is down.

Why are those updates so sneaky?? - Couls you update the title next time you make an update?


I think Normal/Reborn-difficulty Crawly is in DESPERATE NEED of a team update!!! Holy cow!

Why? - I absolutely SLAUGHTERED him with ONLY my level 48 Golem!

How? - Stealth Rock + 3x Rockpolish + Rock Blast = every Pokemon (except Crustle) get's "OHKOed" (two-hit if you count the individual Rock Blast hits...)

Crustle is a GREAT Enemy to set up against, because it can't really hurt Golem. If you don't kill it in one hit, he will waste his Hyper Potions on it.

also 3 double weaknesses against Rock with Volcarona, Yanmega and Vespiqueen.

maybe instead of Crustle make it Armaldo with Swift Swim, to utilize the rain, and with the Moveset: Aqua Jet, X-Scissors, Slash, Rock Slide

- Swift Swim to increase it's low speed,

- Aqua Jet for an rain-empowerd priority move against Rock and Fire types.

- Slash for the Forest-field empowered grass-type attack for Rock and water-types

- X-scissors and Rock Slide for STAB

maybe switch out Vespiqueen out for Heracross or Escavalier, for the additional coverage?


oh, and one thing about Valerie...

Her team is ok... BUT THAT FIELD EFFECT - JEEZUZ!!!

Her field effect is plausible and stuff and ALMOST balanced... the ONE thing that is totally overpowered / unfair is the 'speed cut in half' part for all grounded non-water-types!

(again) HOLY JEEZUZ... IF her team would be slow to begin with I could understand that... but her team isn't THAT slow at all, and I guess it was implemented just to slow down those ridicilously fast Electric types (like Manectric or Electrode), to give her water-pokemon the speed advantage, but everything else just becomes SOOOO slow...

I could only beat her because my Abomasnow knew Mist to cancel out her field...

Personally I would say, reduce the speed cut to 25% or 30% instead of 50%... 50% is just way to brutal...

Edited by Cepheus
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Could anyone tell me what to do after you got the magma stone. After I had beat groudon and I was asked to hand over the stone or keep it. Me not knowing what was going to happen I chose to keep the stone rather giving it to the crazy maid. I think I'm stuck.

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  On 8/14/2015 at 2:49 PM, ThyDarkness said:

Could anyone tell me what to do after you got the magma stone. After I had beat groudon and I was asked to hand over the stone or keep it. Me not knowing what was going to happen I chose to keep the stone rather giving it to the crazy maid. I think I'm stuck.

Go back to Kristiline and un-freeze the TM shop to get Magma Drift. After that just go north of Kakori to get to Valor Mountain. Beware of the whale.

Edited by biboo195
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  On 8/14/2015 at 2:56 PM, ThyDarkness said:

Thank you so much and whale? psh ain't scared of no whale.

You'll be scared of the whale. Treat it as a boss like Reborn's Garchomp/Arceus/Abra/Steelix

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  On 8/14/2015 at 4:28 PM, Octy said:

Where can you get the Itemfinder?? I've been meaning to look for that dusk stone in Goldenleaf (on the route to the odd tower).

You get the Itemfinder in Akora Forest (Route 3 north exit)

you need Cut and the "Ancient Wing" to get past the Seadraking Statue.

A guy in the northwest house will give you the itemfinder

also If you have a Pokemon with Flash you can get Zubat in the Cave above the northwestern house (you have to fight a Zubat-gang + Crobat however)

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  On 8/14/2015 at 4:51 PM, 360ty said:

Where do you go after the battle with primal kyogre and get the shadow hq key?

keep going up valor mountain, the HQ key is for the Sheridian Wetlands formerly known as the badlands in V5 and go back to the Xen Lab and go all left. You'll noticed the door there is locked, Thats where u need that HQ Key. Go through the door and go all the way to the next building there and you'll get a rare pokemon there~

Edited by LeonTakashi
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  On 8/15/2015 at 8:25 AM, Shing said:

Surprsingly people didn't check this one in version 6.

Anyway, now you can the people so have roserade be happy and cry.

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I actually found this one a while back on accident lol, I was just running around aimlessly and saw that area had rocks to climb.

Now Jan just needs to let us climb Terjuma, I'm dyin to see what's up there.

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  On 8/15/2015 at 5:07 PM, Octy said:

Is there a Shiny Stone (or was it Dawn Stone) in the game yet? I was wanting to evolve my Togetic into Togekiss.

In chandelure event(amethyst event after you get surf), if you get done with that you can get a shiny stone and a awesome pokemon as a reward.

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  On 8/15/2015 at 9:55 PM, 360ty said:

How do you activate the other crystals and move further up valor mountain after the fight with kyogre? I do not have magma drift btw have the magma stone away

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