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What do you want most in life?


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What I want most in life is to have a stable life and make a family with my loved one, while also having true friends, be they very few or even only one.

Naturally, for a stable life, in this world you need enough money, so well, I want a stable job too. My dream has always been to make my own comics or get a job involving that or...drawing cartoonish/mangaish stuff. At this point , it probably won't happen, but wellp, it's a topic about what we want so :v

Edited by Masquerain
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find someplace where i actually belong. you know, what you call home? yeah i want to go to somewhere like that.

a place where it'll calm myself no matter what. i've yet to discover a location like that.

as of now, it's the night sky that reassures me. so i figure that's where home is. just thinking about it makes me homesick-

so long story short- i think what i want most in life right now is to reunite with the stars

as corny as that sounds

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Wish I could say I was anywhere near as selfless or deep as any of these other people.

What I want most is, in no particular order:

-Tons of money.

-To move out and get my own home, because I'm slowly losing my mind living with my family.

-A bit more self-confidence.

-For wasps and hornets to go extinct. Bees are fine... as long as they stay away from me.

-Eternal life.

-A job. I guess I just want to feel useful.

-Some idea of what I want to do with my life.

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I want to attain knowledge and wisdom, which I consider the pinnacle of success ;).

By the way, Snow, this really is your second topic on the forum lol. I have been here for only like a month or two and I have nearly the same number of posts as you do bro :P.

Edited by BlackMage
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Sex, money, and lots of little fancy chocolates which I guess I could purchase with said money. Then again I can also purchase sex with money.

So just money's fine.

Well said m8.

Also personally....I WANT MY, I WANT MY MTV!

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I guess this would be my ideal life:

I enter an elevator. Inside the elevator, it's snowing. There's someone else here, who becomes my client that I make coffee for. He has a stuffed koala. Just as I finish making the coffee, he realizes he forgot something in his car. The koala loses faith and swallows him whole. I ask the koala what I'm supposed to do with this cup of coffee now that my client is incapable of drinking it. The koala says "Just splash it on somebody, I guess" and vanishes through the elevator walls. I exit.

In the hotel lobby, I meet that guy that's on the "Aliens" meme pictures. I don't say anything, but he mentions that there's freshly baked peanut butter brownies in the cafeteria, so that's where I go. I eat some of them, then I head outside. I think to myself how I'm always mixing up automatic doors and revolving doors. I fall asleep as soon as I get outside, just now noticing I don't have the coffee anymore.

I wake up in a stadium where a rock-paper-scissors tournament is taking place. I end up making it to the third-last round (semi-semifinal?) where I lose to some freckled kid who goes a second after me. I'm pissed that my opponent cheated, but I don't want to make a scene and I did well enough overall in the tournament to be satisfied, so I turned around to leave. Just then, the coffee cup, the koala, and his animal friends burst onto the scene. The coffee cup calls out my opponent. "Hey motherfucker, you cheated!" The coffee cup goes a round with the cheater and wins, with close supervision to ensure he doesn't cheat again. I'm put back in the tournament, and make it to the finals where it's me vs the coffee cup. "Did you think you'd go home because of some pathetic fraud? I'm your real final opponent!" Every time, we pick the same thing. This ends up going on for 10 hours, with strong gusts of wind bouncing around the stadium because of the intensity of our match. By the end of it, we're standing atop platforms pushed upwards by tornadoes, and we pass out from exhaustion. The koala says that both of us did good.

The scene cuts to me, the coffee cup, and the koala + animal friends eating waffles. We'll have many more adventures together.

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i want to be a 15 time world heavyweight champion

i want to be the face that runs the place

i want to be the man that has been to 11 wrestlemanias

i want to the man who rose above the hate

i want to be the current united states champion

i want to be mr never give up

i want to be mr hustle, loyalty and respect

i want to be


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