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I'm planning on replacing Meowstic for Gardevoir, I don't know about Pelliper... I like her but she's too weak and I feel like she dies too fast. Kricketune is just an HM slave for now. I might keep Magneton unless someone could suggest a stronger electric type? Golem I'll probably keep since she has stealth rock and is good for setting that up at least.

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Well just as a heads up for now, Magneton will prove very useful in several upcoming fights. It is actually best if you kept Thunder Wave on it and if it has Sturdy, then that's all the better. You won't be able to evolve it till you at least have 8 badges (due to certain restrictions).

Meowstic, since it's female rather than male, is better off replaced by Gardevoir, who as you said is pretty useful. If Meowstic were male, then you'd might get away with Prankster and dual screens for a while.

Golem is a real hit or miss honestly. It does come in handy in a few of your upcoming battles, but Stealth Rock is not the #1 reason you should use it. Sturdy should be one if you really wanna stretch it out.

As of E15 you don't need HM slaves. HMs are now special TMs.

As usual, Blaziken is the broke hard-ass it usually is. Nothing hard to explain about it.

Kricketune should prolly go at that point in the game. Replace with something. Anything. Even a bug type. If you can, replace it with the Beryl Egg mon. Almost anything that hatches from that is better than Kricketune.

Pelipper you might can get away with keeping for now. You will need a Water type a little later on, although maybe any other Pokemon will do. Like...idk, Staryu or something as time goes on.

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Blaziken's (and later Gardevoir/Gallade) are strong enough to carry your team by themselves, so pick whoever you'd like to use later on for other teammates!

Kriketune's main attraction is Sticky Web support, and later Perish Song for the really tough boss fights. If you like that, you could go for a Leavanny, who has higher stats and a useful secondary Grass-STAB while still providing Sticky Web.

Magneton hits hard and is tanky, while also providing Paralysis, but has a pretty barren movepool (you'll likely have Discharge + Flash Cannon + Thunder Wave + Magnet Rise/Sound.) There's not really any other Electric types with a higher Special Attack, but you might consider Jolteon (amazing speed, shallow movepool), Electivire (really fast, physical STAB), Eelektross (Levitate, better coverage), Luxray (barren movepool, good attack), a Rotom-Form (utility/coverage move), or Ampharos (specially bulky).

For lower-BST electric mons, you have Galvantula (Sticky Web, combines Kriketune's slot into 1 Pokemon,) Heliolisk (fast and frail, weather/terrain shenanigans), Electrode (super fast, disruptive against statusers), Stunfisk/Lanturn (tanky, useful secondary typing, tons of support moves, can combine Moine + Golem/Magneton into 1 slot), Zebstrika (unusual immunities based on ability), or one of the electric mice.

I don't know about Pelipper. I've had a really good run with her before (Roost + Stockpile), so I'm biased, but the most obvious replacement would be Swanna (+ 43 BST). There's lot of other Pokemon that could go there, though, I'd say just keep fishing and keep your eyes peeled for something that looks fun.

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