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Anime/Manga Recommendations


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  On 8/10/2015 at 7:34 PM, Jericho said:

Allow me to open up this forum moderation by saying, please apply the spirit of rule 5 here in regards to animes and mangas.

I'll ask Amethyst if she agrees with my sentiments, but unless you hear otherwise, consider rule 5 to apply in these circumstances.

Absolutely agreed. Everyone will have different tastes and its no one's place to enforce their opinion disrespectfully or as a matter of fact.

Besdies, Btoom was one of my favorites... now if they would just finish it. Q~Q

It seems like most people prefer to offer recommendations than ask, so I'll do the reverse, but with a specific prompt:

It might be somewhat obvious, but I really love survival games. Closed circle scenarios where the players have to kill each other-- are just so fun! My favorite examples of this are Mirai Nikki, Dangan Ronpa and Rozen Maiden, but I'm always on the hunt for more so if anyone knows other survival game shows, let me know!

I keep my MAL up to date and write comments about each show in the tags, so if there are survival games I'm missing on here, and I hope there are, hit me up.


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  On 8/11/2015 at 12:43 AM, Amethyst said:

It seems like most people prefer to offer recommendations than ask, so I'll do the reverse, but with a specific prompt:

It might be somewhat obvious, but I really love survival games. Closed circle scenarios where the players have to kill each other-- are just so fun! My favorite examples of this are Mirai Nikki, Dangan Ronpa and Rozen Maiden, but I'm always on the hunt for more so if anyone knows other survival game shows, let me know!

I keep my MAL up to date and write comments about each show in the tags, so if there are survival games I'm missing on here, and I hope there are, hit me up.


Survival game anime... that's tough. Recently, there have been close to none, which is really sad because it's a genre I quite enjoy watching too. But here are my recommendations, in case anything interests you :]]

- Rokka no Yuusha: likely the only currently airing anime that can be considered a survival game. This is really hard to get into without spoilers, but I will just go ahead and say that the first 4 episodes or so will likely seem pretty generic for a fantasy/action show about ancient legends and whatnot. It really isn't what it seems like, this show is all about the mystery and the psychological conflicts the characters will have to face to eventually "succeed" (or not). Again, won't spoil anything just so it doesn't ruin the fun, but definitely give this a try. I wasn't even enjoying this that much up until episodes 5 and 6 (DAT NEW OP THO) kicked in and things started getting really good.

- Death Parade: if there's any other show that aired in 2015 and might be considered a survival game other than Rokka no Yuusha, this is it. Characters are put together in a scenario where they have to play in order to "survive" and, like most survival game shows, they experience extreme psychological pain. Some of the game scenes are so well done you will feel a lot for the characters. Seriously, this show managed to make me feel more for some of the side characters in less than 20 minutes than some shows have managed in over 20 episodes. The only problem is the ending. But we don't talk about the ending. Thankfully.

EDIT: just noticed this is on your mal lol. welp, now you do know it's a survival game anime, in case you didnt before :]

- Deadman Wonderland: talk about shitty endings and anime that make you scream "and what happened next?", if you want another show that'll make you feel so frustrated and just scream at you "now go read the manga, because fuck you LOL", dmw is the right show for you. Seriously though, if you enjoyed Btooom! and are into gory anime with twists (except said twists didn't even happen in the anime sigh), you will probably like this. Much like Btooom!, it is a survival game in which characters are given super powers and fight to... survive, y'know? In a prison btw. Also minus the romance and the protagonist isn't as interesting/different as Btooom!'s. Though, thankfully the female lead makes up for this. In any case, if you want to kill time with a decent survival show, you can give this a try. If you're looking for something really good or just can't be bothered to read the manga/get frustrated at shitty endings, don't.

- Tokyo Magnitude 8.0: I actually haven't watched this one, so this might seem like a blind recommendation, but I have heard great things about it. The show's name is literally the setting. And it's more about the survival part, rather than a game, but you know, same deal with the characters and having them join forces (or the opposite), sacrifices, etc.

- Texhnolyze: like above, it's not that much of a survival game, but mainly about the survival part. Also deals with mysterious societies, sci-fi and lots of mindfuck, like shows such as Psycho-Pass and Shinsekai yori which I LOVE A LOT are very well done for the most part :].

I realize the two latter ones might not fit the "survival game" theme as much, but I figured you might still like them. Would also include Fate/Zero here so that I don't get murdered by half of this anime community since I'm probably the only one who actually dislikes the fate series. Not stay/night however, it's really not worth your time. I could make a massive paragraph explaining why but this is a recommendations thread, not a casual discussion.

By the way, this is just an advice, but if you're going to watch Gakkougurashi!, please don't drop it by any means, even if it seems boring at first. The first two or even three episodes might seem a little average, but the way you should watch this show is by paying attention to the small clues that the show leaves (such as the creepy message on the board, the cross on the garden, etc) and eventually figure out what happened by yourself. Even if you don't want to, you will start wondering about everything, at some point, and thus you will enjoy it a lot. People say this show is all about the shock value like Madoka, but it's more similar to Higurashi if anything. There is shock value in the beginning, but what drives the plot and gets you really interested is the mystery, rather than the drama.

Finally, not a survival game anime, and this is just a 2 episodes long (48 mins each), but you should check out Denpa Teki na Kanojo. Overall, I found it to be pretty nice, really enjoyable to watch, especially on a storming night in your room alone with the lights out. If I could describe it in two words, that would be: stalking yanderes. Funfact: this anime's female lead is called Ame.

btw, I try to fit in as much anime as I can on these recommendations, so that the readers are bound to like at least one or two of them, don't mean to make anyone watch all of that lol unless they want to

Edited by Gore
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If you're new to anime and manga I would strongly recommend MAR due to it being a pretty quick and easy to read little fantasy, the major drawback is that it kind of looses its charm pretty quickly if you're more into anime and manga and not a fan of tournament shounen manga. I also would recommend the manga over the anime due to the anime having too much filler and the events after the main story arc being altered with two filler arcs, one is just there to bring in Yaoi fanservice (not that there's anything wrong with that since one of my favorite animes is full of it but they basicallyh bring in a bunch of mary sues and made so everyone out of character that it is super painful to watch) and the other is supposed to wrap things up but it comes up with something very contrived to bring in more drama to a admittingly anticlimatic ending and it fails so hard.

Other wise If you like (or disliked) SAO or the .hack franchise then I would recommend Log Horizon due to similar settings,

If you liked Madoka then I think you should try out Yuuki Yuuna is a Hero (or Yuuki Yuuka wa Yuusha de aru or something like that) due to them both being subversive magical girl anime.

If you liked Kuroko no Basket then I would recommend its father, Slam Dunk, due to it being considered a classic sports anime plus I think Kuroko's author was heavily influenced by Slam Dunk and it kind of shows in its characters. I would also recommend Real which is a wheel chair backetball manga series made by the guy who did Slam Dunk, it takes a lot of the elements of Slam Dunk and managed to improve upon them.

If you liked Clannad or Angel Beats then I would probably recommend Ano Hana due to it being considered a tear jerker.

If you liked Tennis and didn't like Prince of Tennis or wished it followed more closely to the tennis rules then I would recommend Baby Steps just for the sheer fact that it shows tennis more realisticly and that it shows what the main character has to go through to become a major threat in the tennis world within a year which is honestly much longer than the time most sports protagonists go through to get good (which usually is about three months).

I'd also recommend xxxHolic and Tsubasa, but with Tsubasa I would also have to recommend the manga over the anime due to it also having a lot of filler that apperently it frustrated the manga creators so much that they pulled the plug on it making the fans wait for two OVAs and it's basically incomplete. I would also recommend D.Gray Man but both anime and manga are incomplete due to a very long hiatus likely due to the author's health and no one has gotten any word of it for at least three years now. So I would be a little more cautious about D.Gray Man.

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I've personally been enjoying Jitsu Wa Watashi Wa (Actually I am...) pretty good romance Comedy in my honest opinion, but that's just me. Its one of the few shows where I couldn't wait to see what happens next and read the entire manga. Also Shokugeki no Soma (Cooking anime) has had me hooked for a while (inner fatty) also has a good story and likable characters. And of course what they mentioned above, the Index series was a blast to watch, would recommend to everyone who was interested.

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If anyone knows manga or anime identical or similar to the manga "Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari" it would be greately appreciated.

I loved the premise of the show, where the main character is treated as he is but still follows through, i loved how he obtained and formed bonds with his companion(and how she started as a slave but grew, etc...), i love that sort of stuff.

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For shounen anime, I'd suggest HXH (Hunter X Hunter). I'd also suggest Naruto since Madara is one of my favourite characters and villains in animes. Mind you, one but not the most :D. Naruto was good in the beginning and middle, but got dumped down in the Fourth Shinobi War arc since many characters just received power-ups, it had horrible OSTs and many plot holes. HXH is pretty good since it has a lot of character development, a plot which revolves around different enemies and it clearly explains the powers present in it's world as Nen is a form of life energy. My favourite arc has to be the Chimera Ant arc as it really managed to portrayed the grim situation and had some of the best moments such as Netero's death and Neferpitou's annihilation to oblivion by Gon. Katekyo Hitman Reborn is also decent.

I don't watch other genres of animes much, but from the clips that I've seen, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure seems pretty good and so does Tokyo Ghoul. (though I don't like supernatural stuff at all ;0)

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This is a Light Novel but all of you have to read Utsuro no Hako to Zero no Maria... its ranked #2 on MAL for a reason. It is honestly one of the most fun rides I have read in a while. In total, it is 7 volumes and is a pretty quick read, all in all. The spoiler free reviews on MAL give a pretty good look into the series. If any of you do read it, I am really interested to know your reactions at the end of each volume :3

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so glad to see someone else recommending hakomari :]]. it is currently 2nd on mall and it's not even that popular. a couple of weeks ago it had 9.16/10 and last time I checked it was already 9.18. I won't be surprised if this becomes the top manga/novel on mal.

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  On 8/10/2015 at 10:24 PM, Hiss13 said:

Idol and Magical Girl shows, yes. Though, Acqui would be your best bet for those. :P


I'm just going to list my faves in several categories, in order of decreasing love.


1) Aikatsu!

This show is one that goes under the radar pretty often, partly because it isn't marketed much outside of Japan, and some of the art quality leaves much to be desired. But the series has an entire convention dedicated to it in Japan, which should suggest that it does at least something right; and it does. The characters are fun, the plot - while episodic in nature - is good enough to keep you watching, and the humor is rather well done as well. Granted, it's not brilliant comedy on the level of Amagi Brilliant Park, but it's enough to tickle most audiences. The CG is rather well done, and the music is pleasing as well. But what makes this show my fave in this category is how warm it makes you feel after each episode. It's about cute girls, doing their best to do cute things, and more often than not, failing. It paints a nice picture of the troubles and professionalism that come with being an idol, while still making you feel just happy. I would strongly recommend this show to anyone with a moderate interest in idols, it's just so much fun to watch. Granted, it lacks the drama that crowns several other shows, but it makes up for it with a host of characters that somehow never manages to bore me, even at 140+ episodes and ongoing.

2) Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls

Yes. Cinderella Girls. Not the 765 ones. I consider CG to be better than the original 765 because the character personalities are much more varied and just overall more interesting. Granted, there are some characters that grate on the nerves (namely Mio), but as a whole, I find the cast to be much more enjoyable, with personalities such as Ranko ("Oh, the tyranny of the Sun strikes upon us on this day!"), Anzu ("If you work, you lose") and Anya ("Спасибо"). The troubles they face are much more realistic as well, compared to those faced by 765. Let's face it, it's not likely for a professional sound crew to sabotage a performer's stage on request from an unaffiliated production company without there being major legal repercussions. Corporate reforms, on the other hand, are far more common.

3) Idolm@ster

That said, the original im@s is still a good show that you should not miss if you're into this category. With well-done drama and great camerawork, I would strongly recommend this show.

4) AKB0048 (+ Second Stage)

Now, this is where I might draw some hate, especially considering what I ranked under this. Many people refuse to watch this show on the sheer virtue of the fact that it has "AKB" and "48" in its title. While that's a sentiment that I understand, I'm sorry to say that they're missing out on a great show. I mean, where else can you watch idols with lightsaber microphones and homing missile lightsticks(Except maybe Macross?)? One thing to note in particular is that they did a great job using AKB's music. One major problem with many shows developed to promote music groups, is that there's a tendency to just toss in the songs whenever a soundtrack could ostensibly be required. Thankfully, AKB0048 avoided this problem. While watching the show, I never once felt that any of the insert songs was out of place. That's a mark of good directing and excellent sound production. While the plot is far from airtight, it does resolve itself nicely by the end of Second Stage, and the characters are all unique and differentiated enough to make this a show that manages somehow to sneak its way into my top 5 idol anime, despite personally not being an AKB fan.

5) Love Live!

Okay this is the bit where I probably draw flak. Let me start off by saying, I enjoy Love Live! I liked the show, I liked the humor, I loved the characters. A gander at my sig banner should inform you that I find Eri in particular extremely horosho. I love the concept, I love the characters, and while the CG certainly isn't much to write home about, it's not a pain to watch either. So why is this the lowest on my list? Because of the plot. Objectively speaking, the plot of LL is terrible. It's filled with cliches and bad plot devices. A lot of the "plot twists" are either predictable or so strongly telegraphed that the viewer is often left going "Yeah, saw that coming...". The other thing which LL does horribly wrong is melodrama. A bit of drama is good - it fosters character development and creates conflict and tension. LL, however, takes melodrama to an extreme, with characters often often experiencing dramatic wrenching of the heart over the smallest of matters. Anyone who watched the ending of S1 should know what event I'm referring to. Even in S2, the bit with the umbrella and the snow is so overdone, it crosses the boundary between "dramatised" and "unrealistic". That said, LL is still a pleasure to watch, but eventually I believe most people feel this way: We stay for the girls, not the plot.

Mahou Shoujo

1) Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Did anyone honestly expect something else to go here? PMMM is touted as a revolutionary anime that re-defined the genre, and for good reason. This show takes all assumptions anyone had about mahou shoujo anime and utterly destroys them, deconstructing the genre and reconstructing it as something so much more meaningful, a mission aided by a wonderful OST composed by Kajiura Yuki. Hype train aside, being overrated aside, this is the one show I consider a must-watch for anyone even remotely interested in Mahou Shoujo, and perhaps even a few who want nothing to do with the genre. This is one of the anime that serve as a valid argument for how anime can be treated as a work of literary art.

2) Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha ( + A's + StrikerS)

Because the power of friendship is unstoppable. Okay, jokes aside, Nanoha stands out among its brethren in several ways: first, the emphasis of magic as a form of technology, rather than something that just exists. Next, the consideration of magic as a military asset. Third, the notion of the big picture. In most mahou shoujo, the heroines are isolated warriors, fighting for their lives against large monsters in a pocket dimension where no others can see them. In Nanoha, these heroines are supported by an actual military force, along with with all the benefits (giant space battleships) and detriments (bureaucracy, regulation) that said support entails. With a likeable cast of characters and villians with believable motivations, Nanoha is a series which is sure to not disappoint.

3) CardCaptor Sakura

So, possibly the first thing you'll notice about this show is that it falls under the Tsubasa River Chronicle IP, meaning that you'll only gain maximum enjoyment from this show if you're familiar with said IP. However, on it's own, it still stands tall as a show with depth, a good plot, meaningful characters, and a strong focus on romance that manages to avoid being contrived or boring. As a good, well-balanced blend of light-hearted and serious, the show is a marvel of animation, and definitely deserves a watch. A classic.

4) Kill La Kill

Yes. I consider this show a Mahou Shoujo anime. It has transformations, flashy fight scenes and over-the-top weaponry. It qualifies. A show greeted with mixed reactions, some hate it, some love it. It has an interesting thematic focus on clothing and nudity, as well as notions of dependence and maturity. As a whole, this show seems ridiculous and over-the-top at first glance, but carries a wealth of depth, if you're willing to put in the effort to think about it. Some plot devices may seem contrived/cliched/predictable, but as a whole the show does an amazing job with regards to direction, execution and pacing. Watch the first few eps and then decide if you feel like it's too painful to carry on.

5) Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei-Bu LOVE! (Cute High Earth Defense Club LOVE!)

Well... it's not really anything special, but... just watch it. You'll see.

SPECIAL MENTION: Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha De Aru (YuYuYu)

I haven't actually watched this yet, plan to soon , but from what I've heard, it's good. Maybe worth adding to your list, if you have one.

Romance (Usually dramatic, not comedic)


Slice of Life








This Season

1) Akagami no Shirayuki-hime


2) Gakkou Gurashi!


3) Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls


4) Charlotte


5) Overlord


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you dont have to be afraid to like anything, so its fine if you like the tokyo ghoul anime.

in my opinion though, the anime is just soooooo lacking in comparison to the manga. it was a really poor adaptation overall. in any case, if you havent read the manga yet, you really should, because you'll probably like it even more than the anime :].

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey people, I'm looking to find an anime series/movies that I can use to increase my Japanese auditory skills (I'm falling a bit behind in class). I'd prefer anything that can hopefully be found online free, and with english subtitles on Japanese audio. I really haven't ventured into the realm of anime that much but I can tell you what movies we saw in class that I've liked.

Summer Wars is my favorite, then Howl's Moving Castle, then the Girl Who Leapt Through Time. I didn't particularly enjoy Totoro however.

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So, I can't believe I forgot this series. I am right now going to talk about one of the best Shounen manga I've ever read and unlike most examples like HunterXHunter, it's actually complete.

So, let's begin.

What series am I recommending here? Konjiki no Gash!!

So, what's it about?

Every 1000 years, 100 Demon Children are sent to Earth to find a human partner in order to fight the ultimate battle royale for the title of King of the Demon World.

Meet Takamine Kiyomaro. He's a 14 year old Japanese middle school student and is regarded as a genius by many. However, the guy has a severe case of "intelligence=isolation" and "insufferable genius". One day, a amnesiac boy named Gash Bell jumps in through Kiyomaro's bedroom window, carrying an odd Red Book and a letter from his father telling him of how he came across Gash.

Thus begins Kiyomaro's and Gash's forays into the dangerous battle for the throne of the Demon King.

So, that's okay. What's so good about this series, then?

Well, there are a lot of things. For one thing, the characters. The series runs for 320 chapters. Of course, that means that there is going to be a wide variety of characters. Let's start with the main character. I already mentioned that the guy is an insufferable genius but that, itself, changes as he (as well as many of the characters in the series) matures over time. From protagonist to antagonist, while not all characters get the chance to develop, a good number of characters will and it's done really well.

What else? The emotional moments are also amazingly well done. While it's a bit rough at the beginning, the author really does an amazing job at refining his ability to pull the heart strings of his readers. Of course, this ties in really well with the character development.

The art. Oh boy, the art. Like with the emotional moments, it's rough at first but gets really refined. I mean really refined. From moments where ultimate attacks clash to moments of pure despair, the art style is incredibly beautiful and impactful. But, let me just show you a few examples instead of just telling you.

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The humor. I guess, maturing over time seems to be a theme with this series, huh. Seeing as this is the third time I will say that the humor gets refined over time. The series's humor focuses mainly on the absurdand I really mean absurd. But, this is hit-and-miss depending on the audience.

The Action. This goes far beyond your typical DBZ-esque action. Let me just say that a lot of strategy goes into these battles. Not so much at the beginning, but as time goes on, the battles have more and more strategy embedded in them as the movepools of the Demon Children begin to widen and vary to the point where there is a lot of Tactic A+Tactic B, fall back tactic C, Using seemingly odd movements to set up for something, etc. After all, there are 100 Demon Children. The variety in the type of magic the Demons use is quite incredible ranging from Lightning to Stalling to Speed.

Of course, the story. This series has a crap ton of twists and turns and you will enjoy each and every one of them.

With that, I hope I left you with something interesting and hopefully, some of you guys actually give this series a shot and go through the whole thing because in my opinion, it's well worth it,

Edited by Hiss13
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  • Support Squad
  On 8/31/2015 at 12:47 AM, BIGJRA said:

Hey people, I'm looking to find an anime series/movies that I can use to increase my Japanese auditory skills (I'm falling a bit behind in class). I'd prefer anything that can hopefully be found online free, and with english subtitles on Japanese audio. I really haven't ventured into the realm of anime that much but I can tell you what movies we saw in class that I've liked.

Summer Wars is my favorite, then Howl's Moving Castle, then the Girl Who Leapt Through Time. I didn't particularly enjoy Totoro however.

I suggest a lot of Slice of life I guess. That's where you'll find the most normal japanese seeing as Slice of Life has a normal setting. Just try not to pick up the dialect of a 15 year old girl if you aren't a 15 year old girl I suppose.

Thing is, this genre is one of the most populated. You get at least 3 of these shows each season with wavering quality.

I guess I'd have to recommend these.

Barakamon: Heartwarming, light hearted "finding yourself" story following a young kanji artist, I think, who has retreated to a small Island village to refine his skills. The locals accept him incredibly easy and the whole show has a very welcoming vibe to it with a lot of interactions.

Shigatsu wa kimi no uso: I'm saying nothing except "Go watch this"

Clannad and its continuation After Story: Staples in the Slice of life genre that I still need to watch properly

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I'm looking to get interested in Anime but I've never watched anything before and am seriously lost looking at this forum. Seriously, the only anime I have ever watched is Pokemon.

So does anyone have any recommendations for a first anime. It needs to be a dub (because I'm too lazy to read subtitles), preferably not impossibly long (although I don't really care about this) and not be a super creepy, sexual type of thing.

Sorry if this request is useless- I'm kind of new to this. If someone can also tell me where I can find the anime that they recommend I'd appreciate it.

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  On 9/7/2015 at 7:08 AM, mde2001 said:


I'm looking to get interested in Anime but I've never watched anything before and am seriously lost looking at this forum. Seriously, the only anime I have ever watched is Pokemon.

So does anyone have any recommendations for a first anime. It needs to be a dub (because I'm too lazy to read subtitles), preferably not impossibly long (although I don't really care about this) and not be a super creepy, sexual type of thing.

Sorry if this request is useless- I'm kind of new to this. If someone can also tell me where I can find the anime that they recommend I'd appreciate it.

Fullmetal Alchemist brotherhood is always a good start, especially if you're into action series. it's 60+ episodes .

if you're looking for something similar but a bit shorter, there is the Space Opera "Cowboy bebop" at only 26 episodes and an amazing soundtrack, though keep in mind this is an anime from the 90s so the artstyle is a little dated.

and for something a little more recent "Attack on Titan" a fantasy where humans fight for their survival against giant monsters, same length as bebop though there is a second season in the works so there will be more episodes later.

If you're looking for something a little more light hearted and just want to enjoy a good laugh or 2 then I give you the following recommendations.

First off is "Toradora". If you are a fan of romantic comedies this is probably the best start for anyone, featuring the everyday lives of a tiny girl with a short temper and kind boy who always gets mistaken for a delinquent, same length as bebop and Titan

and also there's "The Devil is a Part-Timer". A much shorter anime at around 13 episodes. It's a humorous tale where the Prince of Darkness himself Satan, get's stuck in the mortal realm and in order to survive he needs to get a job at McDonalds.

All of these anime are english dubbed, and a lot of them can be found on FUNimation where you can sign up for a 14-day free trial to watch as much anime as you want. if you're looking for a free streaming site then what you're looking for can be found by google searching "*name of anime* English dubbed" and it should give you a list of streamable sites for your viewing pleasure.

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  On 9/7/2015 at 7:48 AM, Cpt Dana KS said:

Fullmetal Alchemist brotherhood is always a good start, especially if you're into action series. it's 60+ episodes .

if you're looking for something similar but a bit shorter, there is the Space Opera "Cowboy bebop" at only 26 episodes and an amazing soundtrack, though keep in mind this is an anime from the 90s so the artstyle is a little dated.

and for something a little more recent "Attack on Titan" a fantasy where humans fight for their survival against giant monsters, same length as bebop though there is a second season in the works so there will be more episodes later.

If you're looking for something a little more light hearted and just want to enjoy a good laugh or 2 then I give you the following recommendations.

First off is "Toraora". If you are a fan of romantic comedies this is probably the best start for anyone, featuring the everyday lives of a tiny girl with a short temper and kind boy who always gets mistaken for a delinquent, same length as bebop and Titan

and also there's "The Devil is a Part-Timer". A much shorter anime at around 13 episodes. It's a humorous tale where the Prince of Darkness himself Satan, get's stuck in the mortal realm and in order to survive he needs to get a job at McDonalds.

All of these anime are english dubbed, and a lot of them can be found on FUNimation where you can sign up for a 14-day free trial to watch as much anime as you want. if you're looking for a free streaming site then what you're looking for can be found by google searching "*name of anime* English dubbed" and it should give you a list of streamable sites for your viewing pleasure.

Thanks a lot. I'll check some of these out.

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  • Support Squad
  On 9/7/2015 at 7:08 AM, mde2001 said:


I'm looking to get interested in Anime but I've never watched anything before and am seriously lost looking at this forum. Seriously, the only anime I have ever watched is Pokemon.

So does anyone have any recommendations for a first anime. It needs to be a dub (because I'm too lazy to read subtitles), preferably not impossibly long (although I don't really care about this) and not be a super creepy, sexual type of thing.

Sorry if this request is useless- I'm kind of new to this. If someone can also tell me where I can find the anime that they recommend I'd appreciate it.

There's a lot of weird shit in anime.

So I'm going to recommend 2 sink or swim anime. If you can handle these shows you can probably handle anything short of Shimoneta, the weirdest show you can watch.

The first is Binbougami ga. The second is Panty and stocking with Garterbelt. The former is strange but awesome. The latter is japans take on american media. Either you'll love em or hate em.

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Not sure if anyone's said any of these yet, but Gregory Horror Show is a CGI anime with 2-5 minute long episodes (all on youtube btw!), it's mostly a dark comedy, but some of the episodes can be really chilling, there's also a manga, but I've yet to read it. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure's probably been mentioned, it's hard to explain other then it's a long running action/adventure manga (the first the parts have been adapted into a v good anime and the 3rd part also got it's own not-so-good but enjoyable OVA) about a man named JoJo who goes on bizarre adventures, there's lots of pop culture references, especially regarding music. Polar Bear Cafe is I think a slice of life? I'm not too sure to be honest, but it's about a lazy panda who wants to get a part-time job, it's very cute and very fun. Digimon is also really good, on the surface it looks pretty kiddy and weird, but as it goes on, the characters experience difficult decisions, death of friends and loved ones, and even PTSD and depression! I personally liked all the seasons, but some feel the later seasons didn't have as good writing, the first three seasons (Adventure 01, Adventure 02, and Tamers) are arguably the best. My last one I'm not sure can be classified as anime, as it was made in France, but it's very heavily influenced by anime (kinda like Avatar: The Last Airbender). It's called Wakfu, and it was recently put up on Netflix with dub and sub(I recommend the sub, I watched it before the dub came out and while the translation is good, the voice acting leaves something to be desired). It's about a boy named Yugo on a quest to find his family and defeat a corrupt time wizard named Nox. It can go from comedic to very serious and dark, and the animation is just beautiful.

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Just going to put some good anime's that I've seen and definitely enjoyed.

Soul Eater is always a good first anime to watch.

Mirai Nikki is by far my favorite. Has a great mix of action and comedy.

Psycho Pass is very good action wise.

High School of the Dead is a really good one, even though it uses the overrated zombie apocalypse genre, but the characters are pretty well developed. Only thing I hated is the overused sexualized characters at times, so beware of that.

Okami-san and her Seven Companions is probably the funniest anime I've ever watched.

Blue Exorcist had a good plot and good characters.

Those are the few of the many I'd recommend, but if I recommend anymore, I won't be able to stop myself. I am such a weeb.

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  On 9/10/2015 at 4:29 AM, Jericho said:

I like more serious, not cute animes, dubbed is a must. Please make some recommendations. I've seen Psycho Pass for one, and others but I can't remember them all off the top of my head. Hit me.

If you enjoyed Psycho Pass then you might like the Ghost in the Shell tv series. both shows are very similar in nature and it also has a great dub.

For an alternate recommendation I guide you to another classic Serial Experiments Lain It's not as action packed as Stand Alone Complex or Psycho Pass, but the tones are rather dark and serious. I haven't heard it's dub yet but if you're not that picky I think you'll be fine.

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  On 9/10/2015 at 4:29 AM, Jericho said:

I like more serious, not cute animes, dubbed is a must. Please make some recommendations. I've seen Psycho Pass for one, and others but I can't remember them all off the top of my head. Hit me.

You seen Code Geass? I can't remember you ever mentioning that. Many regard it as a masterpiece and, while comedy is an occasional thing it's typically overshadowed by the larger evennts going on, acting more as a tension reliever between battles.

The main points in favour of it is a fairly well done strategic and political theme playing on the tactical prowess of the MC and his foes with some mech battles peppered in for awesome factor.

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