Cepheus Posted August 15, 2015 Share Posted August 15, 2015 So... Like miy (current) Status-Update might have told you - I just beat Amber and therefore completed the Story-line of Episode 6. I have not completed every side-quest yet but I still wanted to share my thoughts about this episode and bring in some suggestions regarding the contents of Episode 6 (content after the Angie Gym-Battle) Ok so here I go: My thoughts: - I really liked the new maps for the 'old' areas (Gearen City, Route 2, Sheridan Village, Goldenleaf Town, Akuwa Town) - I DIDN'T like that D-Gyarados was weakened so much... in V5 I liked that we encountered an almost impossible enemy early on to show us the power of those Dimensional Rifts - and it gave us a good reason to come back to Route 1 later to defeat it, with a stronger and better team - Ok here is a double/edged sword -> the Pokemon Breeders! - It is great to have them to quickly level up Pokemon for the upcoming Gym-Fight... but I caught myself using them to quickly level up my team to just below the Level-cap... and therefore almost all wild-encounters became a nuisance, that I quickly just fled and only fought if I encountered a Pokemon that I actually wanted to catch (*** Something about this later) - The Story-changes, or rather expansions for the old content, were great... although Rens motives are now more understandable... but still weird, egoistic and non-sensical further explanation (or Ranting about Ren): He blocks us of, because he wants to be the one to 'change' Goldenleaf Town, ok... but WHY is he walking back from it? - instead of going IN and blocking it of - that way we would be out of his way and he could start harrassing Narcissa like we would do later... ALSO - he's in his hometown, his mother is worried sick, and he doesn't even care to say hello??? I mean... that is one way... or we could have BOTH entered and we could have done it together (with giving him most of the credit for his ego of course)... Also later he says "My friends betrayed me first..." That's bullshit! - HE betrayed us first, with blocking our path on our quest. In the hidden Xen-Lab when he sees that Melia is alive and complains about being lied to... WHY does he insist on fighting us later - when he clearly was against Team Xen and on our (well... Melias) side at this point? He could have just sided with us and attacked Nastasia and maybe earn back Melias trust! - with that - WHY is EVERYONE so cryptic? example: Nim on Route 4 "Don't go into Akuwa Town! It's bad!" ... Ok... it's bad... but I need a new badge... WHY IS IT BAD?? JUST TELL ME!!! If Nim would have just told us what's wrong with Akuwa Town, we might have escaped capture and Blacksteeple alltogether (But I guess... it's all for Story-progression purposes... *sigh*) - after Blacksteeple almost everything was like it was in V5, except the hidden-shore / Wetlands and Xen-Lab part (if that is subject to change... we have to see)... - Valerie... SWEET BABY JEEZUZ! - I see why she needs that field effect... because like all electric and Grass types would demolish her without it... but Holy damn is it overpowerd as hell! 50% Speed cut for all grounded non-water types (that don't have swift swim or other special abilities) If you try a Mono-run that is weak to water - your journey ends here! She will OHKO EVERYTHING with a speed-advantage, Rain and field-empowered TidalWave! I could only defeat her with Abamosnows Hailwarning and Mist to change the field into Misty-Terrain... - Crawli... in comparison with Valerie - was a total joke! Golem just outright slaughtered EVERYTHING he threw at me in one turn, except Crustle because I used it as setup - Stealth Rocks, 3*Rock Polish, heal up if neccessary, done... this battle is over! - just use Rock Blast 6 times and you walk away with the Stagweb Badge. - Angie... Nothing much has changed here except her field effect... Golem and Hariyama were the key here. Stealth Rock setup and Rock Blast to kill Weavile (for some reason it only used Beat Up instead of a super-effective Ice-move...) Hariyama had Close Combat and Knock Off as Counter to Frosslass and her other Ice mons Nothing other really special here - V6 Content, yay!!! - So the level progression is INSANE! We just beat Angie and our Pokemon are maximum Level 56 (if they leveled up during the fight...) and then the first thing you throw at us is Aelita with a bunch of Level 58 and 59??? That's cheating! She wouldn't be able to control them! we JUST got the badge to do this, and she just got Crawli's Badge her Pokemon should be Level 55 MAX So I trained my team up to level 59... almost the level Cap again... just to beat her... and then... as I mentioned above with the Breeders... I had to avoid like EVERY Encounter so that my Pokemon don't go over the level cap (I hate wasting Exp with Reverse Candies) - After that Battle there is SOOOOO MUCH stuff to do, that my Pokemon were level 60 almost the entire time... and THAT IS FRICKIN' annoying when you are about to face Zetta and Geara... I lost that battle 3 times just because my Haxorus gained a level and refused to obey me multiple times in a row (or was targeting Gearas Pokemon... WHICH weren't there anymore... it targeted an EMPTY slot...) ... also in that Battle... Melia... *sigh* - However the story progression was really nice and I liked the branched path. I chose to save the Elder, because... well Aelita wouldn't be too happy and I could have always get that Magma Stone back... Cera wanted to defrost Angie as soon as possible... but she is still frozen (yeah, I went to check) --------------------------------------- My Ideas/Suggestions - Well Ren... I know his motives are so weird and non-sensical for story-reasons... but I feel something is still missing... like I said before: WHY is he backing off from Goldenleaf Town after blocking us? there is no explenation for this... because when we arrive he IS just about to enter... - EARLY PARALYZE HEAL!! - Holy damn... I had to went back to a Poke Center or Healing Machine just because my Pokemon got Paralyzed in the beginning... we get Rawst Berries for Burn heal... when there is like nothing (almost nothing) that could inflict the Burn Status to us? I'd suggest switching it with the Paralyze Berry (which name I always forget) and the only Paralyze heal are LAVA COOKIES... which HEAL EVERYTHING... but early in the game they are kinda expansive with the low income we have there - EXCLUSIVE Pokemon in TEMPORARY locations... yeah... please NO! Best example is Tyroque in Marianettes Manor under Gearen City. Thios place dissappears after you beat her and with it the possibility to catch Tyroque (if you haven't encountered it while you were there) The Pokedex says it's only habitat is Gearen City... and inside the Manor was the only time I encountered it in Gearen. It MAYBE available in West Gearen... but for now we can't enter it and therefore in V6 it is the only location for it... - Level-Cap after Angie... As I said above with Aelita, the Level Progression is insane... either lower her Pokemon levels to be more on our level... or increase the Level Cap from Angies badge. Being on Level-Cap for a whole episode because of a 'cheating' Trainer in the beginning is... well contra-productive, when there is so much to do in that episode. - Corrupted Cave Everyone who saw my status about it will know what I'm about to say (and I know Jan saw it, because he made a smiley-face as a comment...) With our Levels we are effectively LATE-Game for a normal Pokemon game, now this isn't a normal Pokemon game... so we are just about Mid-Game... but that doesn't change relatively high levels of our Pokemon. MAKING US USE SHITTY progression moves at this high-level is just stupid! Cut gets a little bonus because of its boost in the forest field... I mean our Pokemon have very Powerful level-up moves at this point, that can't be just relearned at a whim (heartscales are valuable), or just the move-set we want to use on this Pokemon and we don't want to ruin that move-set for that shitty move we need to progress! Here are TWO Options I see for this part: 1. Give us the ability to use Cut and Rock Smash with Items (We have a MINING Kit to MINE Rocks... why can't we break Rocks with it??) 2. at that Corrupted Cave (other possible parts, like the wetlands or others yet to come) give us EASY access to a Computer to quicky swap out a Pokemon for an HM-Slave! The backtrack to a Computer would have been insane (if even possible) in there! - Through half of Carotus mountain (and Texen told his girls to BLOCK the entrance) Luckily I had Hariyama with Rock Climb... so I could swap these two moves out... (and sometimes no Pokemon on your team can learn Cut or Rock Smash...) - Valor Mountain 'Backdoor' (Save the Elder-route) when going thorugh Crawli's Gym to get to Valor Mountain, because we don't have Magma Drift yet, we encounter Kyogre... and MAYBE our team is REALLY hurt after that fight... we can't exit through the main entrance, because we don't have Magma Drift... so we have to go back thorugh Crawli's Gym into the Town into the Pokemon Center and back... that way is a bit long, considering Crawli HAS A HEALING MACHINE IN HIS ROOM!! - which unfortunately doesn't work for the player... just make this machine work and it's good! (also... HOLY JEZUZ we KILLED that Science guy! O.o) - Valor Mountain Zetta/Geara Battle Like I said with the Level Cap... it is annoying to lose that fight because of disobeying Pokemon, because they leveled up in that battle... because we were on the levelcap the whole episode One thing that makes this battle a torture is... MELIA... WHY DOES SHE ONLY USE 3 (Togekiss, Gardevoir and Zoroark) of her Pokemon?? SHE HAS 6!!! MAKE HER USE THEM!! - Crawli Gym-Battle As I stated above, Crawli got Slaughtered by my Golem... Instead of a Crustle give him an Armaldo with swift swim - the same Typing... utilizing the Rain and with AquaJet a Priority Move against Rock and Fire-types... Make him utilize the Rain (which currently is only there to weaken fire-moves... which HURTS his ace Volcarona)! and maybe make his Special-Move boosted by the Forest-field... Switch out Vespiqueen... he doesn't need half of his team having a double-weakness against Rock... maybe give him an Scizor, Escavalier or Leafanny instead --------------------------- These are my thoughts and ideas about V6... now I'll take a break and play something else for a while... until I get back for the sidequests Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
star-kin Posted August 15, 2015 Share Posted August 15, 2015 it's funny because i completely agree with everything on this list but if Jan really does buff up Crawli's team (which really was easy as hell), no doubt there'll be frustrated players who complain about how "OP" their team is. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and yes, Valarie was a savage. i barely even won. my last Pokemon lived with only 1 HP. yeesh.. overall, the gym leaders need more thought put into them. that's my only request. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Milotic Posted August 15, 2015 Share Posted August 15, 2015 (edited) I personally love the breeder trainers, not sure how its a double-edged sword. They are there for grinding and nothing more, so I dont see the down side you are talking about. Also about Rock Climb, you have never needed it to continue with the story so far, so you are not forced to use it. Rock climb was only used to explore optional areas and Cut was only needed one time to continue the story. As for Rock smash, I didnt see it as a big deal, its a TM now and a lot of pokemon can use it. Edited August 15, 2015 by Milotic Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TRHStatement Posted August 15, 2015 Share Posted August 15, 2015 You single-handedly addressed about every problem 85% of the trainers face in this game. These breeders are actually a blessing. I see no problem with them. Just don't to close to the level cap. I'm still waiting on Ren's explanation on why he locked us out or better yet, why he couldn't beat Narcissa with his perfectly suited team. Angie's level cap does need to be fixed and/or the old guy who gave us the badge could've TOLD us our level cap was increased. ROCK SMASH AT THIS POINT IN THE GAME!?!? Yeah, put a p.c somewhere in there because soft resetting to get to that point gets a bit tedious. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shing Posted August 15, 2015 Share Posted August 15, 2015 I don't have time to answer all that, but i agree a lot of them. However i want to say few of them. Gyarados thing, agreed. Because even if you lose and win, the gyarados get toxiced so i can see there. However the field effect made gyarados just more stronger. I guess Jan wants to dimensional be like the other ones for making sense. People really complained about lack of grinding, even with wild they wanted more option breeding. So Jan setting there was really good. Also most of people don't truly care of wild pokemon and use repel tbh. Althrough maybe just many audino's for some people, the common candy cost just 50 pokemoney. So all is fine. I can see what you mean Ren, i haven't been coming there in version 6, but still. That you said, made me question a lot of things. Haven't gone that part in version 6, so unknown. Valerie, i don't know yet. However the field is really unfair i can say so a nerf is needed. Honestly, Crawli would be easily defeated in other ways. Such as quiver dance vivillion, or other flying pokemon in general. I think it would be nice Jan adding a bug steel type or such, or making the bug pokemon speed up as a part of the field. Angie is agreed. Fits well. I can say it would fit if they had a up level cap because balance. 65 perfectly. The plotwist, the badge cap only works on the main protags XD. It could say the same with gym leaders and a lot. I guess you don't use Repels. But i see what you mean. Agreed with zetta and geara. Was a pain in there in leveling. I didn't because the eldest was old and ya know, angie is fucking crazy. Of course that wouldn't happened that angie will be thawed out. That will be in a cutscene or something next episode. Wasn't it parlyze heal in the beginning? Anyway, agreed. I see what you mean. So alrighty there. Increase will be better option. I won my first shot aganist her, but i see what you mean. I don't remember well in corrupted cave, but the level thing was agreedable. I can't say about the route with save eldest. Since i never chose it. Move on. I'm fine with melia having three. However the level i can agree. And plus the amber's gym trainers, bit increase wouldn't be bad. I like your idea of crawli. I would definetly switch vespiquenn into durant or scizor. Also btw, leavanny is weak to rock so one mistake there Good luck with the sidequest man. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cepheus Posted August 15, 2015 Author Share Posted August 15, 2015 On 8/15/2015 at 3:52 PM, Shing said: I like your idea of crawli. I would definetly switch vespiquenn into durant or scizor. Also btw, leavanny is weak to rock so one mistake there Yeah Leavanny is weak to Rock because of it's Bug-Type... but only SINGLE-weakness not DOUBLE weakness and it's Grass-Type could make use of STAB-Bonus from the Forest-field Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shing Posted August 15, 2015 Share Posted August 15, 2015 Yeah but what with flying moves. That's just destroying the leavanny quickly lol. Never get's the chance of attack haha. However, leavanny is fast tho so i see what you mean. I just feel bug type have so many weakness at the game points that it's really easy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
XxSilentWinterxX Posted August 15, 2015 Share Posted August 15, 2015 Personally, I think the Audino breeders were a God send. Especially if you're wanting to keep a big amount of rotation Pokemon about, and having to level up your team from like level 1. It's helped me keep a decent assortment of Pokemon in my box to use whenever I need a switch from one of my main team mons (Example of this: Pyroar over Delphox fighting Narcissa). So I don't see how they're that much of a double edged sword. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cepheus Posted August 15, 2015 Author Share Posted August 15, 2015 (edited) On 8/15/2015 at 4:36 PM, Octy said: Personally, I think the Audino breeders were a God send. Especially if you're wanting to keep a big amount of rotation Pokemon about, and having to level up your team from like level 1. It's helped me keep a decent assortment of Pokemon in my box to use whenever I need a switch from one of my main team mons (Example of this: Pyroar over Delphox fighting Narcissa). So I don't see how they're that much of a double edged sword. The thing with the double-edged sword: good: it is easy to quickly grind up Pokemon for your rotation! bad: it is TOO easy to bring your Pokemon to the new level-cap after receiving a badge with Pokemon at the new level-cap, trainer and wild Pokemon just become a chore, a thorn in the eye... frankly a nuissance! you don't want to battle wild Pokemon, because they don't give any EXP and just slow you down... You buy a mass amounts of Repels to avoid them (after you found out which Pokemon are on this route) Trainers just get "rofl-stomped" by your maxed out team so you can progress, the EXP they give is irrelevent because if you go above the level-cap you use a reverse candy and 'delete' these gained EXP... So aside from Breeders there is NO NEED for other trainers! And wild Pokemon get looked at once to see which you want to catch for your team... and then you destroy the ozone-layer with Repels Edited August 15, 2015 by Cepheus Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Milotic Posted August 15, 2015 Share Posted August 15, 2015 (edited) On 8/15/2015 at 4:44 PM, Cepheus said: The thing with the double-edged sword: good: it is easy to quickly grind up Pokemon for your rotation! bad: it is TOO easy to bring your Pokemon to the new level-cap after receiving a badge with Pokemon at the new level-cap, trainer and wild Pokemon just become a chore, a thorn in the eye... frankly a nuissance! you don't want to battle wild Pokemon, because they don't give any EXP and just slow you down... You buy a mass amounts of Repels to avoid them (after you found out which Pokemon are on this route) Trainers just get "rofl-stomped" by your maxed out team so you can progress, the EXP they give is irrelevent because if you go above the level-cap you use a reverse candy and 'delete' these gained EXP... So aside from Breeders there is NO NEED for other trainers! And wild Pokemon get looked at once to see which you want to catch for your team... and then you destroy the ozone-layer with Repels Trainers and wild pokemon don't always get the job done tho. Depending on how many pokemon you are training, your team may not be up to par with the gym leader, or lets say your team doesn't have a certain pokemon you need to take on the gym, and you've already battled all the trainers then what are you gonna do? And these trainers that you say are easy, have the same level pokemon as you do. If you dont reach the cap or near it, they will out level you. I buy a mass amount of repels becuase I dont like running into pokemon, not becuase I dont need their exp. Also, I dont think too many people just go back to the breeder immediately after receiving a badge and increasing the cap, people probably just move onto the next town and continue the story first. Edited August 15, 2015 by Milotic Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Polaris Posted August 15, 2015 Share Posted August 15, 2015 Just for the record, in intense mode, Crawli actually does have an Armaldo. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Developers Jan Posted August 18, 2015 Developers Share Posted August 18, 2015 On 8/15/2015 at 1:31 PM, Cepheus said: So... Like miy (current) Status-Update might have told you - I just beat Amber and therefore completed the Story-line of Episode 6. I have not completed every side-quest yet but I still wanted to share my thoughts about this episode and bring in some suggestions regarding the contents of Episode 6 (content after the Angie Gym-Battle) Ok so here I go: My thoughts: - I really liked the new maps for the 'old' areas (Gearen City, Route 2, Sheridan Village, Goldenleaf Town, Akuwa Town) - I DIDN'T like that D-Gyarados was weakened so much... in V5 I liked that we encountered an almost impossible enemy early on to show us the power of those Dimensional Rifts - and it gave us a good reason to come back to Route 1 later to defeat it, with a stronger and better team - Ok here is a double/edged sword -> the Pokemon Breeders! - It is great to have them to quickly level up Pokemon for the upcoming Gym-Fight... but I caught myself using them to quickly level up my team to just below the Level-cap... and therefore almost all wild-encounters became a nuisance, that I quickly just fled and only fought if I encountered a Pokemon that I actually wanted to catch (*** Something about this later) - The Story-changes, or rather expansions for the old content, were great... although Rens motives are now more understandable... but still weird, egoistic and non-sensical further explanation (or Ranting about Ren): He blocks us of, because he wants to be the one to 'change' Goldenleaf Town, ok... but WHY is he walking back from it? - instead of going IN and blocking it of - that way we would be out of his way and he could start harrassing Narcissa like we would do later... ALSO - he's in his hometown, his mother is worried sick, and he doesn't even care to say hello??? I mean... that is one way... or we could have BOTH entered and we could have done it together (with giving him most of the credit for his ego of course)... Also later he says "My friends betrayed me first..." That's bullshit! - HE betrayed us first, with blocking our path on our quest. In the hidden Xen-Lab when he sees that Melia is alive and complains about being lied to... WHY does he insist on fighting us later - when he clearly was against Team Xen and on our (well... Melias) side at this point? He could have just sided with us and attacked Nastasia and maybe earn back Melias trust! - with that - WHY is EVERYONE so cryptic? example: Nim on Route 4 "Don't go into Akuwa Town! It's bad!" ... Ok... it's bad... but I need a new badge... WHY IS IT BAD?? JUST TELL ME!!! If Nim would have just told us what's wrong with Akuwa Town, we might have escaped capture and Blacksteeple alltogether (But I guess... it's all for Story-progression purposes... *sigh*) - after Blacksteeple almost everything was like it was in V5, except the hidden-shore / Wetlands and Xen-Lab part (if that is subject to change... we have to see)... - Valerie... SWEET BABY JEEZUZ! - I see why she needs that field effect... because like all electric and Grass types would demolish her without it... but Holy damn is it overpowerd as hell! 50% Speed cut for all grounded non-water types (that don't have swift swim or other special abilities) If you try a Mono-run that is weak to water - your journey ends here! She will OHKO EVERYTHING with a speed-advantage, Rain and field-empowered TidalWave! I could only defeat her with Abamosnows Hailwarning and Mist to change the field into Misty-Terrain... - Crawli... in comparison with Valerie - was a total joke! Golem just outright slaughtered EVERYTHING he threw at me in one turn, except Crustle because I used it as setup - Stealth Rocks, 3*Rock Polish, heal up if neccessary, done... this battle is over! - just use Rock Blast 6 times and you walk away with the Stagweb Badge. - Angie... Nothing much has changed here except her field effect... Golem and Hariyama were the key here. Stealth Rock setup and Rock Blast to kill Weavile (for some reason it only used Beat Up instead of a super-effective Ice-move...) Hariyama had Close Combat and Knock Off as Counter to Frosslass and her other Ice mons Nothing other really special here - V6 Content, yay!!! - So the level progression is INSANE! We just beat Angie and our Pokemon are maximum Level 56 (if they leveled up during the fight...) and then the first thing you throw at us is Aelita with a bunch of Level 58 and 59??? That's cheating! She wouldn't be able to control them! we JUST got the badge to do this, and she just got Crawli's Badge her Pokemon should be Level 55 MAX So I trained my team up to level 59... almost the level Cap again... just to beat her... and then... as I mentioned above with the Breeders... I had to avoid like EVERY Encounter so that my Pokemon don't go over the level cap (I hate wasting Exp with Reverse Candies) - After that Battle there is SOOOOO MUCH stuff to do, that my Pokemon were level 60 almost the entire time... and THAT IS FRICKIN' annoying when you are about to face Zetta and Geara... I lost that battle 3 times just because my Haxorus gained a level and refused to obey me multiple times in a row (or was targeting Gearas Pokemon... WHICH weren't there anymore... it targeted an EMPTY slot...) ... also in that Battle... Melia... *sigh* - However the story progression was really nice and I liked the branched path. I chose to save the Elder, because... well Aelita wouldn't be too happy and I could have always get that Magma Stone back... Cera wanted to defrost Angie as soon as possible... but she is still frozen (yeah, I went to check) --------------------------------------- My Ideas/Suggestions - Well Ren... I know his motives are so weird and non-sensical for story-reasons... but I feel something is still missing... like I said before: WHY is he backing off from Goldenleaf Town after blocking us? there is no explenation for this... because when we arrive he IS just about to enter... - EARLY PARALYZE HEAL!! - Holy damn... I had to went back to a Poke Center or Healing Machine just because my Pokemon got Paralyzed in the beginning... we get Rawst Berries for Burn heal... when there is like nothing (almost nothing) that could inflict the Burn Status to us? I'd suggest switching it with the Paralyze Berry (which name I always forget) and the only Paralyze heal are LAVA COOKIES... which HEAL EVERYTHING... but early in the game they are kinda expansive with the low income we have there - EXCLUSIVE Pokemon in TEMPORARY locations... yeah... please NO! Best example is Tyroque in Marianettes Manor under Gearen City. Thios place dissappears after you beat her and with it the possibility to catch Tyroque (if you haven't encountered it while you were there) The Pokedex says it's only habitat is Gearen City... and inside the Manor was the only time I encountered it in Gearen. It MAYBE available in West Gearen... but for now we can't enter it and therefore in V6 it is the only location for it... - Level-Cap after Angie... As I said above with Aelita, the Level Progression is insane... either lower her Pokemon levels to be more on our level... or increase the Level Cap from Angies badge. Being on Level-Cap for a whole episode because of a 'cheating' Trainer in the beginning is... well contra-productive, when there is so much to do in that episode. - Corrupted Cave Everyone who saw my status about it will know what I'm about to say (and I know Jan saw it, because he made a smiley-face as a comment...) With our Levels we are effectively LATE-Game for a normal Pokemon game, now this isn't a normal Pokemon game... so we are just about Mid-Game... but that doesn't change relatively high levels of our Pokemon. MAKING US USE SHITTY progression moves at this high-level is just stupid! Cut gets a little bonus because of its boost in the forest field... I mean our Pokemon have very Powerful level-up moves at this point, that can't be just relearned at a whim (heartscales are valuable), or just the move-set we want to use on this Pokemon and we don't want to ruin that move-set for that shitty move we need to progress! Here are TWO Options I see for this part: 1. Give us the ability to use Cut and Rock Smash with Items (We have a MINING Kit to MINE Rocks... why can't we break Rocks with it??) 2. at that Corrupted Cave (other possible parts, like the wetlands or others yet to come) give us EASY access to a Computer to quicky swap out a Pokemon for an HM-Slave! The backtrack to a Computer would have been insane (if even possible) in there! - Through half of Carotus mountain (and Texen told his girls to BLOCK the entrance) Luckily I had Hariyama with Rock Climb... so I could swap these two moves out... (and sometimes no Pokemon on your team can learn Cut or Rock Smash...) - Valor Mountain 'Backdoor' (Save the Elder-route) when going thorugh Crawli's Gym to get to Valor Mountain, because we don't have Magma Drift yet, we encounter Kyogre... and MAYBE our team is REALLY hurt after that fight... we can't exit through the main entrance, because we don't have Magma Drift... so we have to go back thorugh Crawli's Gym into the Town into the Pokemon Center and back... that way is a bit long, considering Crawli HAS A HEALING MACHINE IN HIS ROOM!! - which unfortunately doesn't work for the player... just make this machine work and it's good! (also... HOLY JEZUZ we KILLED that Science guy! O.o) - Valor Mountain Zetta/Geara Battle Like I said with the Level Cap... it is annoying to lose that fight because of disobeying Pokemon, because they leveled up in that battle... because we were on the levelcap the whole episode One thing that makes this battle a torture is... MELIA... WHY DOES SHE ONLY USE 3 (Togekiss, Gardevoir and Zoroark) of her Pokemon?? SHE HAS 6!!! MAKE HER USE THEM!! - Crawli Gym-Battle As I stated above, Crawli got Slaughtered by my Golem... Instead of a Crustle give him an Armaldo with swift swim - the same Typing... utilizing the Rain and with AquaJet a Priority Move against Rock and Fire-types... Make him utilize the Rain (which currently is only there to weaken fire-moves... which HURTS his ace Volcarona)! and maybe make his Special-Move boosted by the Forest-field... Switch out Vespiqueen... he doesn't need half of his team having a double-weakness against Rock... maybe give him an Scizor, Escavalier or Leafanny instead --------------------------- These are my thoughts and ideas about V6... now I'll take a break and play something else for a while... until I get back for the sidequests K, gonna nitpick n' stuff. 1.Ren backs off because he's too chicken to go inside. He was standing outside because he was building up courage. He blocks off the gate to make sure the player doesn't go there themselves. Then proceeds to take the longer, but alternate route to Goldenleaf. 2.There's no need to spam caps, just asking for a paralyze heal item would have been enough... jeeze. (Put them in the game as I wrote this btw. Dat quality insurance.) 3. Level cap awkwardness will inevitably be fixed in version 7. 4.Yeah... having Tyrogue there was actually a mistake. I'm a jerk, but I'm not that much of a jerk. It was supposed to be Makuhita, Not Tyrogue. 5.The healing machine in Crawli's room is supposed to heal... so that's also a bug. 6. Items that replace moves like that is definitely an option. 7. Corrupted cave with no PC was an oversight. 8. When you fight Giratina, Melia fights Geara, but loses three of her Pokemon, but since this is such a big issue with a lot of people- I guess I could just have her use all her Pokemon. It's not that big of a deal (Even though I really didn't think that fight was that hard with some planning) 9. Crawli's gym battle will be different in v7. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cepheus Posted August 18, 2015 Author Share Posted August 18, 2015 On 8/18/2015 at 5:34 PM, Jan said: K, gonna nitpick n' stuff. 1.Ren backs off because he's too chicken to go inside. He was standing outside because he was building up courage. He blocks off the gate to make sure the player doesn't go there themselves. Then proceeds to take the longer, but alternate route to Goldenleaf. 2.There's no need to spam caps, just asking for a paralyze heal item would have been enough... jeeze. (Put them in the game as I wrote this btw. Dat quality insurance.) 3. Level cap awkwardness will inevitably be fixed in version 7. 4.Yeah... having Tyrogue there was actually a mistake. I'm a jerk, but I'm not that much of a jerk. It was supposed to be Makuhita, Not Tyrogue. 5.The healing machine in Crawli's room is supposed to heal... so that's also a bug. 6. Items that replace moves like that is definitely an option. 7. Corrupted cave with no PC was an oversight. 8. When you fight Giratina, Melia fights Geara, but loses three of her Pokemon, but since this is such a big issue with a lot of people- I guess I could just have her use all her Pokemon. It's not that big of a deal (Even though I really didn't think that fight was that hard with some planning) 9. Crawli's gym battle will be different in v7. 1. Ok ... yeah... with all of Rens later actions I could have thought about him being a chicken (*bawk*), but if he takes the alternative route (Route 1)... how does he take SO LONG? he must've been on Route 1 when we entere Gearen City... and then we get trapped in Marianettes Manor... we do all this stuff, we get Venam to destroy the blockade, we do all this other Goldenleaf Town stuff... THEN he shows up. But wait! - Route 1 is still blocked by the police and Ren is nowhere to be found there (Don't mind me... just picking out a few plotholes - one of my favorite hobbies ^^) 2. I just used caps... becuase it annoyed me sooooooooooo much, needed a bit of empasize here 3. YAY! (even if it's to late for me now... unless I'll do my Eeveelutions playthorugh sometime soon) 4. yay I found a mistake! 5. .. and a bug! \o/ 6. wohoooo! bye Rock Smash it (possibly) was nice not knowing you!! xD 7. oversights... yay! 8. The battle itself isn't so hard... it get's artificially hard by the level-cap and Melia's Pokemon getting one-rounded by them both teaming up on her making her like only bringing one or two attacks in, and then tehy both gang up on you with 10 Pokemon left. And as I said, I only lost this battle because of the Level-up and dissobeying mid-battle... I would have won the first time if Haxorus hadn't target the empty spot two times in a row... 9. Weeeeeeeee!!! (also, Crawli is blind, how can he READ the Angie-flyer that appears??) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Developers Jan Posted August 18, 2015 Developers Share Posted August 18, 2015 On 8/18/2015 at 5:54 PM, Cepheus said: 1. Ok ... yeah... with all of Rens later actions I could have thought about him being a chicken (*bawk*), but if he takes the alternative route (Route 1)... how does he take SO LONG? he must've been on Route 1 when we entere Gearen City... and then we get trapped in Marianettes Manor... we do all this stuff, we get Venam to destroy the blockade, we do all this other Goldenleaf Town stuff... THEN he shows up. But wait! - Route 1 is still blocked by the police and Ren is nowhere to be found there (Don't mind me... just picking out a few plotholes - one of my favorite hobbies ^^) 2. I just used caps... becuase it annoyed me sooooooooooo much, needed a bit of empasize here 3. YAY! (even if it's to late for me now... unless I'll do my Eeveelutions playthorugh sometime soon) 4. yay I found a mistake! 5. .. and a bug! \o/ 6. wohoooo! bye Rock Smash it (possibly) was nice not knowing you!! xD 7. oversights... yay! 8. The battle itself isn't so hard... it get's artificially hard by the level-cap and Melia's Pokemon getting one-rounded by them both teaming up on her making her like only bringing one or two attacks in, and then tehy both gang up on you with 10 Pokemon left. And as I said, I only lost this battle because of the Level-up and dissobeying mid-battle... I would have won the first time if Haxorus hadn't target the empty spot two times in a row... 9. Weeeeeeeee!!! (also, Crawli is blind, how can he READ the Angie-flyer that appears??) Yeah the first one was a self inflicted plot hole on my part. That place wasn't originally supposed to be blocked but one day I thought "aw yeah man, this would be cool." 2.Angie's flyers are magical (obviously, they can appear and disappear at random). "There's no excuse for anyone to not see these flyers". This wasn't explained in the game, but it probably should be. But it was also said that he can "see like a bug" due to his connection with bug types as well. Reveal hidden contents honestly wasn't too worried about stuff like this before because I didn't expect rejuvenation to get popular. I just put it out there for the lolz :X. Paying for that rn. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TimTim Posted August 19, 2015 Share Posted August 19, 2015 despite the love of characterization of Melia, she is no help at all in final battle against Zetta and Geara, basically solo the whole battle Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Swampellow Posted August 19, 2015 Share Posted August 19, 2015 Have to agree with Jan on the Zetta/Geara fight, after learning about the pokemon that they had(and not getting horrible RNG crits on me/Melia)most of the battle wasn't super difficult, meaning I didn't have to pull any reserve mons out of the PC to beat them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xiri Posted August 23, 2015 Share Posted August 23, 2015 I'm probably like the only person who had trouble with Crawli... because my team was extremely weak to Bug and Flying type attacks (and hence that Yanmega was a nightmare). Being the stubborn person who refuses to switch any of my team members, the battle took a number of attempts until I finally managed to pull through. And that Zetta Geara double-battle was tough, and half the time I was thinking 'OMG MELIA WHERE THE FUCK IS YOUR YANMEGA WHO GAVE ME LOADS OF TROUBLE BACK IN THE BLIMMIN SHIP'. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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