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Rejuvenation Ask Your Questions: Quests and Pokemon/Item Locations


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  On 2/28/2016 at 6:14 PM, rykerr1 said:

Is there a secret to doing the Kecleon help request in Sheridan? I don't have 50,000 but I also can't fight the level 100 Kecleons in the dungeon.

It's possible to spawn directly next to the ladder, so it's really just a matter of luck.

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Hokay, I completed all of Kristiline's help quests and the weird doctor guy gave me a hint about something in the ghost leader's gym. I have a feeling it involves the statue she's protective of, but I can't seem to access it. Am I doing something wrong?

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I'm at the W. Gearen Help center and it's telling me that I need to complete the "Strange House" side quest before I can take any requests. I don't know what this quest is. Could someone tell me?

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  On 2/29/2016 at 9:17 PM, Korlif said:

I'm at the W. Gearen Help center and it's telling me that I need to complete the "Strange House" side quest before I can take any requests. I don't know what this quest is. Could someone tell me?

its the odd key event in goldenleaf and it starts at the left statue on the gym's battlefield and you can do the other two requests without doing the side quest as for the poster above the one i quoted the event also requires 8 badges to acrivate.

as for my question, anyone know where i can find the miracle seed? i found it in my first playthrough but i seem to have forgotten where i found it

Edited by sandy
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  On 3/1/2016 at 10:49 PM, rykerr1 said:

I'm trying to do the Phantump event. I went behind the waterfall in Goldenleaf at night, but I only see a grey and red door, no tree. How can I find the tree?

You have to open the door. On the other side of the wall you can see a pillar with 4 dots, talk to it and the door should open to the room with the Phantump event.

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  On 3/5/2016 at 10:22 PM, nasserthemaster said:

Anyone know where I can get a dusk stone?

It's an item that you can find on the floor in front of the Odd tower. You'll have to use the itemfinder, though.

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Okay can someone PM me how to get the secret item in Narcissa's gym? I've been trying to get it now for a few hours. I've seen a guide on YT but every time I try it I can't get it to work. Don't know if it was because of a change in the updates or what, but I'm really frustrated by it.

So please can someone just PM me how to get it?

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  On 3/7/2016 at 3:09 AM, FeralGator said:

Okay can someone PM me how to get the secret item in Narcissa's gym? I've been trying to get it now for a few hours. I've seen a guide on YT but every time I try it I can't get it to work. Don't know if it was because of a change in the updates or what, but I'm really frustrated by it.

So please can someone just PM me how to get it?

If it's the item I'm thinking of, you're going to need 8+ badges for that event.

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  On 3/7/2016 at 3:25 AM, XxSilentWinterxX said:

If it's the item I'm thinking of, you're going to need 8+ badges for that event.

Ahhh okay. I have only 7 right now. Dankies!

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Can anyone tell me where i can get the metal coat as well as tediursa? Also, on the location guide it says its a help request and i found no suuch thing annnddd i may or may not have forgotten that its avalible in the mansion gym thing.................(a place to get a good fire tm would be nice too)

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  On 3/11/2016 at 6:47 AM, S.A.C said:

Can anyone tell me where i can get the metal coat as well as tediursa? Also, on the location guide it says its a help request and i found no suuch thing annnddd i may or may not have forgotten that its avalible in the mansion gym thing.................(a place to get a good fire tm would be nice too)

1. I think the Metal Coat is from a help request on Terajuma Island, so yeah.

2. I know Ursaring is available in the hidden area at Blacksteeple Castle, but I can't remember Teddiursa. Might've been West Gearen grass.

3. The only good fire TM is from Amber's gym. This game has very few TMs as of V7, and I believe the only one you can get is from her. Or at least one of the few fire TMs you can get is from her, there might be more, IDK.

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  On 3/11/2016 at 6:19 PM, martta said:

Yeah, I want Soothe Bell too and can´t find :(

A soothe bell can be obtained by answering yes to the question of the lady next to the PokéMart vendor in Sheridan village.

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  On 3/12/2016 at 1:46 AM, FennekMaster said:

Can someone direct me to somewhere for team help?

There is no thread for that, unless you're asking for help fixing your team against a specific fight. I'd just create a new thread for general team help, really.

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I want a Noibat, but i'm not yet arrived at the Sheridan Badlands and the only place in wich i can find one at a good level seems to be the Goldenleaf Cave iirc, the fact is: where is this Cave? Really idk if i'm stupid or what but i don't know where it is (i've 5 badges atm)

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  On 3/15/2016 at 9:16 PM, AndSoThereIsSt3ffo said:

I want a Noibat, but i'm not yet arrived at the Sheridan Badlands and the only place in wich i can find one at a good level seems to be the Goldenleaf Cave iirc, the fact is: where is this Cave? Really idk if i'm stupid or what but i don't know where it is (i've 5 badges atm)

You're thinking of GoldenWOOD cave, not Goldenleaf. Y'know, where you meet Melia after route 1 / Goldenwood Forest. I get the two confused a ton, I was also looking at where it said I found my Noibat, and it said Goldenwood cave. I was wondering where in the world it is, but then I realized :P

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