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[IC] Fate/Reborn [First Holy Grail War]


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Ashnard ((Berserker))

"If I kill you instantly... you'll feel no pain therefore... no harm done." the only thought that crossed the mind of the beast. And to him... that was true. Harm was something he inflicted for fun. But he hated this human so much he wouldn't give him the pleasure of a slow death. Outwardly all he did was huff and snort. Not really in response but but because he was doing something with his claws and he really wasn't paying that much attention.

Vixen ((Archer))

"I'm out here kid." Vixen called from outside the room. She was at small table with all of her gear lain out about it, two guns a revolver and a long rifle, 2 pairs of binoculars, 17 knives of varying shapes and sizes, and once more loads of bullets. She was doing another count this morning. Vixen was always through with her gear and maintaining it and cataloging it. For her it was the means of her survival, she needed to be aware of it at every moment. Her life didn't give her the luxury of being lax and care-free so she was always busy making sure she had it all and knew the counts in advance that way she knew how valuable each thing was and if she had the the correct supplies in a life or death situation. She was counting her different types of ammunition currently. She wasn't sure if she was going to need more of the elemental bullets or not and making them took time. enough time that it was difficult to create them amidst a fight.

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Yukine and Debronee

The midnight now transitioned to day as the sky opened its black veil to reveal a colourful display of orange, blue and purple. Debronee was one to wait for the change; he had sat in mediation after only twenty minutes of sleep, watching the night shift into the coming morning. As the day welcomed the dawn, so did everyone; the originally empty, serene nightfall was now replaced by the hustle and bustle of the active city, echoing with the sound of fervor and activity. People of many unfamiliar faces were heading here and there, shops and stalls with illustrative signboards out and open, the empty roads now filled with traffic. Such a lively and occupied atmosphere, surprisingly, left the Servant in peace; the equanimity and tranquility amidst their surroundings, after all they had been through last night, seemed too good to be real, and the day would promise them a peaceful journey so long as the sun's rays still shone upon all. To that, Debronee knew that he had to make the most of it.

He turned to the hidden, conspicuous patch of grass behind the bush, and watched Yukine, his Master, still sound asleep on the comfortable bed of grass, her dreams still accompanying her. Beside her was a relatively bulky, old and traditional storage bag that belonged to the servant. He watched the beautiful girl and the item beside her indifferently, watching a slit of sunlight pierce through the canopy above and fall upon her pristine face.

"Well then, Master," He whispered, as he lightly nudged his mistress's temple, brushing off a few strands of her silky raven hair. The day wasn't going to wait for them. "Open your eyes."

Edited by YagamiNoir4896
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When the beast didn't respond, Siegfried simply continued. The command seal didn't seem to have bothered it at all, which indicated one of three things: the first (and less likely) was that it didn't mean him any harm at all, and he had just wasted a command seal. The second was that the seal somehow didn't affect Ashnard. Neither was an outcome the magus was fond of. "We're going hunting again, which might please you." This time, you won't be running off out of sight, however. He had a plan, very similar to the one he had before with one critical change; the information on the whereabouts of enemy magi was staying in his mind until they were right on top of them.

He grabbed a chisel and a few components from his desk, then proceeded up the stairs and out of the front door. "Come on then," he called to his Servant.

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Was she insinuating he ought to find her a change of clothes? He was all for the idea. "Right, then. There's a mall in the northern Commercial District, by the Upper Class's realm. It's a place of activity, so we'll need to keep sharp," he said as he walked outside. It would be a good day for wind magic.

"Wolves blend in with sheep, so we'll need to either blend in or keep on the offensive. Let's be off."
He got a walking start, choosing to take the streets. Noriko's sharp enough to know to take notes on the city, he thought. Miss a turn and you could get lost real easy.

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Onyx popped out of bed and cheerfully strode out to see Archer.

"Good morning, Archer." She said, "You almost ready to go hunting? I need to set up some basic defenses, also grab a shower and a snack but then we can head out."

She was very much looking forward to finding opponents to kill, so much so that without waiting for an answer she went about putting up a barrier and getting some familiars out for surveillance. She wondered if Archer had seen any other servants the night before, but didn't bother asking. Talk would only make it take longer before she could kill people.

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Ashnard ((Berserker))

The beast snorted in a rather violent manner, though... it actually had just sneezed. After having licked all the dried blood off it's claws it quickly followed Siegfried up the stairs popping into it's Spiritual form. While it's mind was mostly shot it still had the sense to disappear in broad daylight. It mostly disappeared though due to it's hatred of sunlight. Werewolves... at least Ashnard's kind... weren't fond of light. It wouldn't kill them but the preferred to prowl under the dark of the moon. Once again Siegfried felt the hatred all around him again, just a cloud of unsated hatred. It seemed to be the only emotion this creature truly understood anymore and it emanated it. Unrelenting, unfettered Hatred.

Vixen ((Archer))

"Don't take forever Kid. I want to get this thing over with as quick as possible." She said her voice bitter cold. he hands were a blur counting bullets and stowing them away all at the same time, her eyes keeping track of them as she went along. She counted quickly in her head each type as she stashed them away.

At least five hundred regular bullets. Most were back ups for later that she wouldn't be carrying with her into the battlefield. She had another two hundred or so odd bullets for her revolver as well. In Vixen's world... it never hurt to be over-prepared.

Ten Galvanized bullets. Useful for creating hard barriers of Lightning or hitting targets with a strong dose of electricity. Servants probably wouldn't be effected to heavily by that, but enough for her to place another shot perhaps.

Eleven Clouded Bullets. These Bullets split themselves into more and more copies. They were useful for hitting big areas and fighting more than one opponent. They usually served better in her revolver than in her sniper rifle, however they were effective either way. They don't have any other magical proprieties however, thus making them not as powerful as her other bullets. She had to keep this in mind that they might not have the greatest impact against servants.

Seven Permafrost Bullets. Infused with powerful Ice, these bullets could flash freeze anything they hit. Whether it made armour brittle or froze flesh to horribly wound these bullets were quite effective at disabling targets and ruining any armour they had.

Three of her latest creation... The one he had shown her how to create long ago. The Bullets of Cleansing Rain.

She stowed them all away quickly making sure to remember the counts. She didn't want to run out in the middle of a fight and she surely didn't have the time to make any new ones for now. These would have to do for the moment. She finished off her gear check waiting for the Kid to get ready. She'd be ready to leave as soon as possible.

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This time around, progress seemed a bit slower. Instead of simply drawing runes in chalk, the magus took the time to chisel them into the walls of buildings, or the ground if the material of the building wasn't suitable. However, rather than making an expanding web, he created them more or less in a straight line, cutting across the city in an eastward direction. He hoped to create a band across the city that would be quicker to locate any who tripped it, and these improved runes were complex enough to detect the mass of mana that was a Servant, provided they were in physical form.

All the while, he felt the hatred surrounding him. I honestly wonder what caused the beast to hate so much in its life. This cannot be from interaction with me, not this much over this short time. I can understand hate, however. I'll hate it right back, just as I've channeled my hate toward those who have stood in my path before.


The former Protector had to suppress a fair measure of excitement. Very little of it showed in her steely gaze, but inwardly she was happy to get some new clothes. It was a rare opportunity for her in life; after all, ensuring there was enough food for them to survive, monitoring Preserver activity, hunting magical beasts, all these things took precedence over fancy clothing. Instead of voicing her thoughts, she simply followed her Master in spirit form, though he could probably get a faint impression of her feelings.

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Illiana shrugged, though she had to admit to herself that she was a little confused, having checked the barrier herself before she had gone to call the manager. Running a quick hand through her considerably messy hair, she explained, "I went to call the manager so that we could get set up into our apartment," glancing at her watch in curiosity. "We have a little bit of time before he said he'd meet us, shall we go get breakfast and start our research?" she inquired, looking at her companion.

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Debronee and Yukine


Yukine roused slowly from her peaceful sleep, unwilling to open her eyes, afraid to see that dark, confined room. The smell of grass assaulted her senses, a refreshing scent of nature.


That was unusual. Where were the usual smells of sex, of human contact, of animal lust? Then she remembered. She wasn't in the brothel. She wasn't in that horrible place. She was in the grassy areas surrounding an industrial area. She was now a Master, with a Servant that counted on her to help win a war.

Slowly, she opened her lids, seeing the face of Debronee above her. He hadn't left her. She smiled.

"Good Morning, D."

She sat up slowly, making sure to breathe in the smell of freedom, of life outside that building. Then she steeled herself.

"Alright. So, for today: first off, we need to find a place to stay. It'll be easier to have a a base of operations, preferably out of sight. Next, I'll need to get a job, to pay for said place. Any objections? Or ideas, for that matter."

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Yukine and Debronee

Debronee knew he had to face this one way or another; a slight disobedience as of last night. His mind wondered how Yukine would react.

"If I may, Master...." Debronee began, as he showed Yukine the sack and unveiled a relatively large sum of money inside of it. The rectangular currency of paper was neatly arranged in wrapped stacks, like blocks, and there was a generous amount of it, more than enough to supply them for a couple of days.

"Forgive me," He continued. "My overall instinct got the better of me and I ultimately decided to scavenge the area last night, despite your orders of not to leave you." There was a tone of remorse as he confessed, as he pointed towards the back where he examined the night before, just a stone's throw away into the south. No one was within their range to hear him, so he felt slightly more comfortable telling her about it, knowing that it would be unwise to attract unwanted attention as a thief. He decided to be as specific as possible, "I took merely fifteen minutes, however, and surveying the surrounding areas, I found this the most useful. I'd assumed it to be the currency of this place after a few notions. One of the rooms in that place was full of it, so I decided to take as much as we could carry. Hopefully, I'm not mistaken -- and don't worry, I made sure that everything was fine as if untouched."

Debronee got up from his position, watching the busy, welcoming streets that would teach and guide him to the ways of this world. It was a passive priority he alone promised to undertake, to adapt to his Master's day-to-day life as soon as he could.

"That settles the latter issue," He said, "Although not permanently. If anyone's to work, however, it would be me. I would prefer if my Master would rely on her Servant more." He extended a welcoming hand that promised to guide her throughout the day. "Shall we?"

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Sylva and Frog


...was the cry that emerged from the lump in the middle of the bed as Frog threw himself onto it. In the same instant, the lump disappeared, sending Frog plummeting the remaining few inches to the mattress. A moment later, Sylva reappeared, standing over the side of the bed with her hands on her hips, her face twisted into a pouting expression.

"...I don't know about you," she started indignantly, "but where I come from, it would be considered very rude to jump on a lady, especially when she's sleeping."

She wagged a finger as she spoke, as if disciplining a child. It was a somewhat funny picture coming from one of her stature -- much like a child mimicking its parents.

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"Eeeh..?" Frog muttered, lazily raising his head to look in the diretion the voice was coming from. A figure stood there, a silhuette in front of the curtained window. "W-who are you... What're you... I mean... L-let me sleep..." He somehow managed to form a sentence in-between yawning fits. In a sleepy daze, he didn't have the will to try and figure out who it was, so he just grabbed a lumpof the blanket and hugged it, digging his face into it as he contorted into a fetal position.

"It's.... too early... for anything..."

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Sylva's face took on a panicked expression as Frog attempted to go to sleep.

"But, Mister Frog, you can't! You promised we'd go sightseeing today!"

She tugged on his shirt as she pleaded with him.

"You said I could get clothes, and see the modern world, and try new foods, and CAKE!"

She gave him a pitiful look.


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"That would be nice." Natalie replied, "Though I know nothing of the area so we may be wandering for a while if you don't have an suggestions."

Aside from setting up defenses and helping Illiana do research, Natalie also needed to get a feel for the area. Being able to navigate a relatively large area around their base would be of significant importance to their success. There were bound to be masters who were natives of the area, giving them a head start on that matter. Natalie hoped none of them would make an assault on her and Illiana before they had a chance to learn their surroundings, especially not Assassin or Caster.

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Between dream and reality, Frog found himself stuck with this girl, whoever she was; he really still couldn't think about anything thoroughly... It only slowly began dawning on him, all the events of that night and the young girl-his Servant, when she called to him: 'Mister Frog'. The realization shook him from his sleepiness better and stronger than any of her tugs have, and he sat onto the bed, looking directly at the girl with suddenly brisk and gleaming eyes.

"Y-you?" He said in disbelief, still embracing the blanket, though he was suddenly fully alert.

Y-yeah, that was right, Sylva was real! And he made her, right!? To win some sort of a holy thing or whatever. It really was all real. All these thoughts raced through his mind, clouding his perception of reality for a moment, until he opened his mouth into a huge smile. "Sylva!!" He said, looking at her with a stupidly happy expression on his face. "S-sorry I forgot all about it! And by all, I really mean all..." He scratched his head before continuing. "Oh, but I was just slepy after tonight. What matters is that you're here and I'm here, right?"

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Debronee and Yukine

Yukine frowned. Debronee had left her?

...well, he came back in the end, so she supposed it was fine.

"Since you came back, it's fine. Well then, should we be off?"

As she stood to move off, a thought struck her.

"Wait. Before that. D, the Servant we fought off last night. A giant Wolf that could walk on two legs and used some kind of electric cage thing. Since you're a Heroic Spirit, do you have any idea which Heroic Spirit that thing might have been?"

She figured it wouldn't hurt to ask. If they knew who it was, maybe they could have a better chance of beating it. Granted, it was possible that the cage had been the work of the Master and not the Servant, but it would be simpler to move forward under the assumption that the cage belonged to the Servant. If this was an incorrect assumption, it might be fatal, but it was better than flailing around in the dark.

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Yukine and Debronee

The enemy's class, he thought, venturing throughout memories of the cruel, hasty night before, where he had first contracted with Yukine, and pursued by that monstrosity. The brute canine, with brawn but no brain.

Debronee decided he would clarify everything again since his mistress had asked said question. The answer was within his mind, only waiting for his lips to divulge the information, what Yukine wanted to know. It seemed odd -- this clarity, this knowing of his regarding what attacked them last night, as if it were given to him by instinct.

"We have seven classes," He began. "Apart from me, Assassin, there are six others: Saber, Archer, Lancer, Rider, Caster, and Berserker. It'd be the best hunch to assume that we were attacked by the lattermost last night. Most of its qualities fit well, especially considering it didn't have a weapon- no, rather, its body was the weapon itself. They tend to be less....human, than others as well."

And then he remembered the scene of the suspicious man hurrying to their location as they teleported away. Yes, it was likely.....

"He was there," He quoted. "The Berserker's Master. I don't think he was involved in the fight, but I can't be sure. All I know is that he came after we vanished." His expression grew slightly cold upon mentioning that, knowing that if fate converged their paths again, he wouldn't hesitate to immediately slice him in two.

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Debronee and Yukine

Yukine nodded her head. Berserker. She had thought so.

"Anything else? About the Servant. A name, perhaps. Does the electric cage thing in conjunction with the giant walking wolf form ring any bells at all?"

She asked again, in the hope for any information at all.

((Note: Debronee should be able to answer this question, due to the reasons I've mentioned in my post on the OOC thread.))

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Yukine and Debronee

A name? Normally, unless one was extremely knowledgeable when it came to names or was lucky when guessing them, one wouldn't know, especially through one gruesome, non-introductory encounter. Yet, somehow, the stubborn bell of instinct ran inside his mind again.

"Ashnard," He enunciated the name as soon as it hit his mind. Thinking about it again, the name was befitting of that beast. A name he would remember until his blade sliced off that monstrosity of a head, or ripped that vicious, beating heart out. "I don't know how I know this, but it just....feels correct, perhaps."

((I've read your reasons before posting, actually. While justified, I felt it was kinda iffy to know immediately, but I guess I might as well. ))

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Yukine and Debronee


Yukine' s lips turned up in the beginnings of a smile. She had a name. Now, logically, considering that the Servants were all apparently Heroic Spirits of renown, the next step should be...

"I've changed my mind. Getting a residence can wait. We're going to the library."

((Well, it'a only because he was indiscreet enough to use both Noble Phantasms. That's the key weakness of an NP: once you use it, your identity is immediately exposed, since your Noble Phantasms specifically refer to your most defining weapons/attacks.))

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Yukine and Debronee

The library? He thought. A place where an abundance of books are kept, a haven of information beneath the welcoming of an open door for the most inquisitive. Does she think we can find enough information regarding our future adversaries?

At the very least, she's taking this whole thing seriously, he finalized. "It shall be," He replied. "Where shall our search begin?"

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Across the city he ran, giving the impression of just a simple jogger... if only he weren't wearing jeans. Still, the hustle and bustle of city activity would keep him safe enough. Having been on the run during the last month he'd been here, he developed a good endurance for running- and a still greater knack for trouble. There's no way Noriko caught on, but perhaps she turned a blind eye. Janus hadn't a good idea why, but she did. That boon would have to be enough.

Within an hour, he arrived close enough to the mall. Noriko would have to apparate here. She could catch on and would appear soon. "You ready? We ought to be on our guards," he said. "But we are still shopping, so rule number two is to have fun."

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Onyx was in the shower when she felt it. It was faint, not close but not far either. She shut off the water and skipped drying herself, haphazardly shoving on as many pieces of clothing as she could manage. Astonishingly, the only thing she did wrong was but her shirt on backwards. She was still trying to fix it when she stumbled out of the bathroom. With only one arm extending out of her shirt she called to Archer.

"Archer, Archer!" She cried, "There's a mage nearby! Can you sense a Servant? Do we need to go closer for that? I can send a familiar to check them out. We probably don't want to make a scene so we'll need to find some way to lure them off..."

She was so excited her words jumbled up and she barely managed to keep herself speaking in English. It could just be a coincidence that there was another mage nearby, her keen magical sense made sure she would sense every one of them that came within a half a mile of her position, but if there was even a chance of finding a Master she was going to take it.

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Vixen ((Archer))

"Kid, keep your head. I don't feel a servant, at least not yet. We have no idea if this mage would be our enemy and not just so random mage. So keep your composure. This is a battle, not a game. Making hasty decisions is not a good idea. Keep that in mind." The blue-haired woman lectured. Though no particular emotion was in her voice, just a vast uncaring coldness like always.

"Get properly dressed, we can't afford to stick out. Luckily, I can conceal my presence from other Servants. I might not be as good as an Assassin, but Stealth is almost as much my specialty as it is theirs. It would be good to have the information the Familiar could provide as well since we could better get a look at what we are dealing with here. To assess the threat, if it even is one, and other things along with it. Information is key, there will be no guess work. I'm just hoping it's not the master of the Servant I witnessed last night. That servant is one we will want to leave for one of the others to deal with rather than waste our own resources on."

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"Oh, but I was just sleepy after tonight. What matters is that you're here and I'm here, right?"

Sylva's expression returned to her usual cheery smile.

"Yep! I wouldn't want it any other way!"

She plopped herself down on the side of the bed before continuing. She put a finger to her bottom lip as she spoke, a thoughtful expression on her face.

"Though I suppose... I can allow you some sleep if you really need it. You just have to promise we'll go out later if that's the case!"

Her bright smile hadn't diminished as she finished her decree. If her master did decide he wanted more sleep, it would just mean she'd have time to think about all the places she wanted to visit. And all the FOOD there was to try! She would definitely try to enjoy her time in this world.

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