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Help with Kiki


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My current Team:

Medicham lvl 40 (Att Up/Speed Down, Pure Power, {Hidden Power, Calm Mind, High Jump Kick, Drain Punch})

sadly I can't get his Psychic type move due to me not being able to access the move relearner

Camerupt lvl 41 (Even, Anger Point, {Lava Plume, Earth Power, Rock Slide, Growth})

Scrafty lvl 40 (Att Up, SpAtt down, Moxie, {Brick Break, Crunch, High Jump Kick, Ice Punch})

Samurott lvl 42(Att Up, SpDef down, Shell Armor, {Fury Cutter, Rock Smash, Slash, Razor Shell})

Murkrow lvl 42(Att Up, SpAtt down, Super Luck, {Wing Attack, Assurance, Feint Attack, Brave Bird})

Roselia lvl 36 (SpAtt Up, Att down, Leaf Guard, {Giga Drain, Toxic Spikes, Growth, Magical Leaf})

possible switches:

Magneton lvl 36(SpAtt Up, Speed Down, Sturdy, {Spark, Metal Sound, Electro Ball, Flash Cannon})

Hariyama lvl 34 (Even, Guts, {Knock Off, Vital Throw, Focus Energy, Force Palm})

Heatmor lvl 40 (Att Up, SpAtt down, Flash Fire, {Snatch, Flame Burst, Bug Bite, Night Slash})

Grimer lvl 27 (SpDef Up, Def Down, Sticky Hold, {Sludge, Minimize, Pound, Mud Bomb})

Bad Stats and Ability due to knowing that I won't use it that long

Ampharos lvl 35(SpAtt Up, Att down, Static, {Thunder Wave, Power Gem, Electro Ball, Rock Smash})

I'm currently looking for a Psychic type Pokemon for my team which I can also use later on in the game if possible.

Otherwise a Flying type Pokemon would be okay but due to Kikis Pokemon having Rock type Moves Psychic would be prefered.

What can I get until Apophyll which is a good Pokemon. I already breeded a Gothita but didn't train it until now.

I'm waiting till I heard what you guys think what would be best.

Thanks in advance and sorry for any grammatical mistake.

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I would suggest a gothitelle! If you don't know where to find oneyou can always go to on the hunt forum. However you can get yourself a gothita by returning to that library-mansion which is close to Beryl (where you found the dead policeman)

eEdit: didn't see the last sentence sorry! But i think that gothita is your best psychic chance at the moment! Remember the field of Kiki! If you use flying type moves it will lower your accuracy due to sand!. Psychic(move) gives you better chance due to the boosted base by 1.2

Edited by Kookies
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Thanks I found that Gothita but mine was aweful so I breeded one.

Is it currently the best psychic type pokemon? Because I was thinking in getting Ralts nonetheless later on.

Is Gothita somewhat on a same level as Ralts (without thinking about the fairy type)?

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Ralts is obviously better (my fav pokemon)!!! However in episode 15 is not accesible until later on when you will find a corrupted pokeball. So now there are lenty of psychics(musharna Swoobat Hypno Crumpig Chimecho Meowstic and MrMime (and of course Delphox but you know starter))

Your choice!

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Hmm, you can always get an Espurr and train it up if you want but Gothitha is pretty good.

Kiki was the toughest leader for me on my first playthrough so I sympathise with you. Psychic is boosted by her field so that should make her quite easy (I beat her with my Unpheasant- it was hell).

Just a quick note- this should have been in the gym leader help thread rather than making your own but we all make mistakes.

Good luck with Kiki!

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For Meowstic it depends what you need. If it is just for Kiki I'd recommend female as stalling out Kiki is not really that viable but if it is in the long run I'd go with male. In the end it is up to you.

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Espurr Male < Espurr Female < Gothitelle <Gardevoir. Espurr male is for utility while female is for dmg, gothitelle deals more dmg than espurr female but is slower, but bulkier and Gardevoir is the best, due to rly high dmg and decent speed, still better than Gothitelle, as well as fairy moves as well to counter those scraftys and pangoros.

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