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Stuck at Ciel


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Most of my team is useless against hers, with the honorable exception of Ampharos. Assume that everyone of my pokes has a bad EV distribution:

Blaziken, Scrafty (physical sweeper, and bulky physical, sometimes they are able to clean up something, but most of Ciel's pokemon are fast enough to 1HKO them with 1 acrobatics),

Mismagius (special sweeper, terrible defense, high SAt, SDf and Spd, usually gets oneshotted since every enemy has at least one physical attack),

Prankster Light Clay Meowstic (very underleveled. Fulfills his function, but that isn't too useful when there are only one or two useful pokes to follow up),

Klingklang (a bit underleveled. It has discharge, but terrible SpAt)

Ampharos (balanced distribution of EVs - which is lost potential because he could be using special attacks instead of physical ones, but so far he is being useful. Cotton Guard, Confuse Ray, Electric Terrain, Thunder Punch, Ability is Stactic)

Except Klinklang and the cat, they are between levels 70 and 73. I also have a Floatzel and Corey's Skuntank at about the same levels, with no EV training, If that helps.

The main problems are that Blaziken, Scrafty and Mismagius are close to useless in this match, since they die faster than they kill (th0s 5pe3d h4x omg), no one can get past that Gliscor, and I suspect they wouldn't have much more success with the Mega Altaria. I'd gladly raise a new, balaced team with good EVs, put it'd be more useful If I had access to the caretakers again.

I've though of raising a Bergmite -> Avalugg to a useful level, with ok EVs, but before taking the effort I'd like If you told me If there's any reason why I sholdn't (It'd be a darn shame that Altaria had flamethrower after I had raised a poke with the sole objective of beating it) and bring me brighter ideas, or tips to train with the limited spots to do so. Thanks in advance.

Edited by Kiroen
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Catch a Golduck or Floatzel from the mountains. Level it up. Change the ability into Swift Swim and make sure it has an Ice move (Ice Fang via relearner for Floatzel, Icy Wind via the Circus tutors for Golduck). Also give them Aqua Jet from the Circus relearner. Get a Damp Rock from the minable rocks if you don't have any. Give Amphy the Damp Rock, Rain Dance and perhaps even Thunder. Start with Amphy, set rain and spam Thunder to down Togekiss. Switch to your Swift Swimmer and oneshot the next 4 mons, Noivern with the Ice move, Archeops and Gliscor with rainboosted Water STABS and Talonflame with Aqua Jet. Spam the ice move on Altaria, and when the water mon goes down, throw everything at it. I guess Klinklang can survive an EQ, set a Gear Swift and take care of the job.

Edited by Odybld
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Beartic is a good choice, because mine was barely EV Trained and it still got some good kills after rain was up. Terra's Rawrchomp got two shot by My Beartic. It literally is very bulky and can one shot her Noivern and do a hell of a lot of damage to the rest of her team. I just happened to catch a high leveled on with good IVs. Another good choice is a rock type Pokemon like Gigalith that can set up stealth rocks. Other than that Two words; Good Luck.

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Oh yeah, Beartic is a Swift Swimmer too! You can give it Aqua Jet for priority via relearner (prio by a SSer in rain deals with Talonflame), and spam Icicle Crash instead of Water moves on the other three. Just make sure to use the rain turns well.

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Klingklang. I hope it has Gear Grind and Shift Gear. Cause it has the potential to beat her. (If you have a few heart scales, you can use the tutor in The Agate Circus.) Set up a few shift gears and you're set. - in gear :] I agree with what Odybld said too. It works!

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I made it at last! I made small adjustments before the battle: swapped Blaziken for Floatzel (Quick Swim, Frost Bite) as Odybld suggested, gave Damp Rock and Rain Dance to Meowstic and gave a balloon to Klinklang. I started with Ampharos to double punch Togekiss out of the way, as it'd likely be harder to deal for Floatzel, but Togekiss was swapped for Archeos at the second turn. I was expecting to start as Ampharos and swap to Mismagius when Archeos came to battle (to follow Qoseph's Nasty Plot I'm gonna kill myself after such a terrible joke), but he got immediately 1HKOed, because of the ninja swap. D'oh.

Then Noivern came. I swapped to Meowstic to set up Rain for Floatzel - he used Rain Dance and died immediately after. Floatzel, as expected, attacks first with Ice Fang, "the x4 damage from type weakness should kill him for sure!" I though. Noivern stayed at red life bar and BAM. Crit. Floatzel out in the first turn. Both strategies failed, cool. I though that, at least, I could still try to find a way to set up Mismagius, even If it was just to check how'd it work. I finished Noivern with Mismagius, I swapped to Ampharos to fight Togekiss, and he got paralyzed by attacking Ampharos. That was the chance - Confuse Ray (If a poke has both paralysis and confusion he only has 1/3 of chances of attacking successfully each turn), and swap to Mismagius. Raised SpAt to the maximum while Togekiss lost several turns attacking himself, roosting, and, you know, being paralyzed. After that, Mismagius procceded to oneshot every single one of Ciel's remaining pokes, even Talonflame (I had expect that one to be faster and able to oneshot Mismagius first), even Altaria.

I think I learnt a lot today - specially getting some pushes from you guys to think outside of the box. Thanks for the help.

Edited by Kiroen
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