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We need more water birds, so here's swanna boost


HP 75 -> 100

Attack 87 -> 60

Defense 63 -> 60

Special Attack 87 -> 100

Special Defense 63 -> 100

Speed 98 -> 98

BST: 473 -> 523

Water Sport (Start and lv3) -> Mud Sport (Same)

Brave Bird (47) -> Hydro Pump (Same)

Defogs still, but is able to stand as a viable specialist. Low defense allows it to be defeated, but 100 Special Defense and HP allows it to be a shield of sorts, especially against fire, water, and bug.

Also, Delibird is a very unique niche that gets no respect.


HP 45 -> 45

Attack 55 -> 90

Defense 45 -> 50

Special Attack 65 -> 90

Special Defense 45 -> 45

Speed 75 -> 120

BST: 330 -> 440

Abilities: Insomnia -> Prankster

Egg Moves: Add Blizzard and Explosion (fits with present)

Essentially this is a Flying/Ice Sharpedo. But, it's moveset allows it to remain a spike setter/destiny bonder, bolstered by 120 speed AND prankster. The addition of Blizzard and Explosion offer Delibird a means of being offensive but not abusive. Low defenses and HP give it particularly good destiny bonding abilities.

Edited by Dragon116
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Wormadam could use some buffs.

Wormadam - Plant Cloak

- HP: 60
- Attack: 59
- Defense: 85
- Special Attack: 79 -> 109
- Special Defense: 105
- Speed: 36 -> 66
- Total BST: 424 -> 484

Abilities: Anticipation -> Chlorophyll

Type: unchanged

Psybeam lv 32 -> Giga Drain lv 32
Captivate lv 35 -> Sunny Day lv 35
Attract lv 41 -> Bug Buzz lv 41

This turns Plant Cloak Wormadam into a fast special attacker with sun.

Wormadam - Sandy Cloak

- HP: 60
- Attack: 79 -> 109
- Defense: 105
- Special Attack: 59
- Special Defense: 85
- Speed: 36 -> 66
- Total BST: 424 -> 484

Abilities: Anticipation -> Sand Rush

Type: unchanged

Psybeam lv 32 -> Pin Missile lv 32
Captivate lv 35 -> Sandstorm lv 35
Attract lv 41 -> Earthquake lv 41

This makes Sandy Cloak Wormadam into a fast physical attacker with sand.

Wormadam - Trash Cloak

- HP: 60
- Attack: 69 -> 79
- Defense: 95 -> 120
- Special Attack: 69
- Special Defense: 95 -> 120
- Speed: 36
- Total BST: 424 -> 484

Abilities: Anticipation -> Battle Armor

Type: unchanged

Psybeam lv 32 -> Payback lv 32
Captivate lv 35 -> Curse lv 35
Attract lv 41 -> Gyro Ball lv 41

Boosted defenses and a solid defensive typing and critical hits being prevented by Battle Armor lets Trash Cloak Wormadam set up Curse.

Edited by Nanami's-Egg
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HP 55 -> 65

Attack 35 -> 75

Defense 50 -> 50

Special Attack 55 -> 75

Special Defense 110 -> 110

Speed 85 -> 105

BST: 390 -> 480

Type: No change
Ability: -Early Bird +Sheer Force
TM Compatibility: +Psychic, +Shadow Ball
Comet Punch L1 -> Drain Punch L1
Swift L41 -> Dazzling Gleam L41

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So I changed my mind about the first release, I'm releasing it now for testing. Here it is. To install it, just drop the "Data" folder (it's inside that file) into your Reborn folder. This patch is intended for Episode 15.1, other episodes might not work correctly if at all. I'm also going to update the op with this info.

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HP:75 > 85

Attack:55 > 85

Defense: 70 > 80

Sp Attack: 55 = 55

SpDef:95 = 95

Speed:110 = 110


Typing=Remains Same

Ability: Remove Leaf Guard in favour of Sap Sipper

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HP 83 -> 83

Attack 106 -> 109

Defense 65 -> 70

Special Attack 86 -> 76

Special Defense 65 -> 70

Speed 85 -> 89

BST: 490 -> 497


Feint Attack (17) -> Arm Thrust (17)

Mud Bomb (29) -> Poison Fang/Tail (29)

Venoshock (36) -> Drain Punch (36)

Nasty Plot (41) -> Hone Claws (44)

Toxicroak didn't need any real boost, just a redistribution of stats. The main issue with Toxicroak's reborn playability is it's random ass level up table. It only has 1 fighting move, and a good portion of it's pool were special. This moveset gives it some viable moves to work with, especially given a lack of TMs and Tutors in the game early on. While easily replaced by Gallade, this distribution of stats will at least make you think about keeping Toxicroak on your team, or at least rotation.

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  On 8/5/2015 at 6:04 PM, Bazaro said:

Some stat-ups for unloved mons...


70/80/65/90/65/85 (455) -> 70/90/75/100/75/95 (505)

Going with Girafarig's new stats...

Normal/Psychic -> Dark/Psychic

Sap Sipper -> Adaptability

+ TM97 Dark Pulse

Level 28 - Double Hit + Dark Pulse

Level 46 + Swords Dance (and keep Nasty Plot)

This way, Girafarig will get more power, on the physical OR special side!

(P.S. Baz has a lot more than stats for some Pokemon now...)

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HP 73 -> 73

ATK 95 -> 105

DEF 62 -> 82

SPA 85 -> 85

SPD 65 -> 65

SPE 85 -> 95

TOT 465 -> 505

Normal -> Normal / Fighting

+ TM Bulk Up

+ TM Low Sweep

+ TM Focus Blast

+ TM Rock Smash

+ HM Strenght

Lvl 27: Calm Mind -> Bulk Up

Lvl 53: Captivate -> High Jump Kick

HA: Sap Sipper -> Sap Sipper



HP 73 -> 73

ATK 95 -> 95

DEF 62 -> 62

SPA 85 -> 105

SPD 65 -> 75

SPE 85 -> 95

TOT 465 -> 505

Normal -> Normal / Psychic

+ TM Dazzling Gleam

Lvl 43: Jump Kick -> Dream Eater

Lvl 53: Captivate -> Psychic

HA: Sap Sipper -> Serene Grace

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Ghost -> Ghost/Dark

64 -> 72

115 -> 120

65 -> 70

83 -> 70

63 -> 60

65 -> 72

30 lvl Shadow Ball -> Shadow Claw

34 lvl Embargo -> Knock Off

52 lvl Grudge -> Phantom Force

70 lvl Destiny bond

Insomnia/Cursed Body and hidden ability Prankster when non-mega evolved

64 -> 72

165 -> 153

75 -> 80

93 -> 83

83 -> 70

75 -> 80

Mega Banette's Ability would be Tough Claws.

Obviously what i did here was make Banette a totally physically attacker and more bulky in the physical side while making it more frail on its' special side. As a mega evolution it already has big dmg so i reduce its' attack and replace the dmg loss with a good ability. Banette doesn't have a good speed so boosting it slightly would not change so much i guess.

Edited by timbla
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Ice/Psychic -> Ice/Fairy

Def 35 -> 60

Speed 95 -> 115

BST 455 -> 500

Lv 15 Double Slap -> Draining Kiss

Lv 25 Mean Look -> Moonlight

Lv 33 Wake-Up Slap -> Play Rough

Lv 49 Wring Out -> Moonblast

+TM Dazzling Gleam

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  On 8/7/2015 at 8:02 PM, timbla said:



I think Mega Banette with tough claws might be somewhat over-the-top, with that stab Knock Off. Maybe a little less attack, or another ability altogether would be better. (not to mention that ghost/dark is only weak to fairy, i mean, look at Sableye.) In any case, Megas aren't even usable in reborn yet, so I'm not adding any just yet.


HP: 70 -> 70

Atk: 80 -> 50

Def: 70 -> 55

Sp. Atk: 80 -> 120

Sp. Def: 70 -> 60

Spd: 110 -> 125

Total: 480 -> 480


Wake-up slap L37 -> Aura Sphere L37

Captivate L41 -> Ice Beam L41

By reallocating some stat points, Froslass is brought to the same speed tier as weavile, and is now also equal to it in terms of offense, which allows it to function as a more efficient lead/sweeper, while also losing some bulk, because, who are we kidding, Ice/Ghost isn't going to tank anything anytime soon.

Release 4 is almost done! Just one or two more submissions and it'll be done!

Edited by Alchemi
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HP: 67 -> 80

Attack: 58 -> 40

Defense: 57 -> 80

Special Attack: 81 -> 90

Special Defense: 67 -> 80

Speed: 101 -> 101

BST: 431 -> 471

Plus -> Volt Absorb (?)

+ TM99 Dazzling Gleam

Level 39: - Entrainment, + Super Fang (so no need for Move Tutor)

Level 42: - Play Rough, + Dazzling Gleam

This'll make Dedenne just a bit stronger and bulkier!

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  • 2 weeks later...


HP: 78 -> 80
Atk: 70 -> 110
Def: 61 -> 70
Sp. Atk: 50 -> 30
Sp. Def: 61 -> 70
Spd. 100 -> 120
Total: 420 -> 480
Type: Normal -> Normal/Ghost
Ability: -Quick Feet, +Unburden

Moves :

Fling lv48 -> Extreme Speed lv 60

I think that Linoone should be more of a sweeper, hence Unburden+more Atk and Speed, but it should be able to switch into something and not die in 1 hit. Pineapple remembers this very clearly, and he told me that he wished that this'll be a thing in Reborn

Seeing that Linoone has already been mentioned, i'll put up another.


HP : 75 -> 80

Atk : 95 -> 110

Def : 60 -> 75

Sp.Atk : 65 -> 10

Sp.Def : 60 -> 75

Speed : 115 -> 120

Total : 470 -> 470 (Just switch some stats around)

Type : Normal -> Normal

Ability : Stays the same

Moves : Sing (start) -> Arm Thrust (start)

Edited by biboo195
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  • 2 weeks later...

Um hai :3

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and i dont know if it would be fair since its a Fossil but whatever :/

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Let me know what you think :}

EDIT : -One that accually needs it and its not just a Pokemon i like-

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EDIT 2 : I cannot download it anyways because : "Unable to load the webpage because the server sent no data." *sigh* -_-

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Awwww yiss

Delibird :

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The next one isn't totally serious, but it could be funny :3

Metapod :

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Kakuna :

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List of changes :

Gen 1:

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Gen 2:

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Gen 3:

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Gen 4:

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Gen 5:

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Gen 6:

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Other suggestions and alternatives:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I know that apparently the download isnt working but still...


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bizzare but... Rampardos

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