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Thoughts on team?


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Get a Heart Scale, and go to the Underground Railnet. Rock Smash walls to find house key, take it to Onyx Ward and relearn Ancient Power on Piloswine, level it up and you'll have a Mamoswine. For water types, Pelipper isn't the best without TM moves (or even with them), so it's up to you on whether or not to keep training it or swap it for a different water type, preferably a Sp. Attacker.

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To be honest, there's quite a few better Ghost, Water, Flying and Psychic types around. See, Dusclops, Meowstic and Pelipper don't hit hard...at all. Dusclops and Pelipper have good bulk, but they have no way to use it, really. And Meowstic's Prankster can come in handy, but the only worthwhile move it has to go with Prankster is Yawn.

For actual recommendations, I'll be going off all options, of which a lot can only be gotten by breeding in pre-E13, check the pinned guide here for details (and if something's not explained well enough, feel free to PM me):

Ghost types being the rarest type doesn't help with variety, but there's still way better than Dusclops/noir. Mismagius, Chandelure (if you beat gym #8 just now, you can get this one 2 gyms later), Gourgeist, Shedinja and, the IMO best for you, Cofagrigus.

-Mismagius is just a fast strong attacker and has the most variety of all of these. Power Gem, Thunderbolt, Magical Leaf, Psychic, Charge Beam, Icy Wind and a very fast Destiny Bond.

-Chandelure hits even harder, but it's speed is low. Low enough for it to be able to set up and work well in Trick Room, which your team would appreciate seeing as nothing you have is terribly fast (though Chandy's not the most reliable TR setter by ever). Also gets some good moves with Energy Ball and Psychic, and Heat Wave for all the double battles ain't bad.

-Gourgeist is the best physical wall currently in the game (because it takes next to no damage from any physical attack, gets Leech Seed and Will-o-Wisp to drain 1/4th of the foe's health per turn and absorb some of it and the combo of Protect and Shadow Force makes it invulnerable for every 2 out of 3 turns while the statuses whittle the foe's health down).

-Shedinja actually works a lot better than what you'd expect. Of course, it's toast if something with an SE attack comes in, but there's still plenty of foes that have at least one Pokemon with no way to hit it, yet they just stay in and let you set up to +6. Hone Claws, Shadow Sneak, X-Scissor, Shadow Claw/Dig. Come in on something you can HC on, Shadow Sneak everything else because you're very likely to be outsped with that glorious 40 Base Speed.

-But I do think Cofagrigus is your best bet. It's stronger than Dusclops, physically bulkier, actually useful for something. Said something being setting up Trick Room and attacking (with or without NP boosts before that). It's best set would IMO be Nasty Plot, Shadow Ball, Hidden Power Fighting, Trick Room. HP Fighting is by far the best option for a 2nd attack, but if you don't wanna breed for a specific Hidden Power (which isn't all that hard, check the pinned guide in this section to see read).

Water's got quite a few good things:

Kingler, Crawdaunt, Huntail, Clawitzer, Empoleon and Relicanth being the ones that...do anything worthwhile, while Feraligatr, Empoleon and Gorebyss are the best Water types in the game IMO. Sets:

-Sheer Force, Agility, Waterfall, Rock Slide/X-Scissor/Brick Break/Knock Off for Kingler (Archen>Corphish>Krabby for RS and KO, Kricketune/Karrablast/Ninjask/Dwebble>Skorupi>Krabby for XS and KO, Corphish>Archen>Anorith>Krabby for all RS and XS or all three)

-Adaptability, Knock Off, Waterfall/Crabhammer, Swords Dance/Dragon Dance, Aqua Jet/Rock Slide/X-Scissor/Brick Break. Aqua Jet is pointless if you aren't using SD, chains for RS and XS are the same as for Krabby.

-Water Veil, Waterfall, Shell Smash, Ice Fang, Sucker Punch for Huntail.

-Mega Launcher, Water Pulse/Scald, Ice Beam/Dark Pulse/Dragon Pulse/Aura Sphere/Sludge Wave for Clawitzer, the chain for Ice Beam and Scald is in the guide.

-Rock Head/Sturdy, Head Smash, Waterfall, Earthquake, Zen Headbutt/Yawn for Relicanth (Whiscash for Zen Headbutt and EQ, Wooper or Whiscash for EQ).

-Any Ability, Surf, Ice Beam, Hidden Power Grass/Electric, Shell Smash for Gorebyss. Psychic is also an option for a 3rd attack if you're too lazy to get the right Hidden Power, but HP Grass/Electric works much better. You can also go Baton Pass.

-Torrent, Agility, Surf/Scald/Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Grass Knot for Empoleon. Chain in the guide.

-Sheer Force, Waterfall, Ice Punch, Crunch, Dragon Dance for Feraligatr.

There's also the mystery egg from the police in the Jasper Ward, which can give you, for Water types, Tentacruel, Starmie and Azumarill. For those:

-Liquid Ooze, Sludge Wave, Scald/Surf, Ice Beam, Wring Out/Acid Spray. Or be real and use SD, Waterfall, Poison Jab, Knock Off Tentacruel which is surprisingly fun.

-Natural Cure, Hydro Pump, Psychic, Power Gem, Icy Wind/Minimize.

-Huge Power, Belly Drum/Waterfall/Aqua Jet/Play Rough/Bounce/Superpower/Brick Break/Body Slam.

For Flying types, there's Crobat, Swellow, Staraptor, Honchkrow, Swoobat, Sigilyph, Archeops, Braviary and Hawlucha that are worth any time. Sets, in order:

-Inflitrator, Nasty Plot, Venoshock, Air Slash, HP Fighting/Ground.

-Guts, Facade, Brave Bird, Protect, Endeavor/Thief.

-Reckless, Close Combat, Brave Bird, Double-Edge, Mirror Move/Thief.

-Moxie, Tailwind, Sucker Punch, Night Slash/Mirror Move, Drill Peck/Brave Bird.

-Simple, Calm Mind, Psychic/Stored Power, Air Slash, Charge Beam. (btw, with Simple and Stored Power's power, the number of boosts isn't doubled, only their effectiveness. You can get the effect of +6 when you're at +3, though you can keep setting up after 3)

-Tinted Lens, Stored Power, Cosmic Power, Air Slash, Charge Beam.

-Defeatist, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Acrobatics/Fly/Bounce, Endeavor/Dragon Claw/Crunch.

-Sheer Force?, Tailwind, Superpower, Brave Bird, Crush Claw.

-Unburden, High Jump Kick, Acrobatics, Swords Dance/Dig/Rock Slide/Poison Jab.

And for Psychic types, Gothitelle, Reuniclus, Alakazam, Metagross, Delphox, Malamar and the ones already mentioned up there^^:

-Frisk/Competitive, Psychic, Calm Mind, Shadow Ball/Dark Pulse, HP Fighting/Energy Ball/Thunderbolt/Charge Beam.

-Regenerator/Magic Guard, Psychic, Trick Room, Shadow Ball, HP Fighting/Energy Ball/Thunderbolt.

-Magic Guard, Psychic, Shadow Ball, HP Fighting/Energy Ball/Thunderbolt/Charge Beam.

-Clear Body, Agility, Meteor Mash, Zen Headbutt, Brick Break

-Magician, Flamethrower, Psychic, Grass Knot, Shadow Ball.

-Contrary, Superpower, Psycho Cut, Night Slash, Rock Slide.

That's that then. If you want anything explained, do tell/PM.

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You can run Hidden Power (Ice) or Grass Knot for the 4th move on Starmie. I run him myself

What. Why does Starmie even learn Grass Knot? Anyways, that works. Although it's probably vest used instead of Power Gem. Water+Ice is only resisted by Water types, ehich Hrass hits SE, and Psychic is Stab. Icy Wind's speed drops can also.come in handy.

I think hidden power is a waste of time now since it's always 60 BP ad you're not getting STAB off it. Nothing is dying to that, not even with a 4x weakness.

...hidden power is one of the most used moves in competitive, and for good reason. Let's ignorehow good getting to choose a moveof any type is for stuff that has terrbile natural movepool variety, like Gengar; a lot of things wouldn't be able to function without it. For example, Nasty Plot Cofagrigus. With NP and TR, it's coverage relies on only Shadoe Ball and one otger move. Shadow Ball and HP Fighting have perfect neutral coverage, while the combo of SB and any other move it gets make NP Cof unusable.

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I'm talking about for starmie, and competitive =/= in-game. Starmie doesn't have the luxury of buffing up her offense as far as I know and even with her solid special attack it's just not going to do enough because the move itself is too weak.

Nasty plot + his defenses specifically is what gives Cofagrigus his utility with HP and if he's prevented from setting up it won't do him much good either. Starmie can't set it up as easily, at least not in reborn so it ends up not as useful as you'd expect.

Had it been ice beam I'd agree, but hidden power? nah

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