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Finally introducing myself!


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Hello everybody I'm Shadowxx25, or just Shadow, and I'm finally introducing myself here on the forum because I finally got around to actually playing Reborn! Speaking of that, the reason it took so long (about a month or something like that) is because I decided to Let's Play it! I would post the link but I dont know if the rules allow that, some forums do, some don't.

Anyway, Reborn is pretty interesting so far, should be fun to play!

Edit: Click here for the first episode of my let's play!

Edited by Shadowxx25
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Welcome to Reborn!

Please dispose of your sanity in the designated area before you do anything else.

Reborn has a very strict no sanity policy, and its a policy we take very seriously.

You... don't want to know what happened to the last guy who neglected to dispose of his sanity. It wasn't pretty.

Edited by aquawaffle
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how can I call you Shadow when Shadow Tack but what .__.

Well met Shadow.

Welcome to Reborn!

There's really no problem in putting a link to your channel here, in your signature (<That'd be the best, since it wil be everywhere... assuming you post a lot), or in your profile. And you can make status updates when a new episode is out, for example.

What I will ask, is that you don't beg for people to subscribe for anything. Since on that case, it would fall under one of our rules.

Anyway I know Shadow is black but I'll hit you with this staff and you'll get converWOLOLO \o/ ted

Now you're blue.

I hope you'll enjoy your stay in the place place.

I'l see you around o/

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Welcome to reborn! You're profile picture brings back some good memories(and annoying) from that game.

Hope you have a good time in the forums and have fun.

Also, here's a random thing that you may or may not like listening to.


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Thanks for all the welcomes! I don't have to worry about the whole giving up my sanity thing, Did that LONG ago.

Also, Angel Beat, man does that bring back memories

(Link to the first episode of my LP is now in the first post for those curisous)

Edited by Shadowxx25
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Welcome to Reborn! I'll show you around.

There's cookies to your left and our fellow members wrapped in straitjackets to your right.

There's cake too, but those are mine.

Don't touch okay? ❤

I hope you enjoy your stay and have fun!

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