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Pokemon Ascension: Second Sons. [Interest Check]

Darvan Korematsu

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Well I'm still trying to get my foot in the door on this whole RP hosting business and I had a wicked idea that popped up in my mind, inspired by TyrannX's old Pokemon Battlegrounds RP. But...the general idea is a self-governing republic of Pokemon.

It's still just an idea, but I'd appreciate feedback.


For countless years, the great Pokemon creatures of the Kingdoms of Old, believed they were safe under the hands of caring rulers, who made up their minds for them, with the best interests of the people in mind. However, the interests changed, rulers themselves corrupt, all with their own visions of a peaceful and prosperous world for the greater good, regardless of the cost, whether it be the lives of the mothers and fathers, or the resources of the coffers, it didn't matter. No price for peace was too great. The time advanced, the technology advanced, the people and philosophies advanced. Only the fiercest of tyrants and monarchs remained, lording over their people in both fear and respect for their bravery. The names and legends of tyrants and heroes rose and fell for years without second thought to where time felt meaningless and each new kingdom or empire was subject to the satire of inevitable failure.

Finally after centuries, if not millenia of this decrepit oppression of the people, they finally revolted on their tyrannous masters. Unavoidable bloodshed ensued as every tyrant and monarch was recklessly tossed away from the throne.Out of the smoldering ashes of once scattered dominions, came a collective set of visionaries, representatives, and the unwashed masses. Everyone had a different set of goals in mind, as well as progressive thoughts and the will to compromise. With the general agreement of the Old Kingdoms, they pacted a Declaration. A Declaration of government with the people spearheading the affairs, and everyone's thoughts and opinions carried lofty metaphorical weight in policymaking. Henceforth, the organized Declaration proclaimed a new land. A grandiose republic. The Republic of Nalin.

While many of different territories agree and disagree on the musings of the Republic, collectively everyone is accounted for in one way or another. The Republic has stood sturdy for nearly 200 years, and shows no visible cracks on the governmental structure. Although as the old saying goes, "Times change", and a silent malevolence has swept over Nalin. The Pokemon speak of horrid atrocities hat shouldn't even walk the very earth. They speak of transformations that corrupt the soul and warp the mind. Something that not even a stable government could deal with without the hearts and minds of the people. But henceforth Nalin shall prevail!

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Hang on, I got myself I list of questions I compiled encase something like this were to ever occur again...

*Rumages through months worth of written notes and crap...*

Alright, here:

1. How many characters will be allowed per player? Will legendary and/or mythical or minor legendary pokemon be allowed as NPCs? Are we allowed to start out as fully evolved species, or would we have to choose basic/ no evolution forms?

2.What roles would players be filling? Would there be choices as to what one could start as (IE, a politician/representative, a soldier in the armed forces of Nalin, an average joe on the street, etc.)? Or would we all start out in the same metaphorical shoes and have to differentiate based on individual character paths over innate differences of occupation?

3. How will the battle system be conducted in this setting? How many moves can one have in their moveset, and how easy or hard is it to forget said moves and learn new ones? Will there be a leveling system in this setting, and if so, how will it function? In relation to this, what would be the relative starting power level of players on a global scale (IE, would we be complete newbs, or would we be able to handle ourselves at least pretty decently against an equally strong foe if we had to?)? Or would the starting strength depend more on individual experience and backstory elements?

4. What, if any, are some interesting or unique mechanics of this RP that we could expect to see if we applied and were accepted?

5. How large is the age range that a PC may be (EX. 20-30, etc...)? Will there be an age range at all, or will just about anything be acceptable chronologically so long as it isn't outlandish and/or sueish?

I think I've got some more, but since some of these are like 3 questions wrapped into 1, I'll just leave you with these for the current moment and decide if I would want to get into this after...

EDIT: Nope, nevermind, turns out that's all I have right now.

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To answer all your questions.

1. One character is what I'm working with right now. Two might be a thing, but it will probably stay at one to keep it simplistic. I will accept new characters if your current one is killed off. Legendaries will most likely only be allowed on a first come, first serve basis, although I am on the fence about legendaries because of potential powerplaying. You can play as any evolutionary line as you please and evolve as you equally please with given conditions.

2. There will be "classes" if you will. You can be any of the following

- Nalin Conscripted Soldier/Bounty Hunter/Mercenary (These will all be respected in the same regard)

- Nalin Military Officer (Any rank, regardless)

- Senator/Advisor/Enforcer (All different politicians. Senators are the actual "governors", advisors are those who digress in their fields of politics, and enforcers are glorified policemen)

- Plebians (The class referred to as "other" jobs like blue-collars or merchants)

- Other (Special cases, like children)

Expertise in what "class" of occupation your character resides in.

3. In terms of battling, type advantage and experience will mean everything. There are no TMs or HMs in this world, although "Move Tutors" will be accepted as feasible in this world. Strength will be determined like real-world cross referencing. Experience and background will mean everything with strength. Luck and probability will be another (like David and Goliaths would happen but uncommonly at most). Pokemon don't "forget" moves unless they practice them, and they learn techniques through experimentation with their "learning capacity". In terms of moves, I'll say no limits, but techniques is a whole 'nother matter.

Battling will be sorted out through conflicting parties in PMs and either I or one of the parties will post the results.

4. The biggest confliction I will center around is two different mechanics. The first is your alignment to one of the three political factions of the government, and access to "Primal Desolation".

For those who played Battlegrounds and remember the deal with the Lucario, think of Primal Desolation as a Dark Mega Evolution.

There are 3 factions to the government of Nalin. To sum them up briefly

The Empiricals - The warmongering expansionists who believe in sacrifice for safety of the masses. (Empire)

The Nostrings - The hands-off faction that prefers a laissez-faire form of government, instead letting the people rule. (No Strings Attached)

The Paragons - The peace-loving civil rights advocators who prefer a closer to home approach on governing and happiness of the whole. (Perfection)

The PC's will have to side with any of those three factions, or even none at all, to help add to their backstory and maybe reasons why they react how they do.

5. The age of PCs will be limitless withing reasonable doubt. I won't allow anyone to play a toddler or really young child. Legendaries die here, but are reincarnated in other entities. Everyone can die.

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a;right, well, seems legit.

I'm a bit iffy since thats how the whole battle system is going to go (I'm honestly the type of guy who prefers it, if possible, that fights take place out in the open thread where everyone can see and call something out about it if needed, rather than veiled behind the inherent secrecy of a PM system, but eh... that's just me...)

And the mention of 3 factions reminds me of another RP I was rather fond of, however short it's life on here ended up being...

Anyways... like I said, everything looks alright. I think I wouldn't be too afraid to try it out.

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