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Jumping on the introductions bandwagon...


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So like most people I've been lurking on here for way more than would be deemed socially acceptable in the real world, and I finally pulled myself together to make an account! So... yay!

I'm not much of a competitive battler (I enjoy it but i'm not good at it, hah), but like many people I found this place through the game and have been reading through the forums and stuff ever since. Thank you, Amethyst, for such an amazing game!! And thanks everyone else, for this awesome community! :D

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Hey! What's up? Welcome to the forums! If you've been poking around the forums, you probably noticed the lack of sanity and sense. We take pride in our absurd randomness. As for competitive battling... Jump on the showdown server! The people there would be willing to give you a few tips. If you need help with anything don't hesitate to ask. I hope you enjoy the forums!

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As for competitive battling... Jump on the showdown server! The people there would be willing to give you a few tips. If you need help with anything don't hesitate to ask.

I wouldn't worry about lack of skill. I play like I'm constantly drunk, but that doesn't stop me from having fun on the Showdown server.

Haha, thanks guys ^^ I probably will find my way to the server eventually... About said server though, I was wondering: Since field effects are part of the game, are they somehow used on the server as well?

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Haha, thanks guys ^^ I probably will find my way to the server eventually... About said server though, I was wondering: Since field effects are part of the game, are they somehow used on the server as well?

Showdown stays true to the official games, so no fields(apart from the electric and misty terrains). The Reborn server is no different from any other Showdown server(outside of the general insanity that is quite abundant in this forum).

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Welcome to Reborn! Always nice to see more lurkers coming out of the woodwork, and don't worry. You're very far from alone with not being good at competitive battling All I want is one measly win ;_; If you want to get better, the community is always happy to help, and just generally, enjoy your time here!

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Welcome to Reborn! I'll show you around.

There's cookies to your left and our fellow members wrapped in straitjackets to your right.

There's cake too, but those are mine.

Don't touch okay? ❤

I hope you enjoy your stay and have fun!

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Welcome to the forums! Community rules to your left, search bar above that, Showdown server above that. Try not to confuse the search bar with the status bar below the rules, as it's a common mistake. Or don't. I'm not a cop. I hope that you enjoy your stay!

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How I wanted my hello's to feel like:


How they actually are:


Well met, Alou.

Late-welcome to Reborn!

Another lurker eh? I wonder if every single lurker just decided to actually become a member... the amount of people tho.

Anyway, see this staff? I'm goign to hit you in the head and WOLOLO \o/

Now you're blue. I hope you like it~

Well, I hope you'll enjoy your stay* here in the Reborn place place~

I'll see you around

*stay may or may not be permanent. Most likely permanent.

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