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What's a Crow's favorite element?


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Hello! I'm CROWmium anime/manga fan, video game lover, pokemon devotee and probably more!


I'm particularly drawn to the Tokyo Ghoul series as evidenced by pretty much everything I have on display.

I have a knack for coming up with puns to the dismay of my friends, and it's pretty much been one of my favorite tendencies, my username is the result of that.


My tumblr is alterego-izm!

I'm an incoming College Freshman, on his last few months of Summer break so that gives you context age-wise and education wise.

I like playing League of Legends at CROWmium.

Among other things I also enjoy building gunPla models, biking to new places, and above all Pokemon which is why I am here today.


My interests are scattered over the place but I came upon this site after hearing of the Fan made game, I haven't been on a forum regularly since 2009-2010 so I figured i'd give it a go. It's very nice to make everyone's acquaintance and if there's anything else that you might want to know don't hesitate to give me a shout! Thank you and have a wonderful day.


Edited by CROWmium
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Welcome to Reborn! I'll show you around.

There's cookies to your left and our fellow members wrapped in straitjackets to your right.

There's cake too, but those are mine.

Don't touch okay? ❤

I hope you enjoy your stay and have fun!

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I have a knack for coming up with puns to the dismay of my friends, and it's pretty much been one of my favorite tendencies

A CHALLENGER!...is what I'd say if I actually posted frequently. Guess we can team up to terrorize entertain the people here :P

But on a more serious note, if you have any problems with the game, want advice on your team or can't beat something, check out my home the Team Showcase section. Or my home. I'm lonely, dammit

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Well met Crow~

Wlecome to Reborn!

It's too early right now for me to post anything that makes sense, so I'll just hit you with this staff and say WOLOLO \o/

And now you're blue.

Please, enjoy your stay here though~

See you around o/

Totally not happy there is another person who loves Tokyo Ghoul. Not at all :]]]]

Welcome to the forums mate!

Not gonna lie, when I saw the avatar I thought you were making a late intro :x

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Welcome to the forums! Community rules to your left, search bar above that, Showdown server above that. Try not to confuse the search bar with the status bar below the rules as it's a common mistake. Or don't. I'm not a cop. I hope that you enjoy your stay!

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Welcome to the land of the Reborn forums where the reborn community gathers, please leave behind your sanity so it can be stored safely in the Forbidden Lands behind me, enjoy your stay and know that the rumours about us being sane is not true, we are insane about reborn!

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Welcome to the forums :D! There are many anime addicts on this forum here (including me) and this link will help you : http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=4100

Its a link to a popular anime topic.

Anyways, back to topic, I hope your stay here is warm and you enjoy your time (and sanity for a while) here!

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Omg I'm late

Welcome to the forums, Crow! If you haven't heard, there's a "no sanity" rule in place. I think you'll be fine. Read up on the rules so the Mods don't get on you, and if you need help with anything don't hesitate to ask!

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