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I need some few pointers, just starting out~


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Game is really fun and wow is it amazing for a fan-made game. I've played this game before on ep.9 corrupted my data because of forcefully downloading the animated sprite pack back then.It was quite early in the game, was like in the process of getting to the 2nd gym.

Now I'm starting over in ep.15 and wow much new stuff!

some questions!

The animated sprite still exists,but will def not animate the 6th gen right?

I need some guide on pokemon catching or general guide in here. The guide in here seems really old and incorrect?

magby area got turned into noibats, my spinda turned into pachirisu, etc. Also no teddiursa on the first town now :(

I need some help with the list of events pokemon or generally helpful tips on the first town please!

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Welcome back to the forums, I guess.

I need some guide on pokemon catching or general guide in here. The guide in here seems really old and incorrect?
magby area got turned into noibats, my spinda turned into pachirisu, etc. Also no teddiursa on the first town now :(

Here's the link for the latest Pokémon Location Guide: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16407

Here's the link for a Pokémon Reborn Guide: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=13417entry298512. It needs updating, but it's very helpful.

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Yep quite a few things have changed since you last played.

As the posters above said, looking around "On the Hunt" is very helpful. You can find your favorites and there are commonly referenced Pokemon that are very preform very well. The way you play is up to you.

About the animated sprites, I actually haven't tested/seen the gen. 6 ones soo I dunno if they are animated.

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How long does this game lasts(for ep.15) ?

I'd just finished the 2nd gym and my time clocks at 20:34 hours something

Lol. Granted I did used the cheatengine speedhack to 4.0x, so it's more close to 12 to 13 hours I guess?

Also that klinklang for litleo was stupid......I thought it was level.25 turned out to be 35......I have to say status effect and ability far outshadows the stats in this game,managed to beat it with my level 22 something team.

I'm so out of touch with the newer gens of poke,the last time I completed a pokemon game was the original emerald. Gen IV about 50 to 60% done, Gen V about 30%. Haven't touched gen VI.

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How long does this game lasts(for ep.15) ?

I'd just finished the 2nd gym and my time clocks at 20:34 hours something

Lol. Granted I did used the cheatengine speedhack to 4.0x, so it's more close to 12 to 13 hours I guess?

According to the download page it is 48+ hours of gameplay but I personally, on my most recent playthrough have played this game for .... 169 hours... how did that happen?

Also that klinklang for litleo was stupid......I thought it was level.25 turned out to be 35......I have to say status effect and ability far outshadows the stats in this game,managed to beat it with my level 22 something team.

This event used to be harder and you would get a Vulpix instead the KlingKlang was level 45 I believe, however it's been moved to way later if you're interested in a decent fire type

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Alright I need some help with the weather, apparently moving it up to control the weather and shuffling the time (day,morning,night) can cause some glitch? I tinkered with the clock and weather because I can't play during the morning which leaves me out of a lot of poke.

How many weathers are there in this game?

Rainstorms, rainy, and windy are the only one that shows up in the tv.

So I assume if it doesn't report anything on a certain day it is a clear day right?

Clear = sunny? Can you answer these questions for me.

Cause I tried making the weather "not raining nor wind" with early morning sun at that (8 am ish)

Both helioptile and petilil is still not showing :( got my rose incense and pokesnax :(

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But the weather report won't actually reset unless I naturally passed by a week of it?

Messing around with the date is a no no then?

Go backward, not forward. Just play through the game and remember the days (actual date on your calendar) that have the weathers you want, then just backtrack to that day when you need to.

Edited by biboo195
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Sooo something happened, my disobedient pokemon listens to me all the time. Have no idea what I did, but I made the game easier by doing something thingy.....

I know the thing is glitchy, ... but I'm tempted to sweep the game with this thing now.

Does it go like " x ignored orders- x used -insert move you ordered anyway- " ? Or doesn't even say its trying to disobey?

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