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Rejuvenation Ask Your Questions: Quests and Pokemon/Item Locations


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Anyone know if I can do anything with the computer in the house of the guy who doesn't want me to touch it? When I put him to sleep with Jigglypuff it just says it runs a complicated program, but I find it suspicious he doesn't want me to touch it (along with someone saying there's strange noises coming from it) which is why I'm wondering if there's some secret here.

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  On 2/2/2016 at 8:37 PM, Starblade said:

I think I may have sped through the Rotom quest too fast, but how exactly do I get past the mini-rotom in front of the Power Plant entrance?

The one that always stares in the same direction? You can't. It stays there until the quest is over. The generator is to the north.

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  On 2/2/2016 at 8:45 PM, Ice Cream Sand Witch said:

The one that always stares in the same direction? You can't. It stays there until the quest is over. The generator is to the north.

Ah.... is it past that guy in the gym? Don't tell me I need to beat the gym leader first e.e

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  • Global Mods
  On 2/2/2016 at 9:00 PM, Starblade said:

Ah.... is it past that guy in the gym? Don't tell me I need to beat the gym leader first e.e

You can't even get past that guy after beating the leader. From the big room you're in where that Rotom you mentioned is, you need to head north from there.

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  On 2/2/2016 at 9:26 PM, Ice Cream Sand Witch said:

You can't even get past that guy after beating the leader. From the big room you're in where that Rotom you mentioned is, you need to head north from there.

...for some reason I didn't think there were any side pathways in that room. Thanks a lot lol

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  On 2/1/2016 at 8:35 PM, Ice Cream Sand Witch said:

Anyone know if I can do anything with the computer in the house of the guy who doesn't want me to touch it? When I put him to sleep with Jigglypuff it just says it runs a complicated program, but I find it suspicious he doesn't want me to touch it (along with someone saying there's strange noises coming from it) which is why I'm wondering if there's some secret here.

there's a data chip in the trashcan of jigglypuff man's house, i'll let you figure out the rest.

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  On 2/4/2016 at 5:59 PM, Xiri said:

Is Wooper still available in Route 3? I've been searching in the grass... but I've had no luck. Do you have to Surf or is it available at daytime?

Yes, Wooper is still available. I ran in a couple of them while searching for Slakoth for the pokedex quest-thingy. I guess they're just a bit hard to find.

The HM for Strenght exists in v7, btw? I've searched everywhere, but I couldn't find it.

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  On 2/3/2016 at 1:33 AM, Tempo17 said:

Hey is there an item that allows us to ev train the attack of our pokemon. I remember Jan hinting that there would be such an item

It's in the bit of Wispy Ruins that you need rock climb to access. It should be behind one of the doors that you need a certain number of badges to access.

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  On 2/6/2016 at 1:31 PM, gryson said:

who is anju, and what do you need to do with here in the krystolica palace ?

Anju is the fifth prisoner you can interact with in the Theolia Mansion when it was discovered in Gearen Sewers.

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  On 2/6/2016 at 3:15 PM, Xiri said:

Anju is the fifth prisoner you can interact with in the Theolia Mansion when it was discovered in Gearen Sewers.

that part i know, but what do you need to do with her? if i interact i cant get in to the room again, and if i defeat marianette, the mansion dissepears

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So, er, in the Generator quest in West Gearen, I'm having some issues. I felt like this was the right place to post this, so here it is:

When I go to the power plant from the news center, I cannot bypass the Rotom. I tried a bunch of different ways of messing with it, but it kept sending me back to the power plant on the surface. I cannot find a way to bypass it, or another part of the quest that I hadn't seen. Help?

*Expletives deleted* GDI THAT WAS NOT A DOOR

Walls, fun fact, are not doors. Or so I thought until I literally walked through a wall in the gym ;-;

Edited by BananananaK
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