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Pulse backstory


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Pretty much Lumi was sick after her and Eve's parents died. Eve decided to work on a machine that would increase the healing potential of pokemon. Then Zero showed up at their house and blackmailed them into using the machines for Team Meteor. Then after an accident with an evolving Magneton Zero, Eve and Lumi merged to form ZEL and they made PULSEs for Team Meteor.

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It goes something like this, I don't know:

Basically Lumi and Eve's mom was sick, so Lumi tried to create a machine that could amplify the healing powers of pokemon. Eve found out she had the same affliction of her mother, and so Lumi tried to speed it up. Then a man dressed in black (Zero) showed up wanting to use the machine, and they connected a Magneton to it. It evolved and trapped ZEL into one body.

EDIT: Ninja'd, gosh darn it.

Edited by BIGJRA
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Someone dropped this thread link on me via Skype for "when I'm awake".

You've already gotten the responses, but if you're interested, I have... well, it's not 100% complete (I left out the repeating "dear diary" parts), but anyway, here's the diary.
















Edit: whoops, forgot one! Fixed it.

Edited by Ama
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Technically, it does. PULSE 'mons gain a huge stat increase (in-game dialogue has Zero mention this by saying that according to Eve, the machine "makes the Pokémon [Tangrowth] stronger") and go through a transformation (usually making them look more monstrous, save for Abra) (this one's very obvious, but Solaris still points it out to you with Muk).

However, purely story-wise, it's different, because Mega-Evolution is basically the result of a strong bond between trainer and pokémon + mega artifact (like the bracelet in XY), whereas PULSE is like forced mega-evolution, and obviously very painful/straining for the pokémon involved (as repeatedly lamented by Lumi, similarly mentioned by Taka, and Solaris also goes to lengths to illustrate this).

So as far as the mechanic goes, they're similar, but as a concept, PULSE is like a twisted counterpart.

...Which kinda makes me wonder if Eve would have been better off Mega evolving an Audino or something.

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Since your question was already answered, I'll just comment here on the fact that I think PULSE is not only a twisted counterpart to mega evolution, but also 10times more powerful, since you see PULSE mon having an effect on entire cities and such

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