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Telia Town?


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Hey Jan i think there is a problem with Rejuvenation V6 every time i go into telia town i get the fallowing error popup then the game auto closes

Script 'Interpreter' Line 276: RuntimeError occurred

Script Error within event 72, map 537 (telia town):

Exeption: NameError

Message: (eval):1: in ' pbExecuteScript'uninitialized constant


***Full Script:


Interpreter:243:in 'pbExacuteScript'

Interpreter:1606:in 'eval'

Interpreter:243:in 'pbExacuteScript'

Interpreter:1606:in 'command_355'

Interpreter:494:in 'execute_command'

Interpreter:193;In 'update'

Interpreter:106:in 'loop'

Interpreter:198:in 'update

Game_Event_:265:in 'update'

Game_Map_:448:in 'update'

Any Help?

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guys storyline broke ?? http://gyazo.com/54d37d284792bf259dd1b3d4c5ebea3a this is where i stand after i said keep the magma stone http://gyazo.com/dbc44a47408ae131900c572483184de1

can someone please help

I'd advise for you to make a new topic instead of posting on another thread if you want people to help you more quickly.

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