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RIP Features That Did Not Come Back


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There are many features that Pokemon never brought back in the future games. Here are some of them that I always missed, didn't care about, or just hated, and hopefully the ones that I did miss will come back in Gen 7...


Back in Gen 5, seasons were a thing. They cycled through each season depending on the month, and it was fun seeing how the season changed the landscape of Unova. In the winter, snow would pile up, letting you access some new areas while not letting you enter others. Fall brought colorful leaves, summer brought earlier light, and spring brought more rain. In addition, the seasons meant different wild encounters, different Trainer teams, and different Deerling/Sawsbuck forms. It's a shame that they didn't return in Gen 6...

Pokemon Following You

I always wanted to see my Pokemon follow me as a young child while watching the Pokemon anime and seeing Pokemon walking along with their trainers. And Gen 4 brought that. (It was also in Yellow but that was only Pikachu and I hate Pikachu) In D/P/Pt, cute Pokemon could follow you in Amity Square and give you Contest stuff or Berries. In HGSS, that was developed even further so that ANY Pokemon could follow you anywhere outside (some size restrictions indoors, like how reality works). It was fun seeing your Pokemon follow you, and you could even talk to them and see how they were feeling, with different Pokemon feeling differently in different areas (i.e. Grass types in Ice Cave). I know that they would have more sprites to make in 3D due to walking diagonally, but it would not be a waste of time in our beliefs.


Before ORAS came out with its remade Contests, it seemed that it was over for Contests. Gen 5 had turned them into Concerts, and Gen 6 didn't bring either back. I don't care too much for them, but they were a very nice break from Battles, as you could dress your Pokemon up or allow it to use better moves that showed how your Pokemon was better than any of the other competitors, showing that you were the supreme Pokemon Coordinator AND Trainer. Plus you could collect Ribbons! However, whether they return in Gen 7, nobody knows.


I don't care too much about these, but they were a cool little way of implementing more wild encounters. Plus, in winter, they would freeze, and you could go sliding on the ice!


I hated Fog. Worst Weather ever. It was taken out after Gen 4, luckily, but I still feel that it should've been improved rather than just completely thrown in the trash.

Trainer Customization

I really liked customizing my Trainer to make him/her look more like me, but it didn't return in ORAS for the reasons of ORAS being a remake of Ruby and Sapphire and Kalos being based off of France, a place where fashion is more important. Hopefully this one returns in Gen 7...

Underground Mining

I enjoyed going underground in Sinnoh and just mining away to find Shards, Stones, Orbs, Plates, and even Fossils. It seemed fairly rewarding, and getting to make a Secret Base was also pretty fun!

Secret Bases

Having a little base of my very own, which I could decorate with anything I wanted, was something I liked. You could buy Pokedolls or other Decorations, as well as set traps in your base for adventurous Trainers who dared come into your base to get your Flag. It went from RSE to DPPt to ORAS, but who knows if it'll come back?

Rebattleable Gym Leaders

In Gen 4, you could find Gym Leaders waiting for you to battle in a little restaurant area or get their Phone Numbers and battle them, as they bring stronger teams to challenge you once again. In Gen 5, you could fight some older Leaders in the Championships. But not in Gen 6... I really was disappointed by the challenge XY and ORAS provided, and I wanted to fight stronger Gym Leaders (and stronger Elite 4 in XY).

Battle Frontier

In Gens 3 and 4, the Battle Frontier was the way to challenge your skills, as you had to defeat 7/5 different Facilities full of Trainers or Wild Pokemon using your own Pokemon or Rental Pokemon, and then finally defeat the Brain behind the Facility. Then, to get Gold, you'd have to do it all over again! However, Gen 5 turned it into the Battle Subway, and Gen 6 turned it into the Battle Maison. ORAS even teased us by having a sign saying that the Battle Frontier is under construction and an agent NPC saying that Pike Queen Lucy has been recruited. Perhaps Gen 7 will bring this back.

So... what do you miss/hate/don't care about?

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Seasons - While cool in concept, I think these are unnecessary nowadays, because I hated having to wait for Pokemon that did or did not appear in certain seasons, similar to the day/night functions in DPPt.

Following Pokemon - Again cool, but more of a gimmick that shoulda stayed in HGSS.

Contests - God, only reason I even botheres with this in ORAS was to get Lucarionite AFTER you clear all the contests. Wish it was constructed more like the anime's contests.

Puddles - Never really cared for that.

Fog - If anything, bring it back so we can have our Defog Latis and Zapdos that are no longer viable in tournament formats.

Customization - Exceptions to the remakes, they better bring this back, because it had to be one of the coolest reasons to play X/Y. Oh and also give dudes more fashion options.

Bases/Secret Bases - Gave up when I realized how time-consuming these were.

Gym Leaders - I liked level grinding on more than just the E4 in RSE and HGSS.

Battle Frontier - Dick move for ORAS to strip tease the damn Battle Frontier, because it leaves us unsatisfied and yearning for more.

If I miss any 2 things, I miss the Type Gems (except Normal b/c Gen 6 reasons) and the Game Corners where you could literally pay to win rather than play.

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If I miss any 2 things, I miss the Type Gems (except Normal b/c Gen 6 reasons) and the Game Corners where you could literally pay to win rather than play.

Oh, I forgot about those two. I really miss the Game Corners though. ORAS teased us once again by having a man say that he closed the Game Corner...

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This one's a wild idea, but the game using it sold well: a game without gyms would be awesome. I've never played Pokemon Colosseum, but I have played XD: Gale of Darkness. It was unique in that it was unlike any other game- no badges, no gyms, only a consistent, flowing storyline for the player to focus on. A lack of gyms and battles would be a great way to bring something fresh to the franchise again. Plus XD was rather full of content, what with Mt. Battle. The Mt. Battle system would also be an excellent addition to a new Pokemon game.

Plus that Mt. Battle lobby theme. Damn, that was awesome.

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Seasons - While I liked the idea, It was kind of annoying at times. It meant that, unless you changed the date, entire sections of routes/dungeons would be inaccessible to you.

Pokemon following you - I can understand it not returning in Gen 6, but what was stopping them from implementing this in Platinum or Gen 5?

Contests/Concerts - I never really cared about these. It was funny to emasculate the bigger, more intimidating legends, but that's about it. I personally hope they don't lock any mega stones behind these again.

Puddles - I honestly forgot about this.

Fog - This was easily one of the most obnoxious things ever implemented in pokemon. It wouldn't be so bad if GF didn't insist on making HMs require the move deleter to be forgotten.

Customisation - Given GF's history of implementing cool stuff and then removing it without any good reason, I'm sure this is one feature that won't be making it out of Kalos. It's a shame, because this is one of the few things I liked about Gen 6.

Underground mining - One of the best things they ever added and then never included again.

Secret Bases - I personally don't really want to have anything to do with secret bases after having to get a thousand flags to get a Garchompite in Omega Ruby.

Battle Frontier - If they don't include a proper battle frontier I'm skipping out on the next game.

I miss autorun from HGSS. And I miss how experience scaled with the difference between your pokemon's level and the opponent's in Gen 5.

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I liked the seasons in Unova, but would like them to only affect how the game looks and not what wild pokemon are or aren't available.

I was never too big into Pokemon Contests, but they were fun to do once in a while. so I don't mind if they come back.

Fog in D/P/Pt was awful. Fog should either have no affect on battle at all or be totally overhauled into a type of weather like rain or sun that can be used in battle.

Trainer customization is great and I think should be included in remakes, perhaps after beating the champion. Sure R/S/E didn't have trainer customization, but OR/AS included pretty much every other major Gen 6 feature not present in the originals so I don't see why customization had to be excluded. Hopefully customization comes back in the future.

I never used Secret Bases much, but I thought they were pretty cool. I'd like to see some feature similar to it in future games.

I loved and used The Underground a lot. It is my favorite way of farming for items, especially evolutionary stones and fossils.

Gym Leader rematches was one of my favorite features in Gen 3 and 4. I also like the Pokemon World Tournament in B/W2. Hopefully Gen has some way fo rematching the gym leaders.

The Battle Frontier is one of my favorite postgame features ever, so I'd love to see it come back.

Some features not mentioned I'd like to see are:

I liked the different theme remixes for day and night in D/P/Pt for the routes and other places. It added to the ambiance Sinnoh had and I'd like to see it return.

Another thing I'd like to see come back was the shaking grass/rippling water/dust clouds from Gen 5, hopefully with a lot less Audino. I liked being able to catch rare mons like Kingdra and Milotic without needed to trade.

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Seasons- These were cool, not that I particularly liked them.

Pokemon Following- I might be the only person in the world who hated this feature. I don't think it's worth the resources and time to program in walking animations and sprites for all the Pokemon, when I never even talked to them. Shiny Leaves were like my only incentive.

Contests- Meh. Just for completionist sake I did them, not that I actually enjoyed them much.

Puddles- The more ways to encounter Pokemon, the more diverse designs can be implemented, so puddles are nice (STUNFISK)

Fog- NO.

Trainer Customization- This was great for the PSS, and I think they should bring it back. That being said, allowing us to actually wear our sunglasses would be a nice addition.

Underground Mining- This would be nice if you could mine anywhere. The DPP system of magically finding some walls that could be mined was tedious, but mining itself was fine. I like the Reborn version where you don't get worthless orbs, though.

Secret Bases- Cool touch-up in ORAS, although I only really use it to fight L.100 Blissey's at this point.

Rebattleable Gym Leaders- This was really cool, and I wish it could be implemented again, although make it once a day or something instead of the call feature from HGSS.

Battle Frontier- Bring this back!!!! I had so much fun in especially the Battle Factory, just cruising through. The Battle Maison can only be fun up to a point.

Rebattleable Regular Trainers/VS SEEKER- I'm adding this on my own, because every game since DPP didn't have this feature done well, in my opinion. I love being able to grind against trainers instead of Pokemon, and if the only battles I can do are with a sporadic phone call feature or only daily, then I can't do that well. I think a VS Seeker would be nice. Just like FRLG, some trainers don't even really need updated teams.

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1. Seasons- I really miss those. I loved them and I think it makes the adventure way better, also adding new things for new seasons , areas etc

2. Pokemon Following You- That has always been one of my favorite features ever since Yellow. While it did make a return for HGSS, it...wasn't quite the same. I wish the pokemon had animated reactions like the pikachu in Yellow. I think pokemon amie is currently used as a cheap replacement for that feature..somewhat

3. Contests/Concerts- Never cared about concerts, never even got them... But after experiencing contests in ORAS again, I really wish to see the feature return in more games.

4. Puddles- don't even quite remember these but if they freeze in winter, then there's enough reason to bring them back

5. Fog- while I always hated that weather, I do believe it fits certain areas so maybe it should make a return somewhen

6.Trainer Customization - it was a neat new feature, finally getting to pick your trainer's design. I'd like to see it return, but hey, it's relatively new, it's too early to think it won't!

7. Underground Mining - yes please. It was quite fun, and while we do get to relive the experience here in Reborn, I still wish to see it return in the main games too

8. Secret Bases- I liked them but somehow got to try them out properly yet. I plan on doing so soon, but ultimately I don't really care if they make more returns

9. Rebattling Gym Leaders- Loved the way they made it in HGSS, having to meet them on specific days in specific places during specific times in order to get their number for rebattling. Definitely wanna see this return

10. Battle Frontier- never properly experienced those, so never got too attached, but ORAS could have used the return of the frontier imo..

11. Movies - I grew quite fond of those...like.. really a lot. I like the concept and wish to see movies return with new scenarios and characters..and costumes!

12. Join Avenue- another feature from unova which was oddly fun in its own way. I'd like to see it again for sure

13. Game Corner- needless to say, FLIPPING VOLTORBS UNTIL THE WORLD ENDS!!! Bring those back!

14. Hidden Grotto- got mixed feelings on those.. it was an interesting, yet quite annoying concept. Don't really care if it returns

can't think of others atm, there might be more though

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Seasons - It's a neat addition to the atmosphere, but annoying if you want to get into certain areas.

Pokemon Following You - It's cute, but it's not as important to me as it is for some other people. I've heard some people haven't played games after HGSS just because Pokemon don't follow you anymore.

Contests/Concerts - I love Contests, and was happy to get to do them again in ORAS, especially with the epic finishing moves each type has. I never did concerts, and I didn't like when Bianca dragged you along to get an introduction to them in BW.

Puddles - I thought it was neat that they thought of puddle encounters.

Fog - I only use moves with 100 accuracy, so this annoyed me. Luckily there was a move to get rid of it and it only showed in three places, only one of which had trainer battles. I hope it doesn't return. Two other forgotten HMs are Whirlpool and Rock Climb.

Trainer customization - I love this feature, but judging by what Game Freak said, it'll probably be Kalos exclusive :( Roller skating might be too.

Underground mining - I liked this. It's a good way to get rare items.

Secret Bases - I like the concept, but haven't gotten around to making one yet.

Rebattling Gym Leaders - I seriously don't understand why they didn't put these in ORAS.

Battle Frontier - See above. GF said it was because kids these days are always going from one thing to the next and have hundreds of games on their phone to play, so they wouldn't appreciate it. But those people probably also wouldn't fully appreciate contests and secret bases, or even make it to the Champion. There was an NPC in XY who said his region has a facility you wouldn't believe, so hopefully that's hinting at something like it.

Bug Catching Contests & Pokeathlon - I never really did the bug catching contests, but I know a lot of people liked them. I did the Pokeathlon just to get a Fire Stone to evolve Vulpix.

Game Corner - I think this was taken out because parents complained it promoted gambling? I wish they didn't listen to the people saying that. It's like saying playing the games promotes things like dogfighting because the Pokemon battle each other. I don't even understand how gambling is wrong in the first place.

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Trainer customization is something that needs to return at some point. Ultimately, the player character is going to inject their own personality into the protagonist. If you're going to roll with a SILENT protagonist, make it one that is able to reflect the player.

I do not need to own a specific pair of shoes in order to hold the ability to run.

Secret Bases again provide a customizable autonomy style of play to the Pokemon experience. I am very much an autonomy gamer.

I think I hold the unpopular opinion in that I completely enjoyed the way seasons worked in Gen 5. Seasons brought about a sense of migrant Pokemon - which meant you were not going to play through the story in one night and "beat the game" if you wanted a specific 'mon for your team.

The Pokeathlon is the least talked about of the "distraction and diversion" events in the Pokemon series because many people find it to be a subpar or boring aspect of a fantastic re-make. They won't talk bad about it outwardly becuase it makes HGSS look bad, but they won't jump for joy either. Which is sad because it was incredibly fun finding out which pokemon were the best athletes in the 'dex.

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Seasons: They really carried the atmosphere the games. I really liked them

Pokemon Following You: YES. It's nice to actually see one of your PKMN traveling along side of you.

Concerts/Contests: Nope. They can get the boot.

Fog: In the Overworld, it can get the boot. But for VGC reasons, bring it back.

Trainer Customization: YES. Since I'm the hero, the hero should look like me. (Male characters need way more options)

Underground Mining: YES. The best way to get shards, stones, fossils, and those wonderful heart scales. Leave the secret bases above ground though

Secret Bases: Really time consuming and I had to quit like cold turkey. I'll take trainer customization over this though.

Re-Challenge Gyms Leaders: It's a nice way to train and you get to see their new teams they trained up.

Battle Frontier: YES. Pretty much killed ORAS in a sense. Delta Episode was cool, but you know what I really want.

Vs. Seeker: YES. There is honestly no need to get rid of this. With the mechanics of FRLG, no. But how in RSE you could check and see who would like to battle. PLEASE NO UNNECESSARY PHONE CALLS! (I'm talking to you Joey)

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I think I hold the unpopular opinion in that I completely enjoyed the way seasons worked in Gen 5. Seasons brought about a sense of migrant Pokemon - which meant you were not going to play through the story in one night and "beat the game" if you wanted a specific 'mon for your team.

I think your opinion isn't so unpopular anymore :o

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Features which I miss

Pokemon following you - I deeply miss hugging my Cyndaquil and other adorable pokemon :'(.

Contests - When I was a kid, I would squeal inwardly at my cute, little Torchic participating in contests and when he would win it for me :/. Honorable mentions to my Poochyena and Zigzagoon :P.

Pokeathlon - While not as interesting as Contests, it was fun to play various games and unlock TMs or other items from this activity.

Rematches - In Pokemon Emerald, I would constantly tire myself from grinding up for gym matches and E4 by battling wild pokemon and soon after I realized I could that trainers could be fought again and hit myself with a brick (not literally :P) for being so ignorant.

Features which I don't miss :

Seasons - I don't really miss Seasons as they didn't add much to the game other than different kinds of Pokemon and scenery...which is actually quite interesting and the real reason is that I wanted to find a certain kind of Pokemon which I couldn't find in Winter and didn't know that I could change the date and time settings...my first impressions on it made me dislike it :P.

2D Graphics - After all the Pokemon games that I played, I grew quite tired of the unchanged and consistent graphics GF would implement and was surprised that X/Y would introduce 3D Graphics :D. (I don't mind 2D graphics in fan-made games like Reborn and Insurgence as most of the developers don't have access to the resources and the time to develop such.)

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I think I'll miss Seasons, cool concept but it takes too much animating and it just didn't work in practice.

I'm annoyed about Trainer Customization, it was pretty cool and they're just gonna rip it away...? It was cool, it made the journey feel more like it was yours.

Battle Frontier --- Why oh why are they taking this away when the replacements are terrible???

Having your pokemon follow you: Another thing they've just ripped away which made the adventure feel more real.

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I do really miss pokemon following you around. I wish they'd bring that back and just use it in every game. I know it really has no point in the game but to be a cute little thing, but I enjoy it a lot! Character customization I also loved. Add those two things together in a game and I'd be very happy!

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Trainer Customization was awesome and helped to make the protagonist you, not just a character you where controlling.

The ability to rematch gym leaders was also awesome and really helped them from fading to far into obscurity after your first battle

I know its not a feature but I miss the old pixel art graphics (but that is just a stylistic point). The models look good but some of them look a bit distorted or bulky and I personally just prefer the pixel art.

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Bring back:

- Trainer Customization (I think all was said already. Red, Gold, May... y'all cool, but I'd like to have my character not look like the people I battle online)

- Rebattleable Leaders (I think Pokémon Emerald does it better than Gen 4 games, but I'd take either one)

- Miror B.

And I'm curious to see how Pokémon following trainers would look like in 3D. If only they brought it back~

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