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Stuck in the sewers


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I think I might be stuck in the water grid of Reborn. I spent quite some time fighting and puzzling my way through, up until I reached the room in where Taka hides himself behind a locked door, and you're supposed to open it. I think the "key" to the door is the one located on the platform you're standing in, but on the opposite side. I couldn't get there for the life of me, and then I realised that if the water levels rose up, I could.

However, there is no way of rasing the water levels while you are on the place to jump to that...the only scenario in which it was like that was when entering. So, did I just screw it up by not getting it when I entered the room? Or is there still a way to fix this?

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Ok thanks, all I need was some reasurance I didn't screw up. A while ago I accidentaly dropped down to a spot you could only get out of through surf, but I left my surf pokemon at the pc. I had to restart quickly since I saved outside. I feared this could be the same thing. again, Thanks.

key should be in another location, in the room that is left from the room you can get fennekin

Yeah, all ready got him.

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