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Anime/Manga Recommendations


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  On 9/10/2015 at 4:29 AM, Jericho said:

I like more serious, not cute animes, dubbed is a must. Please make some recommendations. I've seen Psycho Pass for one, and others but I can't remember them all off the top of my head. Hit me.

Berserk, Darker than Black, Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom, Claymore, Ergo Proxy... I don't even like this genre, but those animes are just too good to miss out on.

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you can watch psycho-pass 2 and the psycho-pass movie, if you liked the original, though neither were as good due to lacking in a decent ending. the second season is dubbed while the movie probably isnt yet.

as for other shows that might interest you, id recommend death parade, ergo proxy, parasyte, tokyo ghoul, deadman wonderland, steins;gate, zankyou no terror and shinsekai yori. the last one is especially similar to psycho-pass, even if it doesnt seem like it in the beginning. also, all of them not including parasyte and zankyou no terror have a pretty solid dub, in my opinion.

as for shows that are currently airing, gangsta and rokka no yuusha should fit your taste. only the former is being dubbed, which is also pretty nice so far.

Edited by Gore
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  On 9/11/2015 at 5:42 PM, Jericho said:

I saw Darker than Black and Code Geass, both were enjoyable.

I actually like Darker than Black: Gemini of the Meteor a bit more than the original.

Damn, I was gonna second Darker than Black but you already watched it…

Though, I'm surprised. It's actually nice to see the rare type of fan who likes Ryuusei no Gemini better than the first season.

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  On 8/31/2015 at 4:14 AM, Hiss13 said:

So, I can't believe I forgot this series. I am right now going to talk about one of the best Shounen manga I've ever read and unlike most examples like HunterXHunter, it's actually complete.So, let's begin.What series am I recommending here? Konjiki no Gash!!So, what's it about?Every 1000 years, 100 Demon Children are sent to Earth to find a human partner in order to fight the ultimate battle royale for the title of King of the Demon World. Meet Takamine Kiyomaro. He's a 14 year old Japanese middle school student and is regarded as a genius by many. However, the guy has a severe case of "intelligence=isolation" and "insufferable genius". One day, a amnesiac boy named Gash Bell jumps in through Kiyomaro's bedroom window, carrying an odd Red Book and a letter from his father telling him of how he came across Gash.Thus begins Kiyomaro's and Gash's forays into the dangerous battle for the throne of the Demon King. So, that's okay. What's so good about this series, then?Well, there are a lot of things. For one thing, the characters. The series runs for 320 chapters. Of course, that means that there is going to be a wide variety of characters. Let's start with the main character. I already mentioned that the guy is an insufferable genius but that, itself, changes as he (as well as many of the characters in the series) matures over time. From protagonist to antagonist, while not all characters get the chance to develop, a good number of characters will and it's done really well. What else? The emotional moments are also amazingly well done. While it's a bit rough at the beginning, the author really does an amazing job at refining his ability to pull the heart strings of his readers. Of course, this ties in really well with the character development. The art. Oh boy, the art. Like with the emotional moments, it's rough at first but gets really refined. I mean really refined. From moments where ultimate attacks clash to moments of pure despair, the art style is incredibly beautiful and impactful. But, let me just show you a few examples instead of just telling you.

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The humor. I guess, maturing over time seems to be a theme with this series, huh. Seeing as this is the third time I will say that the humor gets refined over time. The series's humor focuses mainly on the absurdand I really mean absurd. But, this is hit-and-miss depending on the audience.The Action. This goes far beyond your typical DBZ-esque action. Let me just say that a lot of strategy goes into these battles. Not so much at the beginning, but as time goes on, the battles have more and more strategy embedded in them as the movepools of the Demon Children begin to widen and vary to the point where there is a lot of Tactic A+Tactic B, fall back tactic C, Using seemingly odd movements to set up for something, etc. After all, there are 100 Demon Children. The variety in the type of magic the Demons use is quite incredible ranging from Lightning to Stalling to Speed.Of course, the story. This series has a crap ton of twists and turns and you will enjoy each and every one of them.With that, I hope I left you with something interesting and hopefully, some of you guys actually give this series a shot and go through the whole thing because in my opinion, it's well worth it,

I second this. This manga is soooo good. You get so attached to the characters. You will cry.

For my manga recommondations they are: Akame ga kill!, Umineko no naku Koro ni (also a visual novel game), Yona of the dawn (I love this one a lot), Chibi Vampire, Fruits Basket, Pretear, and Mahou Shoujo of the End.

There is also a Webtoon comic called Lessa that's absolutely amazing.

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I'm just curios as for some recommendations people might more specifically throw at me since looking for some stuff since I got some time to kill of late.

Stuff I've watched and liked:

  • Hitman Reborn: Was the first anime I watched actually, while it definitely start pretty slow it gets pretty good once something actually start happening lol. It's probably the longest series I've watched and I can definitely tell I wouldn't want anything longer than this. Sitting through Reborn a second time was ahrd due to it's length therefore any of those super long series are kinda jsut avoids for me.
  • Overlord: Just... ah I love this one here. ((probably evident by the current avatar... probably.)) I jsut really like the way the MMO features are just lain in the world to make it feel more like a legit fantasy world using those things to explain how it works. It's also nice to have something which isn't persay from the good guys perspective. After all, we're following a character who's basically a Lich and an all-powerful Undead on his quest to take over the world.
  • Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood: I hear there's actually another anime on this, but this is the one I've seen. It was a great enjoyment from beginning to end. Not a thing I didn't really like about it. There's quite a bit of dark subjects in it but they contrast well with some of the larger than life character ((The Armstrongs come to mind lol.)).
  • Kill la Kill: Definitely one of the weirder ones I've watched but... damn it was a ride. It was really fast paced and was pretty great to watch the whole way through. I actually told the friend of mine who kept trying to get me to watch this one that he'd never get me to do it in a million years because it just looked so weird and off the wall. However... morbid curiosity set in and I kinda gave in and watched it. Was a great decision and I was definitely not disappointed. It was so genuinely funny, and even emotional at times. It felt very well put together and the sheer over the top factor was just so great. Definitely one of my favorites for good reason lol.
  • Garran Lagunn: Another suuuuuuuuper over the top anime that just had a lot of heart. I especially liked that in the middle they did a big time-skip where it really impacted the story. You felt just how much the characters changed in that span of a few years you didn't get to see. They really evolved and that stuck with me just how well they pulled that off. I don't think there's a character in it that I don't remember because they had so much personality. ((you know other than the mooks etc... and definitely not by name... I'm super bad remembering names to be honest.))

So, jsut a few of my top right there, wonder what people will dig up that they think are some good watches for me. Looking forward to it lol.

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  • Support Squad

So you watch a lot of action. Shit, my action taste is pretty sparse.

-Deadman Wonderland

13 episodes of interesting but meh that made me want to read the manga. I'd highly suggest hopping onto the manga after, seeing the show before hand essentially gives you a primer and a standard that the manga blows out the water


Alien parasites, body horror, surprising amounts of action and a sprinkiling of ecological philosophy. Bueno

-Prison School (DO IT!)

-Code Geass

They hype is deserved for this one, it really is if you haven't seen it. Longer than most at a total of 50 episodes but it includes cool action, interesting twists and turns, tense moments of confrontation and lying and a fantastic conclusion. Go nuts.

I could list more but headahe ow

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i see two long action/shounens and i cant help but recommend hunter x hunter (2011). 148 episodes but definitely worth going through all of them. read this if you're interested in the least.

i also recommend katanagatari. the action isnt the best attribute about this one, but rather the story. either way its pretty good so you should definitely give it a try.

finally, if you especially liked kill la kill and gurren lagan, id suggest checking out the following: flcl, punch line and psg.

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Im bored cuz a few of my favorite seasons just ended so i need some more shit to watch.

Animes I liked are:

Gate(season just finished and i loved it)

Black bullet(7/10)

Food Wars! Shokugeki no soma(10/10 Good food, good comedy, good fun ATTENTION if u wanna watch this make sure you eat before watching this or you will get REALLY hungry)

No game no life(100% good and title 100% correct)

Is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon( Is it?)

Aoharu machingun(pew pew pew pew)

God Eater(Yay giant monsters and nice quality)

SAO( u figured this out by now and by my pic)

Attack On Titans(YAY more giant monsters)

Log horizon(liked Sao so i liked this)

Note im not the type of guy that likes old looking anime.

Edited by foovy10
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  On 9/19/2015 at 10:40 PM, Dobby The Elf said:

-Prison School (DO IT!)

You going to keep trying on this one until I do aren't you? Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine~ I guess I'll give it a look...

  On 9/19/2015 at 10:56 PM, Gore said:

finally, if you especially liked kill la kill and gurren lagan, id suggest checking out the following: flcl, punch line and psg.

Any of note on those other than well... that're like those two? I'm just one that's needs a bit of info otherwise I'll probably forget to check them out.((also I'm bad at acronyms lol, so I'm not going to be able to find them otherwise... sorry I'm an idiot, it's well documented fact lol. since I'm assuming those collections of letters are acronyms for a longer name of a series lol.))

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  • 1 month later...

Ok, this'll be my first time posting here, but I'm looking for something new so here we go. I'll start with a list of everything I've seen...

Stuff I've finished:

Sword Art Online

Sword Art Online II

Attack on Titan

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

Rokka no Yuusha

DanMachi (Is it Wrong to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?)

Darker Than Black

Darker Than Black: Gemini of the Meteor

To Aru Majutsu no Index

To Aru Majutsu no Index II

To Aru Kagaku no Railgun

Log Horizon

Log Horizon 2



Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works



Maoyu Maou Yuusha

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion

Stuff I have started but not yet finished (Aka don't recommend these):

Akame Ga Kill

To Aru Kagaku no Railgun S

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2

Attack on Titan: Junior High

Fate/Stay Night

Stuff I have saved, but have not yet started (Aka don't recommend these either):


Accel World

And finally, my top 5 from what I have seen (So you get an idea for the sort of things I like most):

1. Sword Art Online/Sword Art Online II

2. Rokka no Yuusha

3. DanMachi

4. Darker than Black

5. Attack on Titan

Honorable mentions: Maoyu Maou Yuusha, Log Horizon, Overlord, Fate/Zero, To Aru Majutsu no Index

So beyond giving you a list of what not to recommend, hopefully this gives you some sort of idea of the types of anime I like. I tend to lean towards fantasy settings, though there are exceptions such as Darker than Black, Code Geass, To Aru, etc. I do enjoy an intricate story, though it isn't necessary. Just look at DanMachi. It's pretty straightforward, yet I still enjoyed it enough to include it in my top 5. So if any of you can try to point me towards some anime that I might enjoy, I'd very much appreciate it. Thanks!

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  • Support Squad

Flux, hit up Katanagatari and Binbougami ga yo. Katanagatari is a nice historical action show set in feudal japan that looks and sounds fucking beautiful, with some pretty memorable characters and a fantastic finale.

Binbougami ga...

Watch it for Bobby.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Manga suggestions:

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Anime suggestions:

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  • 4 weeks later...
  On 12/1/2015 at 2:05 PM, Ragnar said:

for some reason, I've been enjoy watching Case Closed episodes for the past couple of days. Got any other recommendations on any other mystery/detective/crime anime I should watch or anything similar to it?

Have you seen Psycho-Pass yet? If not, that's something I'd recommend. It has amazing story progression, they're able to explain the rules of the world in the beginning, and the rest of the story builds around those rules. It's amazing how beautiful the emotional spectrum is.

It also looks beautiful, which is a great plus


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There you go. sorry if the list is too long:

Fate/Zero (Action, magic. Epic as hell)

Fate/Unlimited Blade Works (2015 version) (Action, magic. Epic as hell)

Psycho Pass (Police, action, suspense)

Tokyo Ghoul (action, supernatural)

God Eater* (action, post-apocaliptic) (not finished yet, unfortunately. Up to now great candidate to top 10.)

Darker than Black* (action, supernatural)
Attack on Titan (action, post-apocaliptic)

Danganronpa (mistery, survival game)

Fullmetal Alchemist (action, adventure, magic alchemy)

Steins; Gate (sci-fi, time travel, EXTREMELLY WELL WRITTEN PLOT)

Angel Beats (Drama, action, comedy...thing. Also tear jerker XD)

Baccano! (Mafia, supernatural, comedy, historic, action... really, a bit of everything.)

Durarara (supernatural and a lot of other stuff)

Subete ni garu F: The Perfect Insider* (mistery, really well-written plot)

One Punch Man (action, comedy. Lots of comedy)

Monogatari series* (supernatural, mistery)

Arslan Senki (historic, epic, adventure)

Overlord (game world, magic, comedy, adventure)

Rokka no Yuusha (adventure)

Hamatora (action)

Mekaku City Actors* (soundtrack, supernatural, soundtrack. Did I mention the soundtrack?)

Kill La Kill (Action, comedy. Over the top)

RWBY* (anime or not, it´s really good)

Nanatsu no Taizai (action, comedy)

.Hack//Sign (game world, adventure)

.Hack//Quantum (game world, adventure)

Ao no Exorcist* (magic, demons, action)

Parasyte (action)

Kekkai Sensen* (action, comedy, supernatural)

Plastic Memories* (Drama. Tear jerker. /cry )

Bold names mean Top 10

* means honorable mention

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  On 12/28/2015 at 6:11 PM, Notus said:

There you go. sorry if the list is too long:

Fate/Zero (Action, magic. Epic as hell)

Fate/Unlimited Blade Works (2015 version) (Action, magic. Epic as hell)

Psycho Pass (Police, action, suspense)

Tokyo Ghoul (action, supernatural)

God Eater* (action, post-apocaliptic) (not finished yet, unfortunately. Up to now great candidate to top 10.)

Darker than Black* (action, supernatural)

Attack on Titan (action, post-apocaliptic)

Danganronpa (mistery, survival game)

Fullmetal Alchemist (action, adventure, magic alchemy)

Steins; Gate (sci-fi, time travel, EXTREMELLY WELL WRITTEN PLOT)

Angel Beats (Drama, action, comedy...thing. Also tear jerker XD)

Baccano! (Mafia, supernatural, comedy, historic, action... really, a bit of everything.)

Durarara (supernatural and a lot of other stuff)

Subete ni garu F: The Perfect Insider* (mistery, really well-written plot)

One Punch Man (action, comedy. Lots of comedy)

Monogatari series* (supernatural, mistery)

Arslan Senki (historic, epic, adventure)

Overlord (game world, magic, comedy, adventure)

Rokka no Yuusha (adventure)

Hamatora (action)

Mekaku City Actors* (soundtrack, supernatural, soundtrack. Did I mention the soundtrack?)

Kill La Kill (Action, comedy. Over the top)

RWBY* (anime or not, it´s really good)

Nanatsu no Taizai (action, comedy)

.Hack//Sign (game world, adventure)

.Hack//Quantum (game world, adventure)

Ao no Exorcist* (magic, demons, action)

Parasyte (action)

Kekkai Sensen* (action, comedy, supernatural)

Plastic Memories* (Drama. Tear jerker. /cry )

Bold names mean Top 10

* means honorable mention

You've already seen a lot of the main things I'd recommmend, but there are a few good recommendations I can still give.

Code Geass (Action/Mindgames/Politics - SUPER good, and I'm sure you've at least heard the name before. Definitely check this out.)

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (Slice of life/Character relations - Not sure if this would be your thing or not, but it's definitely one of my favorite series, taking a place in my top 5. The plot comes and goes, but the series was just so enjoyable for me and it always left me wanting more. If you do want to watch it, I'd definitely recommend watching it in chronological order rather than release order, so you can feel free to pm me or whatever if you want help with that. The timeline can get kinda tricky to figure out.)

Charlotte (Supernatural/Character Relations - I saw that Angel Beats! was on your top ten, and this instantly stuck out as a series missing from your list. Charlotte is another anime by the writer of Angel Beats!, and there are actually quite a few Angel Beats! references distributed throughout it. The ending is kind of rushed and the plot comes out of nowhere in the middle of the series, but it was realllllly good, and I feel like it should be inn my top 5, but there just isn't enough spaces. Definitely check it out if you liked Angel Beats!)

To Aru Majutsu no Index. (Action/Supernatural - This is another of my favorites, though not everyone enjoys it the same way. I'd still definitely recommend this, and if you like it, be sure to check out the sequel series and the Railgun spinoffs.)

Sword Art Online (Action/Virtual Reality - There are people who will hate me for recommending this, but I have to do it anyway. Yes, it's overhyped, no it's not a perfect series, but it's still very enjoyable and takes the top place on my list despite its flaws. If you enjoyed Overlord and .hack, this should be right up your alley.)

Log Horizon (Virtual Reality/World Exploration - I always see this series as SAO's counterpart. While SAO focuses a lot on the action and fighting, Log Horizon spends more time exploring the world. That's not to say there isn't plenty of fighting as well though. Again, if you enjoy virtual reality MMO anime, check this one out too.)

Accel World (Action/Virtual Reality - Another anime written by Reki Kawahara, the creator of SAO. It's a different sort of virtual reality than most anime, almost leaning more towards augmented reality. I enjoyed this series a lot more than I expected to, and I'm eagerly awaiting the recently announced season 2.)

Maoyuu Maou Yuusha (Fantasy/Politics - I've only found one other person on Reborn who knows of this series, being Acqui, and she only knows it through the manga. Regardless, both of us love it to death, though I have a somewhat hard time recommending it. I feel like the anime will bore most people to death, and in general, I don't think most people will find it very good. Despite that, it has niche fans, such as myself, and as another of my top 5 anime, I feel obliged to recommend it anyway.)

Hopefully you can find something in there to watch! Feel free to pm me with questions or whatever. ^^

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  • 4 weeks later...

So, if anyone has been paying attention to my statuses, then you can tell that I have a new animu that I have fallen in love with. What is it, exactly?


Kara no Kyoukai: Garden of Sinners


So, what is Kara no Kyoukai (aka Boundary of Emptiness)?

Kara no Kyoukai is one of TYPE-MOON's earliest works, written as a Light Novel (which I have yet to read) and as a prototype to TYPE-MOON's later works such as Tsukihime, FSN, and Mahou Tsukai no Yoru. It was later adapted by famous Unlimited Budget Works studio: ufotable into multiple movies, one for each full chapter in the novels.

DISCLAIMER: As of now, I have only watched 6 out of the 8 movies.

The story is set in the Late 1990s in a nameless Japanese city and chronicles the mysterious, paranormal events surrounding Koukutou Mikiya and Ryougi Shiki. The story is told through these movies in a non-linear fashion while jumping back and forth within the timeline of events.

Honestly, I'm not sure what else more I can say about this story without spoiling it. The art and animation is beautiful, much like one would expect of ufotable and the Yuki Kajiura soundtrack is the best I've heard of her compositions surpassing even Madoka's and F/Z's soundtracks while beautifully melding with the atmosphere of the movies to create a stimulating and breathtaking experience.

I would highly recommend anyone who has liked any of TYPE-MOON's works to give this a go as it is a one-of-a-kind experience.

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Quite possibly the best anime this season;

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Another good one, best "stuck in a video game" anime there is;

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Surprisingly fun to watch;

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Edited by DarkSpite
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  On 2/1/2016 at 10:52 PM, DarkSpite said:

Quite possible the best anime this season;

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Another good one, best "stuck in a video game" anime there is;

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Surprisingly fun to watch;

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Those are three of the four anime I've been watching this season, and you listed them in the exact order of my favorites. ^^ I can definitely second this list as a recommendation for those looking to watch something this season or just in general.

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