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hi i guess .__,


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well .__,

hi there i hope this is the right place 2 introduce myself a bit and let others know somethin' like me exists here on this world .__,

sooooo 1st thing i wanna say is PKMN REBORN IS FREAKIN' AWESOME and i love it c:

(im bein an idiot and saved the game on route 2 when upd8tin' 2 ep 15 which made me stuck in the wall soooo i started playin' again but now im even at the end of this episode, waitin 4 the next one impatiently~)

then somethin about me ya say

well im introverted livin' being, there4re im surprised im even able 2 write somethin in here owo

18 years now 166,5 cm, 48 kg, transboy

(and im a huge homestuck fan huehue, im also cosplayer (uhm the profile pic))

i loooove drawin' in anime style even tho im not so good in it but whatever i guess i still like doin it

i even tried drawin some reborn chars cuz i love how they look like!
especially cain 'n adrienn 'r both


(sometimes i give the chars a bit edit tho, but usually not much, so sorry 2 original creators i guess)

i also draw some half/realistic thingz but it wont allow me 2 upload anymore picz here so if ure interested u can visit my tumblr page, i also have all those pic (and more) in better quality under pokemon reborn tag .

im not a pro artist but i wish i could be in the future so wish me luck w/ my career, im currently on artistic high school.

i own a few pets - dog and 6 guinea pigs
i love almost all animals includin' spiders, rats, snakes and everythin' c:

im not an active person, im lazy ass and everythin takes me sooo long. XD
like writin this thingy like half of a day :'D

well i guess thatz all but i dont think somebody will really read it sooo whatever, cya around XD

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Welcome to the forums! Community rules to your left, search bar above that, Showdown server above that. Try not to confuse the search bar with the status bar below the rules, as it's a common forum mistake. Or don't. I'm not a cop. I hope that you enjoy your stay!

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Welcome! You should draw some spider artwork and send it DIRECTLY to Amethyst. She'll love it, or the beating's on me. Anyway, enjoy your time here!

Nice artwork by the way.

Here's how far my knowledge of Homestuck goes. Props to Alexus because I wouldn't have found this otherwise.

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Welcome to Reborn. That art is great!

If you had been around here earlier (when you had to restart) we could have fixed it when you updated incorrectly but I guess you get to experience the fun again.

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you could? oh my.. well whatever i still wanted 2 replay it cuz i did not remember the story from the beginnin' and now i get everythin' hehe. c:

again, thanx everyone.. the community seems nice tho x3
oh and dw, im not sane, not at all c: ~

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