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Reborn Game Night!


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Hey y'all, check it.

I know that I've gotten crazy busy and as a result haven't been able to host Game Nights half as often as I want to. If things ever calm down to the point where I'll be able to host more frequently, we will definitely get back on that schedule, which you'll definitely know about from thread updates, the status bar, and any other means of communication I have with the community.

However, you all shouldn't have to wait for me to host things; considering I like to live life on the "extremely busy borderline hectic and stress inducing with no room to breathe" side, there's no guarantee that I'll be around anytime soon. Additionally, this has never been an auth hosted event; for those unaware, I started this idea as a bored Ace member half a year before joining the auth team. Anyone here, provided they have the time and patience, is able to host a Reborn game night.

So, here's what we're going to do from this point forward. Should you have aspirations of hosting a Reborn Game Night event, post right here in this thread with the details of your event as well as when you'd like to host it! Please note that a list of games that I generally used are in the OP; if you have a game that you would like to introduce to the community or add to the list, you are free to do so! From there, I will update the OP with the information you've provided me. After that, it's up to you! You, as host, are responsible for advertising your Game Night to the community and seeing it through to completion! Of course, if I'm around, I'll definitely participate!

Just as a note, so that you have all the pertinent info in a clear and easy to read format, when signing up to host you need to give the following info in your post:

  • Game that will be played
  • Start time
  • Location

I hope you all enjoy hosting Game Nights as I have, and that you have success in doing so. I look forward to seeing your signups!

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Hello Rose.

I have a question. Will people who are hosting events while you are unavailable to host over time need to stop hosting once you are back and able to host again or can they continue to host even if you begin to host your own later on? :)

I'm very happy that Reborn Game Night can be organized by other members who wish to put on a fun event and just hang out and have fun with the community. Mafia a couple days ago hosted by you was a lot of fun so thanks for organizing that Rose. :)

I would like to regularly host Game Nights on Friday and Saturday nights around 11 pm EST on the Showdown Server starting next Friday if possible. Games played will depend on the night and what the people around feel like doing. Sometimes I will organize some tourneys (with prizes if possible). Is this okay with you Rose? Having a random variable to the game nights I do or do I have to announce which game I want to play each time I host?

I hope to be a good host and that people can have fun at events I do over time and can't wait to see people there. :)

This is an awesome idea so thanks and have a great night/day everyone. :D

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I think just giving specifically a game, time and date, and where the game will be played is what you need. I don't know if declaring every Friday and Saturday night as your hosting night is gonna fly considering weekends are probably the most optimal times to host and to play. So, just try to limit yourself to one date at a time and leave room for others to give it a shot too. You can give prizes but know that reborn won't be offering them. If you have prizes that you want to give out from yourself, then go ahead.

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Ok, so. Now that I actually have some free time, let's answer these queries.

I have a question. Will people who are hosting events while you are unavailable to host over time need to stop hosting once you are back and able to host again or can they continue to host even if you begin to host your own later on? :)

Why would people need to stop hosting? I mean, hosting all the time gets so wearisome, so I don't mind passing that off to anyone. Like has been noted before though, no one ever really wants to take up that mantel as well as all the time that goes into making sure things go off without any major hiccups.

I'm very happy that Reborn Game Night can be organized by other members who wish to put on a fun event and just hang out and have fun with the community. Mafia a couple days ago hosted by you was a lot of fun so thanks for organizing that Rose. :)

Anytime, my pleasure.

I would like to regularly host Game Nights on Friday and Saturday nights around 11 pm EST on the Showdown Server starting next Friday if possible. Games played will depend on the night and what the people around feel like doing. Sometimes I will organize some tourneys (with prizes if possible). Is this okay with you Rose? Having a random variable to the game nights I do or do I have to announce which game I want to play each time I host?

So, I'm going to say the same thing that Tacos said; you might want to just reserve weekly in case you can't host one week and someone else wants a shot. Also, you won't want to do two days in a row, with the reason being is that people will quickly grow tired of the event; it's something that I ran into as a host. Additionally, it's a good idea to declare the game in advance, seeing as different people are interested in different games. Some will show up for CAH, while others will show up for BGO. This lets your audience know what to expect, lets them evaluate their level of interest, and determines if they'll try to make the game night or not.

If you want to do a tour, you'd need to have an alternate way to set it up. Moderators can't always be around to help set them up using Smogon's system, so you'll need your own way to create brackets and keep track of them. Challonge has been used on the site before and can be considered fairly reliable; you just have to update them manually.

As for prizes, if you can figure out a way to give them to people, go for it. The auth team has never been involved in the running of Game Nights, and as such will not be responsible for providing or handing out prizes to winners. That responsibility, should you choose to incorporate prizes, falls on you and any collaborators alone. There will be no compensation originating from the Reborn auth team. Gotta love disclaimers, am I right?

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