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Underappreciated Types


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Hi folks.

You guys ever play through a story with a team, and realize a pattern when finding the right 'mons to take through the Pokemon League gauntlet?

I recognize a couple of trends. Mostly regarding type coverage. In a story mode, an experienced trainer tends to go for an offensive bunch that can cover as many weaknesses as possible. Now, we all have our favorite types - but what about the types that bail us out more often than not, without winning us over?

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Dark is a type that is found on every single team of mine without much of a concerted effort to find a Dark type Pokemon. As someone who has generally had a love for Fighting type Pokemon, I generally have a glaring weakness to Psychic and Ghost type Pokemon - and by the end of my run, the most common type to answer those weaknesses is the Dark type.

- Krookodile is by and far one of my favorite Dark type companions and if given the option, I will use it - but not because of it's Dark typing. It's actually another typing on this list that causes the void to be filled.

- Honchkrow is the rewarding flying type Pokemon. It's very hard to get your hands on - but it's one of my favorites if I decide I don't want to use Crobat.


Recently, Rock has found it's way into my favorite types top 5, but it was definitely not always the case. Rock was an interesting type because most 'mons come with great physical defense, even if they have offensive purposes. I always thought that was cool.

- Carracosta

- Golem made a debut in my Omega Ruby run.


Ground is a generally sought after type to complement my F-W-G core that I establish with almost all of my teams.

- Krookodile, Golem

- Seismitoad, Quaqsire, and Gastrodon have found interesting niches on my teams due to Grass not being the most popular coverage move-type out there.


Rounding out the types is a type that finds itself whenever I need something to take down flying types. There are several fun Electric type Pokemon I have used to fill this role - The difference with Electric over Rock is that it is more reliable against Water type Pokemon and resists water coverage moves better.

- Raichu

- Magnezone

- Electrode

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I like all of those types except rock (I just find it like a worse version of steel).

I find poison is under appreciated (I don't even like them that much). They actually have some good pokemon.

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I have a few types I drift towards so I'll put them here as well:

The Fire Type

Who doesn't love a good burn, eh? It's therapeutic and there's something hypnotic about watching your enemies go up in flames. I always end up with one of these on my team one way or another and they always help me out just when I thought all was lost. And to anyone who said Red was a crazy guy to fight in HGSS, Eruption Typhlosion says hi.

-First Pokemon was Cyndaquil (clear bias)

-Chose Charmander when I picked up FRLG

-Used Cyndaquil again in SS

-Even used Tepig in White because Fire is always fun

-Camerupt and Pyroar are a gods in Reborn.

The Grass Type

Here's a somewhat different one, but I always tend to enlist the support of a grass type if only for their general utility purpose and draining moves. I didn't use them much at first, but they eventually grew on me. They also help with my water and ground weaknesses.

-Used Bellsprout in Gold and SS.

-Used Oddish in FRLG

-Pansage in Gen V

-Roserade is a flower which can destroy most unprepared people. It's a pain to evolve ingame, but it is oh so rewarding to do so.

The Electric Type

You didn't expect this one? I know, it is quite shocking, yet true. I tend to drift towards Special attackers with my teams, so Electric types tend to fill this role nicely.

-Used Jolteon in Gold and SS

-Used Raichu in FRLG

-Zebstrika was a bit of a let down to me in Gen V, but I still used him until Solosis came along.

-Manectric is capable of single handedly ripping through Reborn gyms with Charge Beam and Discharge Spam.

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Hmmm, i think Dark has definitely seen a major improvement in a few palces as it got the suuuuuuper powerful addition in Knock Off, which is not only super powerful in-game if it gets it by level-up, but also very powerful in Competitive.

Dark Type is my favorite type though so I always use one... hell I used a Mighteyna in my first playthrough of Emerald. That mon one not of the best... it definitely a bit better than folks give it credit imo lol. It at least had a great ability in Intimidate making it at least kinda bulky to Physical attacks and had somewhat decent moves.

Personally I say these are the more under-appreciated types imo. I'll be lsiting favs of mine of those types probably rather than like the best of the best. In-game a lot more things are actually useful in the long run.

- Rock,

I definitely wholeheartedly agree on Rock Types. They tend to be in the rough patch of the fact that the thing they are weak too.... tends to be more special orientated and a lot of them are 4x weak to it as Rock/Ground is pretty common among them. A few Rock Types manage to bet that like Ttar's family as it gets a free SpDef buff thanks to it's ability and actually having a solid SpDef stat to begin with. However as that example is a Pseudo Legend, it pretty rare to get it at a decent time to use it in-game. They also tend to suffer from being suuuuuper slow and having big weaknesses and instnatly being defeated as such. However, I think they are quite a bit better than some think.

-Golem if you can get it, has such a good level-up movepool getting a lot of powerful moves early. THis makes it pretty storng early to mid game, while certainly carrying it a bit into late. It Struggles heavily with Grass and Water types though.

-A personal fav of mine... Gigalith from Gen 5. It looks pretty shitty at first glance not going to lie... a Pure Rock Type? Who'd want that? But... it's high attack stat and reasonable defenses make it prett good at doing some large chucks. It's lack of recovery moves isn't an issue on an in-game team either as you can use items. It mgith not have the best level-up pool, but I definitely enjoyed using it.

-Crustle is another I really liked in 5th Gen. It's assess to Shell Smash was really fun if you still ahd sturdy as you could pop some fools pretty hard as you now were fast and suuuuper powerful. Outside of that it was a pretty solid mon as well. I'd probably use it more if it weren't for the other Bug Types in 5th gen that I really liked using.

- Bug,

Bug types get a suuuuuuuper bad rap. Though... it's probably due to all the ones like Beedrill and Butterfree that evolve suuuuper quick and then quickly become pretty useless as they get outclassed really fast. Their coverage is also a tad awkward in that they hit Psychic, Dark, and Grass Super effectively, but are not very effective against a Myriad of types a lot of which are more common. They also tend to ahve a lotta trouble getting past Rock Types and Steel Types as a lot of them don't get access to coverage moves that let them get around them hell... a lot of times not even getting thing to hit them Neutrally. But there are definitely some awesome bugs out there.

- Venomoth. While maybe not everyone's first choice, I like the little guy. Not only is it a pretty good status spreader as it gets access to most powder moes, it also has the nice ability of TInted Lens. THis makes it's NFE hits bump up a stage in damage therefore making x2 ineffectives do neutral damage. It's got decent enough stats that a QUiver Dance is actually kinda scary on it. It doesn;t have the best coverage in the world... but it can definitely get things done.

-Scyther and Scizor. Both are kinda similar, HUGE ABSUERS OF TECHINICAN! Like seriosuly... Scizor is probably the best abuser of the ability and Scyther is no slouch at it either. Scizor definitely makes very good use of it making Bullet Punch huuuurt a looooot. Scyther can use it to give it a very reliable Flying Type Stab in Aerial Ace that doesn't cause Recoil or require no item to e used ((acrobatics...)) that not a lot of mons can boost.

-Galvantula, Super fast and decent enough coverage made this guy quite scary. COmpund Eyes made Thunder Usable bypassing it's somewhat bleh SpAtk and giving it veeeeery powerful attack to use to make up for it. Bug Electric is certainly a weird coverage... but it's definitely usable making it a bug that isn't wrecked by Flying types.

-My personal faves, Escavlier and Accelgor. I really hate that they are both Trade evos... with each other... cuase it make them a pain in the bottom to get in main series games and even worse... impossible in 5th gen now... but dang it I love both of them. Both had pretty reasonable coverage with Escavalir taking bulk and a decent amount of it, while Accelgor took blazing fast speed. Having used both a lot... I can say I never once regretted having one on my 5th Gen team. Not sure if they are in Reborn... but I'd bloody use them in a heartbeat if they are XD.


Poor, Poor Ice Types. You totally lost the Typing lottery in terms of Defense. Having 4 major weaknesses 3 of which to super common types in Fire, fight, and Rock. But, it not all bad, Ice certianly got a nice kick back in how offensively sound they are. They got Dragon, Flying and Ground, all super good types to be hitting Super Effectively. While Water, Fire Steel and Ice itself resist it, those types certainly are a bit eh... but not the end of the world. A lot fo Ice Types have the burden of being slower defensive mons, but the ones that actually have decent speed are very scary in the right hands.

Beartic... and no that's not a typo. In the right hands... this thing can beeeeeeeeeee scaaaaaaary. It gets Fighting Moves to back up it nice Ice Stabs and gets some other interesting moves of different types. Hell, it even gets Bulk Up and Swords Dance giving it ways to booooost. If it has the ability Swift Swim... it goes pretty dang fast as well. The rian also removes it's FIre Weakness... Kinda making it deal close to Neutral damage sorta... I think lol. It gets Aqua Jet, which sees a nice little boost in the Rain as well. Sadly it relies on it's Hidden a bit too much which is pretty difficult to get a hold of most times espicailly since if not hitting it Super Effectively it's bulk is actually... pretty good. 95/80/80 is pretty middle of the road, but it can get the job done. All in all, while it takes a bit of work Beartic... he can be a scary dude.

Weavile, I don't think I need to explain this one... moving on.

MamoSwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!!! Personally, one of my favo mons... at least top 15 ((look... I got a lot of favs....)) and definitely my favorite Ice Type. Everyone say hello to the OG Dragon Hunter. But in seriousness, Mamoswine was and still is a powerhouse. It gets Thick Fat making up for it's FIre Weakness and putting it's Ice one back to being a Resist. rather than Neutral. But it also get STAB EQ, and the nice and pretty strong Ice Shard. It's bulk is surprisingly good for an Ice Type and it has an actula decent speed at base 80. THis Mammoth got SOME HUSTLE! ((okay I'll stop.))


While a lot use Normal types... it's often as HM slaves... that's not cool man...

Normal types are suuuuuper veristile and that's what makes them pretty dang fun to use. I get some of them don't have great stats and a lot of them do suffere from "My movepool is lopsided the wrong way" syndrome, they are still very good and in many cases... under utilized.

I think many assume them having 0 resists is pretty bad and it's not the best thing in the world granted, but they only have 1 weakness as a result. This makes them decent at taking everything that isn't fighting which I think is an okay trade off. Their Ghost Immunity is also a nice little bonus.

Stoutland, THis doggy... he good. Many completely dismissed this guy I feel when playing Black and White. THey jsut went oh great..... another shitty route 1 Normal. ((in Black and White... that guy's name is Watchog... but I see how you could misconstrue.)) Either way this dog is a lot better than some folks think. ALl of it's abilites in-game are very powerful with Scrappy allowing it to hit Ghosts better((it gets Crunch which makes it a tad redundant... but eh...)), Intimidate lowering attack, and Sand Rush making it maaaad fast in Sandstorm. It also gets access to all the Elemental Fangs and powerful normal type moves suuuper early. It gets Superpower as well if you can get access to the move allowing to muscle through Steel and ROck types. His Stats are all decently solid not having one under 80 other than SpAtk. He's no slouch so don't write him off as useless.

Pyroar, I think a pretty underestimated mon right here. Normal/Fire is definitely a weird... but really awesome type combo. it's pretty fast allowing it to outspeed a lot fo things and dent them with it's Fire and Normal type moves. I will admit it in a bit of an awkward spot until it gets Hyper VOice but it definitely pick ups a bit once it gets it. It also gets Dark Pulse backing up it's Normal Type to hit GHosts nice and hard. All in all, it's got something going on.

Porygon 2 and Z. My Two fav normal types for sure. They get one of the most eclectic movepools via tm... and it's awesome. However unlike other normal types... It actually has the Special Attack stat to utilize a lot of it. While they don't really get fire moves they get access to Bolt Beam, and all kinds of nice toys to play around with. Prygon 2 is a defensive mosnter with Eviolite that actually still retains some offensive presence. They also get coveted Nasty Plot, the Special version fo swords dance... If you get these guys somehow ((cause really... once again Trade evos are the freaking pits... I tell ya.)) you won't be sorry. It's Artificial Duck time.

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In-game, I've been able to succesfully use mons of all types. All types have good stuff!

But if we're going for the over-looked types, the ones I'd mention have been mentioned by other users already.

Rock is a type I really want to love, and when I see that attack, and that defense, it makes my mouth water. Then you get a hold of that special defense, and those weaknesses which are mainly special (ice, water, grass) and you wonder why.... in fact, there are specially defensive rock types, like probopass, but probo is sadly steel/rock, so it will die to everything SE regardless of how defensive it is. Leaving that aside, if you use rock wisely, you'll find some STRONG shit in there: things like Rampardos, Golem or Rhyperior are not to be looked down, not even because of having 2 quadruple weakness to water and grass; just get over that already and discover these guys. Also, anything that is rock type and can learn shell smash is A MONSTER. Carracosta, Crustle and Barbaracle are BEASTS after one of these things, and if Carracosta's got that swift swim and a bit of rain, it murders hard, same as Kabutops.

Rock is not as used as it could be. It has lot of potential, and at least I find myself learning stuff about it every now and then. For example, stone edge, I've seen it been used so few times (despite being the 2nd strongest rock type to my knowledge), that I just recently learned it has a high critical hit ratio. Things like rock slide and rock tomb are somewhere in my list of favorite moves, and stealth rock is my fav entry hazard and the best one hands down: it hits fuckin' everything (except magic guard lol). Sandstorm is a lot more useful than it might seem, and I love sandstorm teams and sandstorm in general, it is by far my favorite weather of all times (and the only one Castform can't become....huh).

Besides of rock, there's Ice. This guy has one problem and one problem only: no defensive love. Seriously, look at their stats, look at their offensive side. Even when they might not have the best movepools, their secondary types are there to help, and honestly, ice is one of the strongest shits they might ever need. Just....just play well around your weaknesses, because you've got more than you've got resistances. Once you dominate that aspect, you're free to murder souls with one of the 1st class offensive moves in the game, paired with rock and fire for the second place just behind ground and fighting.

Bug, grass and poison would be my last 3 choices here. They kinda share the same problem: people just looks them down because they have had the bad luck of being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Very few of the people I know chooses the grass starter; very few of the people I know ever catches a bug, or ever uses a bug or poison type past after the 1st gym, if at all. They have so much potential. Grass is as weak deffensively as rock is, but it has so many toys to play with: leech seed, powder moves, giga drain and synthesis...also, grass is one of the few types that actively interacts with all weather conditions: sun and rain both have a positive and hindering effect for the grass type, while sandstorm and hail both are negative for it, at least for a pure grass. Bug can hit hard, status hard, or annoy hard. Is it the fact that bug are some of the most adaptable types out there: depending what good stat you give them, they do different things well. Even things like ledian or ariados have niches: ledian is kind of a special wall and a baton passer, and ariados can set toxic spikes and hit somewhat hard with physical attacks. Bugs are generally like this: strong point, and drawback. If you find the way to use wisely in order to minimize the drawback, is a great type. Exactly the same thing I say for poison.

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Ghost I don't feel in-game is to be honest... other than that they are so freaking rare and far and few between. ((I believe Ghost is still the least represented type with Ice being the only one close to it in numbers.)).

There are quite a few Ghosts types that just sit in the awkward dead zone... ((heh... Dead Zone.)), as they have either sub-par stats like say... Banette, or a few other things. They certainly do have that nice 2 immunites and are weak to only their own type and Dark. They resist Poison and Ghost as well... which is something I suppose. Definitely not the most amazing resists... but eh resists are resists.

I think a big issue at least on one side is that Physical Ghosts have to rely on two turn attacks to have any decent power... otherwise they're stuck with Shadow Punch, a 60 BP never-miss move. I suppose that's usable in in-game a bit, but they still lack a reliable move imo. Special ones have Shadow Ball... and the somewhat more gimmicky but usable Hex. While competitively it's probably not the best plan, in-game Hex is decently usable as it triggers off all major statuses. ((if it triggered off volatile status too that be nuts XD>))... SO Special Attacking Ghosts have an upper hand over their partner mons.

I feel they are worth a mention... but honestly I think Ghosts are one of the more used types... or maybe it's jsut the people that I know or something that use a looooooooooooooooot of ghosts XD.

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I wouldn't put the best type ghosts in underappreciated to be honest. Either at attacking, blocking, defending or causing status, ghosts have always been top in my eyes. Physical ghosts generally have a secondary type that gives them decent physical moves to use (looks at Golurk, Trevenant and Gourgeist), while special ghosts are generally very fast (looks at Gengar and Mismagius). In the middle, there are deffensive oriented ghosts, like Spiritomb, who was excellent prior to fairy types (and still is, don't get wrong ideas) and walls like Jellicent, Cofagrigus or Gourgeist-XL. Oh, and of course, how not to mention the ultimate defensive AND offensive ghost, Aegislash! able to do both things virtue of its typing, ability and stats. I honestly feel like this guy (and mega-metagross) are likely the reason why GF decided to make steel take neutral damage from dark and ghost this gen. I mean, could you imagine a gen 5 Aegislash only weak to EQ and Fireblast? Yeah...

Overall, their exclusive immunities paired with all resistances they might get from other types makes them good options to check certain stuff: spinners, mostly. Also, if well predicted, you can switch a ghost into an explosion, endeavor or hi jump kick to either make your foe kill itself with the recoil or being unable to hit and gain a free turn. Ghost wouldn't be as useful if its immunities weren't precisely fighting and normal: we're talking about the single best attacking type, and the single most versatile type in terms of available moves, and move effects. If ghost was immune to, say, poison and steel, it wouldn't be nearly as useful deffensively and strategically as it is currently IMO.

And that's why ghost doesn't make it in underappreciated, at least for me.

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Always had that unappreciation for the Rock and Steel types...like .. I've used them a few times but they never manage to win me over much. Only rock types I like are the Amaura and Tyrunt lines, and steel.. wellp, Lucario and Mawile I:

Other than that, I don't often use Ghosts because well... dno, they seem like they hardly cover anything somehow, unless dualtyped. That said, I do like many ghosts but I just.. don't use em. I have vowed that when Reborn is finished, and I do my last playthrough, I will use a Mismagius ! I:

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I know this is about playthroughs, but I added some competitive commentary in there. Even if all I discuss are the competitive sets of one, they are all fun to use normally!

Fire types were never really my cup of tea, and I have never used one on a team in a playthrough. Coupled with their somewhat scarcity in the games, I feel like there isn't much variety even if you did decide to pick one up (looking at you, Gen IV). On top of that, I'm not really a fan of starter pokemon, so that narrows it down further, and I hate monkeys (though I'm getting slightly more appreciation for Infernape sets with Stealth Rock and/or Slack Off), so where are we left? I'll give a shoutout to a few of them that I've come to enjoy over the years;

Magmortar, for my expeditions into strange sets, including a bulky Chesto-Resto set with Belch and Thunderbolt as coverage.

Rotom-H, for being my favorite Rotom form, for whatever reason, it feels bulkier to me than Wash.

*Moltres, because I like all the legendary birds, and Hurricane is one of my favorite moves.

*Ho-Oh, mainly due to me using it in Bazaro's CAMP, but its bulkiness and ability in Regenerator, plus access to the awesome moves of Sacred Fire and Brave Bird make it a fun Pokemon to use. Unfortunately, I do not play in Ubers, so I will never have the chance to use it competitively.

Poison types are not the most popular, but the defensiveness of the type really attracts me. I don't usually find room for one on a playthrough team, but I have come to love them competitively for their defensive synergy with other types (*cough*Dark) and Pokemon (*cough*Tyranitar). The synergy there is great; Posion resists Fighting and Fairy, both of which are super-effective against Dark. Psychic, one of Poison's two weaknesses, has no effect on Dark. Seems pretty great to me.

Weezing, while it may seem like an odd choice, has its niche uses. I absolutely love it paired with Tyranitar, as it has Levitate so Psychic is the only thing it needs to worry about (and special attacks, which is why even its resistance to Fairy isn't too helpful since half of the time it is a special attacking type). In addition to being incredibly physically bulky, it has Will-O-Wisp, so it can just shut down most physical attackers. Finally, Steel types are common switches due to its obvious Sludge Bomb or Wave, but never fear, for it gets Flamethrower and Fire Blast! Scizor's Bullet Punches and Superpowers needn't worry Tyranitar with Weezing at your side.

Drapion, because remember how Poison and Dark so well complement each other? This gives Drapion only one weakness, but unlike Weezing's Psychic vulnerability, its is Ground. Boasting a great Defense stat for its good Attack and Speed, it can be invested to be a great special wall that doesn't need to worry about having 0 physical defense. What's more is that because of its offenses, it can run a good Assault Vest tank spread in addition to a bulky Black Sludge one. or you could just run Swords Dance and go full offense because it has such a great attacking movepool.

Tentacruel, for being a great bulky spinner with utility in Toxic Spikes, Knock Off, and Scald. It's a pretty reliable Pokemon to use.

I listed mainly defensive Pokemon of the type, but there are good offensive ones too, such as Crobat, Gengar, Toxicroak, Scolipede, Mega Beedrill, Nidoking/Queen, and Venusaur (which also has bulk, especially in Mega), but these are the ones I felt fit better with the "underappreciated" theme.

Ghost is certainly underappreciated outside of Gengar, Chandelure, and Aegislash, but it has more of my favorite bulky Pokemon. Its two immunities are fun to mess around with, but its weakness to Dark is easily exploitable, and a dangerous one to have in the games. Will-O-Wisp is also a very rude move mostly associated with these spooky guys.

Cofagrigus, though I've never used it, has incredible bulk and a very rude ability. I've seen others use it on their stall teams and it seems to do well. It does aggravate me a bit to face off against one though.

Dusknoir, whose slow speed is somewhat remedied by its great defenses, is one of my older favorites. Unfortunately, its HP stat is still terrible. However, it also has a high Attack stat, allowing it to hurt even when maximized on bulk.

Jellicent, for having its strange yet satisfying niches. For one, Keldeo can do nothing to its Water Absorb variants. It also has high HP and good defenses with a decent Special Attack, making it relatively versatile in running either stall, tank, or offense. It also gets a good movepool and one of my favorite Water moves in Water Spout, though it wouldn't find itself running that too often due to its poor speed.

Gourgeist, for being neat with its sizes, though that doesn't matter competitively. It also has a pretty decent bulk to it, but I've never used it like that. Its Attack is good though, and it has helped me many a time in Reborn.

Trevenant, for practically the same reason as Gourgeist, but it can be a bit more stally with Horn Leech, Leech Seed, and Sitrus Berry Harvest.

Froslass, for being one of my favorite Pokemon ever in design for a while. It's also a decent suicide lead. Boom, ghosts.

Golurk, for just being plain cool. Iron Fist is a neato ability and Golurk gets many of the moves that abuse it. Also, it flies. You know you'd get spooked if a giant golem ghost flew up to your top floor penthouse. There is no escape from the scares.

Drifblim, for its neat design and concept. I used one in Volt White where it got access to Hurricane (remember, one of my favorite moves), and ran a sick Rain Dance set with Thunder, Hurricane, and Shadow Ball, which was super strong since I had Flare Boost and a Flame Orb. I've used a few competitively, though all on random battles, but its old Unburden Flying Gem Acrobatics set was pretty scary. Which reminds me, we need all the elemental gems again!

So the moral of the story here is that Ghosts...don't...DIE! Heh, heh, heh! Can you get out of here... ...alive?

Edited by Pixl
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Of all the types, my least favorite are Rock and Ground for sure... main reason being their design. They're also supposed to be great defensive-wise but that doesn't seem to be case all the time as some still die extremely easily. The most under-appreciated types IMO are Poison, Ice and Normal.

Why Poison? Simply put, they aren't glass-cannons or sweepers. This type is better suited for battles of attrition and that's a huge turn off for many players who prefer to KO their enemy in the least amount of time possible. They have good defenses and many useful moves that apply status effects to debilitate their enemies in a fight. People who use Poison types have to rely on strategy to win rather than brute force but most people simply prefer the easy way out so they use sweepers instead. "Professionals" I guess...

Ice is an extremely under-appreciated type. Instead of judging it by its weaknesses, judge it by its strengths - its super useful against 4 types, one of which is extremely overused (I'm looking at you Dragon type). Its pretty balanced stat wise, can apply freeze (which is better than paralyze AND sleep) and happens to have two of my favorite Pokemon - Lapras and Glaceon.

Normal types are what I call a jack of all trades. They're the masters of versatility. Normal types have a huge move pool at their disposal, from direct damage, to debuffs, buffs, self-heals, disables, DoTs, sound attacks, physical attacks, special attacks, etc. Their diversification makes them extremely interesting to play.

Edited by IvoryOwl92
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Ground and ghost type.

Ground is something found here or there but often not the Pokemon you put on your all-star team. Golem has recently been a valued member of a nuzlocke run and become dear to my heart.

As for ghost some might say it's not under-appreciated, but I've not quite understood them for a long time. Their move pools are strange and not straight forward for an offensive trainer. I've grown to like Gengar.

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Poison is actually a fairly decent defensive type even pre fairy but now being SE against fairy while reisting it I find myself really enjoying the type, plus (bad)poison is a useful ailment to inflict on those insurmountable walls and very useful early to mid-game.

Electric I always thought was a tad boring but looking back, I actually rely on them quite a lot. I think my burning rage for Gyrados since diamond has instilled this policy of having at least one on my team, even if it's Pachi or Emolga(who is actually pretty legit). I love how fast they are, and having only one weakness(albeit a dangerous one) is really cool.

rock...thing about rock is that people have this misconception(GF included) that rock is supposed to be defensive when really it's much better offensively. A lot of pokemon suffer weaknesses to rock and even 4x in some cases to where I always try to have at least one rock option on my team if I can. I'd argue it's one of the best offensive types in the game even, although rock moves do suffer from being notoriously unreliable. on hit or having costly side effects.

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Grass types have their issues both offensively and defensively, but I still like to use them. I've used grass type starters, especially Torterra and Serperior and liked them a lot. I also like offensive grass types like Roserade and Breloom as well as more defensive ones like Ferrothorn that can take advantage of Leech Seed and powder moves that grass types get.

I also like to use electric types because they are both solid on offense and defense. Some I've used and liked are Magneton/Magnezone, Ampharos, Luxray and Rotom. Thunder Wave is a also very useful status move most electric types get.

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I remember I used to bash on grass, can't spell grass without ass! But that's because I was using it wrong. I lvoe it's clerical nature and ability to heal, like when you get that set-up just right, grass types can last a really long time and become really hard to kill. They also have a lot of utility in their mvoes ranging from offensive to supportive to defensive or debilitating...it's very fun type to use. Only thing is that grass types aren't the most versatile in movepools of other types."Killing them softy" is like the grass type's mantra.

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