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[InterestCheck/Reroll] Under the Hill: The Final Circle


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Long ago, in the days of its discovery, the Hill was alive with people: explorers, military personnel, scientists, journalists, mystics and brave souls alike, all eager to uncover the secrets that the Hill had to offer.
As the initial exploration team vanished inside, the Hill turned into a supernatural area, one where objects appear and disappear relatively quickly. With increasingly longer amounts of time that had passed since the original team's departure, other teams set out into the Hill.
After months of teams disappearing into the Hill, the leader of the original team was finally found, alone, wandering out of the Hill in a daze. Disoriented, he told those that found him a cryptic message: Whomever should reach the final chamber of the Hill would have his or her most prominent desire fulfilled.
He never spoke another word.
Much time had passed since then. The area around the Hill was locked down by the military and, as time passed by, forgotten. Occasionally, some seeking a thrill would enter into the Hill, only to return nearly comatose. As such, a fence was built around the Hill, with the sole purpose of keeping curious adventurers from suffering what had been deemed 'a fate worse than death'. Now, it's a deserted piece of land, one that has been forsaken by all that know its tale.
In the middle of a dense, dark forest, 10 years from the construction of the fence, the Hill stands empty. The wind howls over the trees, whistling through the gaps in the old fence, seemingly tugging the outside world to the Hill. If one were to follow the gale of wind, they would spot a big stone arch. Although the center of the arc should be visible, it is not-- there is an unnatural, thick darkness that fills the arch. At the top of the arch, written ancient ruins that are translatable by all that see them, is a warning to those souls brave enough to enter into its depths.
Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.
It's a place nobody want's to visit anymore. Well, almost nobody.
Over a year ago, individuals were drawn to the Hill and began a perilous quest to reach the final chamber and bring their deepest desires true, though there was a catch: only one person's dream could come true.
You are still someone with a dream and want desperately to turn it into reality. For this one true desire to come true, you don't care who you would have to kill or what you would have to do to make it come to fruition.

Hello friends! Earlier this year, a grave mistake was made on my part, and that was to allow an RP that my dear friend Notus began, one that brought the characters through the circles of Hell in hopes of being the first to reach the bottom and have their dreams fulfilled, end without a true conclusion. This is my way of remedying this mistake.

A bit of background is that this RP began in the Onyx Arcade in a game called King of the Hill. In this game, one would simply kill the ruler of the hill in order to become the next King. Through this, a few of us began to make the game into an RPish experience, stopping when one of the auth told us to get back on track. In homage to the times that we spent killing and bargaining to be rulers of the hill, this RP was born.

Please note that as a Reroll, characters will be provided. Also, even though this is a sequel/conclusion of an RP that used to exist, knowledge of the previous RP is NOT necessary in order to participate-- all pertinent information will be given within the characters that will be up for playing as.

Should you wish to read the original RP, here are the links to the finished circles (1-3).

Should you be interested in participating, please state so in this thread. If enough people express interest, a sign-up/OOC will be up in a few days. We started a journey through hell friends, and now we need to complete it.

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I'm so glad to have you folks on board!

Snow, when I participated in the original UtH RP, I had no experience either. You're more than welcome, and can ask any of us if you ever need help~

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I am in on this. If I get my old Character, it's going to be better than the last time. I've learned a few things since those young and brash days of noob-time.

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I think I might be game, old friend.

Would be nice to fix the many mistakes I made with Ethic... go back and take a look on my first serious character that I wrote on here.

Plus, come on... What notus and you did with this thing was freaking awesome. This is still tied for my favorite Roleplay on here.

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Of crouse we have, it was one of the first for a lot of us here. It's was one of the first for me as well to be honest. Forum-wise... I think only Acquie's RP came first for me. I want to put this to bed the right way, I think Under the Hill deserves as much lol.

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I hardly got to play with Noella but that's fine. I wanna take another crack at her personality and whatnot..

I would have claimed interest but THINGS OF THE THINGS happened

P.S how did you put this up on the 12th...? I swear that was a period where he site was deded

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Actually... it was definitely while it was having issues. However it was jsut spooty all over the palce and some people had access while others did not. any way... stay on topic please lol. Not the place to really be disussing the Blackout XD. It's stable now it's all good.

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You guys are absolutely fantastic, I swear. Strat, Dobby, keep eyes out on your PMs while I sort through things please! I hope to have an OOC up by Sunday at the earliest.

Also, just to clarify, this went up immediately after the DDoS when like 7 people had access to the site (then I lost access for the rest of the 12th and most of the 13th, rip)

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  • 2 weeks later...

*eyes sparkling*

I´m... not crying. Just passing by after one more busy week (and losing my main modem) and finding this... Is priceless. Next week I´ll probably have got a new modem, and then I´m totally in! You guys made my day. :lol:

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As an aside to you all, the Sign Ups are now open. If you're seriously going to join the RP, post in there something along the lines of 'I'm in' so that I know I can definitely count you in while I perfect the characters and whatnot

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