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Is a Fairy and Ghost run possible?


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I was looking at the Pokémon available before Julia, and the only one available for a Fairy and Ghost run is Igglybuff. Would it be possible to beat Julia with only one Pokémon. I just feel that I might have trouble with being allowed only one Pokémon for the first Gym Leader.

Edited by InnocentBoy
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well u can get ralts early using episode 9.ralts was replaced by espurr. if u find a link for episode 9 lurking around u can use ralts. hmm well u can also go bulky clefairy with sweet kiss and sing. well sweet kiss will at least help u in the luck department. jigglypuff can have sweet kiss too.so u can go with what commander suggested but with sweet kiss or disable in the mix. but... the problem here is u need to evolve either cleffa or igglybuff and it take a lot of steps or lots of pokesnacks.As for ghost types well dont think there is any available in early game.

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I guess my only option would be to inject a starter into the game. Anyone mind helping me with that? I don't really know how to do it. I'm not sure what Pokémon to inject, either. I guess either a Ralts or a Shuppet, since I wanted to use either of those, anyway.

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if u want ralts as i said find a person with a copy of episode 9 and get the ralts at the espurr place. i have episode 9 but i dont have the link. I will help ya find the link for episode 9.

EDIT: found the link for Episode 9 http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=9108

u can use it but BE WARNED, back up a copy of yer save file before going back to episode 9 and also box all gen 6 pkm

Edited by Luna
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Remember a couple of rules whenever you revert episodes:

Do NOT save outside before reverting. A Pokemon Center is the best bet you have for having your file not become corrupted.

Be careful which pokemon you have in your party, as iirc, Gen VI mons weren't implemented by Episode 9. If you have any, leave them in your PC and don't open it.

Reverting Episodes is a dangerous path and can eventually lead to save corruption down the road. This issue is lessened by Kuro's new automatic save backup system, but still be careful.If you wish to alleviate the risk, I'd suggest you attempt to contact someone about injecting a Ralts into your game in the stead of your starter.Good luck!

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Ya no way you are soloing her. You can either start it after the gym, or rpgmake some starters. I actually have been doing that a lot.

Its a ton of fun.

What I do is make a "new game +" sort of play through.

Just like you'd imagine - I have 6 pokemon that I would like to use through the entire playthrough as if it were my second playthrough on the same save file.

Limit yourself to ONLY 6 for extra fun.

I have been doing specific types and naming myself and my pokemon like I was a Gym leader.

Its fun to role play a bit in pokemon!

If you need tips on how to do this just ask. I plan on making a tutorial some time soon.

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Ya no way you are soloing her. You can either start it after the gym, or rpgmake some starters. I actually have been doing that a lot.

Its a ton of fun.

What I do is make a "new game +" sort of play through.

Just like you'd imagine - I have 6 pokemon that I would like to use through the entire playthrough as if it were my second playthrough on the same save file.

Limit yourself to ONLY 6 for extra fun.

I have been doing specific types and naming myself and my pokemon like I was a Gym leader.

Its fun to role play a bit in pokemon!

If you need tips on how to do this just ask. I plan on making a tutorial some time soon.

I've already added a Ralts to their save file.

I'd be careful making a tutorial on this as the devs aren't particularly keen on having information on the site about using the editor/ debug mode to modify the game. You should probably ask Ame before making any tutorial about it.

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