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Nothing out of the ordinary: Normal monotype run!

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This is my first monorun for reborn and I decided to do a type I've never monorun'd in a pokemon game before: Normal! It's also a type I don't see done much here, though I'm sure someone has. Anyway I started today and so far have my first badge! I'll keep updating on each badge and hopefully make it to the end. Oh and also, no items during battle! Just a personal rule I play by and hopefully I can beat the optional bosses, although idk for sure if I will. Well arceus I can probably handle, Garchomp though...we'll see lol.

Character name: Vanilla(almost went with Vanille but FF13 kind of ruined that name for me lol)

trainer sprite: alice

date started: 8/7/2015 or 7/8/2015 for you non-american folk :P

first pokemon(dumped starter): Pidgey!

Team as of now:

Sparrow: Pidgeotto/female/jolly

ability: tangled feet

level 19




-sand attack

NOTES: since none of the starters are normal and I dumped it after catching her I consider Sparrow to be the starter of sorts for this run. She had a much better start than Beatrix, but since there are better flying/normals out there her time of the team will probably be limited up till midgame. She actually managed to beat Julia's electrode(after she healed it twice even!) via sand hax, unfortunately he kamikazed her with aftermath so no exp. Meh. I'm seeing her as the leader of the 1st squad but eventually will have to turn position over to someone else more suited to the harder stuff.

Beatrix: bibarel/female/hasty

ability: simple

level 18


-water gun

-defense curl


NOTES: 2nd pokemon I caught, raising this thing was really annoying since simple really screws you over early game with like everything having sand attack or growl or some defense lowering move. It's too bad litleo got moved later on in ep 15, otherwise I would've traded for it. BUT she really is a blessing in disguise as headbutt/rollout is what let me beat Julia. I won't be keeping her the entire run, but she's definitely earned a spot at least in the early game. I think around shade I'll replace her with someone else

Noize: whismur/male/brave

ability: rattled

level 19



-echoed voice


-NOTES: did not know you could get whismur now in ep 15, so this is the first time I used him in Reborn, and wow, he really kicks butt so far! Echoed voice is mad hype as long as you don't get status'd or something. That nature is kind of holding him back with the low speed but at the time time I don't want to sacrifice defenses either. Idk how he'll turn out later on but right now prospects are bright for him.

Harriet: igglybuff/female/gentle

ability: friend guard

level 15


-sweet kiss



-NOTES: I feel like she's a necessary investmentto help deal with fighters but at the same time, man is it a climb from the bottom. Wish is like, a amazing move anyway so I'm probably keeping that forever, but her offensive power is pathetic and she works best at crippling physical attackers with her charm. Sweet kiss is way too unreliable to be of much use I realize. I'm really trying to evolve her ASAP so she can at least get slightly better.


attempts: 3

pokemon used in victory: Beatrix, Sparrow, Harriet, Noize

Beatrix > helioptile, Beatrix > Emolga, Beatrix > voltorb, Beatrix > voltorb, Beatrix > Blitzle,

Beatrix < Electrode

Sparrow X Electrode

Julia whooped me the first time, mainly due to unlucky crtis, Emolga the terrible and paralysis up the whazoo. 2nd attempt I got her down to Electrode but it kind of wrecked Noize who was the only one standing. 3rd attempt I did away with the nonsense and had Beatrix on a roll(out) which took out 4 of her pokemon alone. One headbutt was enough to demolish Blitzle(he's really free TBH), but not even Beatrix could stop lightning disaster known as electrode, though I think she did get a hit on him. Sparrow was really only supposed to cripple his dangerous sonicboom with sand attack then whittle him down, but it worked a lot better than expected and not only actually brought him to red twice(he kept missing lol), but even KO'd him! Unfortunately aftermath was like a big SCREW U and took what very little HP sparrow had left, robbing us of exp. Admittedly I got sort of lucky beatrix didn't get static'd on rollout and electrode's sonicbooms/charge beams kept missing.

Also, I plan on using Porygon this time, thing is where do you find the upgrade!? Also teddiursa isn't showing up in peridot either, it's driving me crazy.

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