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Rejuvenation Ask Your Questions: Quests and Pokemon/Item Locations


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  On 3/15/2016 at 9:52 PM, AndSoThereIsSt3ffo said:

OOOOOH, that cave

Thanks a lot! I got confused since in the Pokémon Location Guide it's said that Noibat can be found in the Goldenleaf Cave

I've found that those kind of mistakes are made a lot, you might want to report it to Zumi / Jan also, so no one else gets messed up. :P

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  On 3/17/2016 at 1:59 AM, FennekMaster said:

This may be a very stupid question and I feel stupid for asking it but I can't seem to find Akora Forest and I have looked for it in game and online and can't seem to find it. Again, sorry if this is a dumb question.

I've actually had the exact same issue before. It's a bit of a pain :P

While Corta Forest may be labeled Akora Forest on the map, Akora Forest is actually waaaaay off the coast of Akuwa Town. It has many many fabled headbuttable tree encounters that are nightmares to get, Oshawott, Mankeys, and more.

So it might be stupid, but if so, I've at least asked it myself multiple times before :P

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  On 3/17/2016 at 6:25 AM, FennekMaster said:

Okay, thanks. Now all I need to do is find a Shroomish. Wish me luck.

Update: 4 Shinies, 0 Shroomish

Oml good luck. You'll really need it.

It took me hours upon hours to find a Shroomish for a fighting monotype I was doing. Absolute NIGHTMARE.

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  On 3/18/2016 at 3:19 PM, gryson said:

dont know where to post, but i skipped the kyogre battle and cant do it anymore, will i miss something now?

Yes. Doing the Kyogre event gives you the HQ Key, which unlocks a door on the leftest room in Team Xen's backup lab that leads to a Ralts.

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  On 3/19/2016 at 11:46 PM, BlackMcBlackson said:

I'm in a akora forrest, and I am looking for another chestnuts, I misused the first one, given to me by the lady by killing primeape who was suppoused to clear the way for me.

Damn.. Idk how that will end. I haven't been in that situastion before..

  On 3/21/2016 at 6:44 PM, YoshiofRedemption said:

This may not be the appropriate place to post this and I apologize if this is the case, but when do you get the Snag Machine fixed in the game? The Shadow Pokemon Team Xen are throwing at me are mocking me and my current inability to catch them.

You will get it fixed after 4th gym.

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  On 3/21/2016 at 7:49 PM, FennekMaster said:

By any chance does anyone know how rare the Plume/Cover Fossil is via mining? Because I have SRed at the same rock for a long time and have found anything except a Plume/Cover Fossil.

Have you updated the game to v7, it is probably a late implementation in the game?

Edited by TimTim
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  On 3/23/2016 at 11:32 AM, Chinchou said:


Can anyone tell me where I can get a dusk stone in v.7?

I restarted and the usual one I got (near Goldenleaf gate) seems to be gone.

My Misdreavus is level 51 pls halp ;~;

you should be able to get one in the party before fighting the fire type gym leader

by a girl named reina

or if you have an item finder, go to odd pass near that weird house and use it

you should find a dusk stone around there

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Hey guys,

I have tried to purify beldum, and I am at point where it says; "The door to its heart is open! Undo the final lock."

I have filled all the chambers with normal type pokemon and put beldum in one of them. It has not changed the sitiation one bit.

Is it a bug or is there is something I misunderstood?

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I'd like to catch an Elekid (with an Electrizer possibly) but during the Xen Backup Lab mission i chose right instead of left (i wasn't aware of the event). Now i came back to the Lab after finishing the mission but in the left part i haven't found any Elekid, am i supposed to do something in particular or what?

Also, if the Elekid is still catchable the chance of it having an Electrizer is still the same?

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  On 3/23/2016 at 9:10 PM, BlackMcBlackson said:
Hey guys,
I have tried to purify beldum, and I am at point where it says; "The door to its heart is open! Undo the final lock."
I have filled all the chambers with normal type pokemon and put beldum in one of them. It has not changed the sitiation one bit.
Is it a bug or is there is something I misunderstood?

yes it's a bug, try to get another shadow pokemon who can be purified ASAP, then you will be needed to choose which pokemon you want to purify. SELECT beldum now.

if you go to purification shrine with just 0 gauge shadow beldum, it won't be triggered. so you need another one.

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  On 3/28/2016 at 6:35 PM, Solidmetro said:

What do i need to do in order to do the Odd house side quest?

I need to do the Generator problems in west gearen, but i haven't done this quest yet

I'd guess you'll need to have finished most of the Dr. Jenkel help requests, but I have no idea. Past that though, what you need to do:

Have beaten eight gym leaders (Which should be the case for you)

Go to the battlefield you fought Narcissa on. There should be a statue to the upper left of her that she was previously guarding, interact with it.

*Probably unnecessary part in this spoiler since the event is pretty linear, and brief mentioning of storyline involving things at the end.*

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