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'Mons Greatest Hits: Favorite Overused


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So, this list could effectively go to two places - here or the OTS - and I wasn't sure where to put it. Sorry mod frens-


Everyone who has dabbled in competitive knows about Smogon's OverUsed tier. It's a tier that some may have a particular strength in, meaning they are better than SEVERAL other trainers out there, and it's a tier where many of the "best" pokemon reside.

Personally, It's my least favorite tier for various reasons, but as a Pokemon trainer there are definitely things I have to respect about it. That is...my favorite Pokemon to use within the tier.

If your list is different, you should know what to do at this point! ROLL THAT FOOTAGE.

10. Talonflame

Gale Wings - one of the cheapest abilities on the offensive side of the spectrum - is a major reason I like Talonflame. Talonflame is a great trump card to have in a match that would have been lost otherwise, and while that may raise up questions about "winning with skill" I um.......at not skilled at OU, so. Yeah.

9. Latias

Latios -and- Latias could technically claim this number 9 spot together, but they both pretty much do the same thing for -my- intents and purposes - which is defog those pesky rocks out the way and sit in a very nice speed tier. Healing Wish helps white out a mistake every now and then, and it's the RED one. Latias wins.

8. Rotom-Wash

Ole' Maytag. Rot-wash provides that nice slow-turn justice with a side of status annoyance and bulk. It's Water/Electric typing is kinda cool, and sometimes it's a fun 'mon to just mess around with...like throwing a Choice Specs on it. There's no rhyme or reason in doing that, but it sure is fun!

7. Mega Gardevoir

Mega Gardevoir is my favorite fairy-type in the tier. It's unfortunate though, due to it's taking the Mega-Slot and needing a little team support to get going. All the same, if you have some other good mons on this list, All Hail the Queen.

6. Shuckle

DUN-DUN-DUNN..... While technically not-really an OU 'mon - Shuckle has access to both Stealth Rock AND Sticky Web as of Gen VI, and can't get set up on due to Encore. It's a very good mon to use if you like trying to use outclassed Pokemon, due to the residual damage AND speed drops this mon can provide. Hilda likes outclassed Pokemon.

5. Mega Charizard X/Y

Charizard gets the nod for the Top 5 over Shuckle due to ACTUALLY being an OU Pokemon. Two different purposes are given between the two different Mega-Evolutions, and both of them are sufficient in causing the opponent extreme pain - with the additional benefit of possibly confusing them as to which 'Zard you might be packing.

4. Magnezone

Magnezone has a very, VERY unique job in the OU tier. It threatens Scizor and Ferrothorn better than anything else with an ability specializing in doing so. It also looks really cool and is my personal favorite Generation 4 evolution.

3. Dragonite

Dragonite has held some pretty high regard throughout the years, until the advent of the fairy type and stealth rocks - but the Multiscale totin' OG brings to the table a new weapon - the ability to use the Weakness Policy better than any other Pokemon. With moves like Extreme Speed and Dragon Dance to boot, this guy still has a pretty decent standing amongst the most frequented 'mons.

2. Serperior

Serperior is only in the OU club due to it's fantastic ability Contrary being paired with the powerful and normally trade-off based STAB Leaf Storm. Those two weapons allow Smugleaf to spam the move for a sweep under the right conditions, and with access to Hidden Power and Dragon Pulse, There are some pretty decent coverage options available to it.

1. Mega Gallade

Mega Gallade is a very versatile wallbreaker who sits in a pretty great speed tier. The amount of coverage it gets is absolutely phenomenal, and and it's ability Inner Focus allows it to trump Serene Grace users and negates the Fake Out flinch from Mega Lopunny - which would make it one of the more underrated megas available. Mega Gallade's unique Psychic/Fighting typing allows it to bypass poison types that would normally cause a fighting type trouble.

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Well that's some pretty nice reasons you post for your ten favorite mons in OU, and those are similar to what I'll say, but here goes.

10. Suicune - I don't give a big rat's ass what people think leaves this thing down in UU. It's my favorite RestTalker in the whole game, and can easily back it up, albeit with gimmicky sets in OU. Suicune's not the best, but it's sure as hell a cut above the rest.

9. Mega Altaria - One of my favorite designed Pokemon, which I used in BW2 on my first time, absolutely blew me away when the puff of cotton candy got a Mega Evolution. It got so many damn buffs and stood alone with so much utility in OU, but I kinda hate it for not being used more since it's easily one of the best Megas we have.

8. Landorus-Therian - I hate Lando-T with a passion, particularly on the recieving end. I hate it having only one or two decent sets, unlike it's jank Uber Incarnate counterpart. Other than that, the thing is a sexy neko beast with cloud feet.

7. Mega Metagross - One of the few Pokemon that was still amazing without a Mega Evolution, but was nearly broke as fuck in early ORAS. Mega Metagross was so good it got a suspect test for Ubers, but was turned down, because people were smart to avoid jumping the bandwagon like a certain sword and jackal Pokemon.

6. Heatran - Would be much higher on my personal list if not ABOUT EVERYONE used this damn thing. It's great, but I hate it 'cause too many love it (see below for similarity).

5. Cloyster - I still see this baby in OU, although not as much as Heatran. I never understood why this Pokemon got demoted to OU when it was easily the best Shell Smasher in the game. Shell Smash is what made me love this Pokemon. Skill Link was gravy.

4. Chansey - I like this Pokemon more for the people who bring the brass balls to use this thing, which I will argue is a much better UU Pokemon.

3. Garchomp - Most of the same reasons shared with Heatran (see above). But Garchomp is a Pokemon with so much more option than Heatran to me, as well as speedier and a better tank. Especially when you don't die to every Earthquake, you're doing something right.

2. Mega Lopunny - One of the most straightforward and advantageous Mega Pokemon there is, and it's simplicity and sheer face-beating stats are what win it out to OU.

1. Clarice. A.K.A Breloom - Spore + Mach Punch + Technician + Sash = Heavy amounts of salt. I have nothing else to say about Breloom.

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10)Dedenne: Now I know Dedenne is in NU but the couple of times I decided to bring it to competitive it came up against Mega Charizard Y and OHKOed it. I enjoyed imagining what the other trainer was thinking at that point (I've also used Dedenne in ubers once where it destroyed a Yveltal so you never know). I wouldn't ever consider Dedenne in an important battle though.

9)Zapdos: On my OU main team however don't really like using it that much. It is nice for defog though.

8)Breloom: I've ever used it in competitive but I've heard it works great and I enjoy using it in game.

7)Gengar: I like Gengar however it is massively overshadowed by its Mega now so it is harder to justify using normal gengar. It still kills stuff though.

6)Heatran: I use a Heatran however I'm not a huge Heatran fan but it is quite effective at killing things that threaten my many fairies.

5)Chansey: Incredible bulk. Enough said.

4)Metagross: Always has looked cool and always has been super powerful. I don't mind if it is a mega or not but Metagross destroys things and I like that.

3) Sylveon: In my opinion the best eveelution by far. Not only a lot of bulk but also some serious damage from hyper voice (with pixilate obviously). I also run it with a rocky helmet which I know is odd but works really well for me.

2)Azumarill: I've always loved Azumarill and it having huge power and fairy typing just makes it that much more cool. It just destroys things with Belly Drum and Sitrus Berry to so bonus.

1) Mega Altaria: Altaria has always been one of my favourites and mega altaria is just even more powerful and bulky. It is my favourite Mega by far and needs more love.

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10) Scizor- This Red mantis thing literally destroys you with the Roost-Bullet Punch set up and with a swords dance up;be careful of it's X-Scissor and guess what? It gets even better with it's Mega Evolution but the only problem is it's vulnerable typing.smh.

9)Gliscor- Here comes the flying scorpion! With a biased movepool and it's scumbag toxic heal having a bulky Gliscor is absolutely boss being one of the most efficient stall-breakers in the game having a Swords dance+Cross Poison+Roost=WOAH move pool; the only problem is it's poor sp.def as it gets rekt'd by a simple Ice beam

8)Keldeo- This Horse thing is absolutely one of the best offensive pokemon in the entire ou tier having decent offensive stats and is a good checker not much is needed to say about this majestic horse thing it's just the best

7)Skarmory-Having a solid defense stat it is probably good for defensive defogs+roost only

6)Diancie-Mega Diancie is a top threat in the OU metagame, sporting incredible offensive stats in a massive base 160 Attack and Special Attack and crucial base 110 Speed.Mega or without Mega Diancie is always a threat (unless Serperior can do something about it)

5)Ferrothorn-Underated Pokemon EVER! Ferrothorn with a massive 131 Defense and 116 Sp.Def it is probably the most defensive OU pokemon out there the only problem would be it's vulnerability to fire types which is actually common for the overrated Charizard to carry (obviously)

4)Klefki-Seriously, this pokemon is probably the best support pokemon out there! With an amazing movepool and the ability prankster it's basically GG for you if you don't get rid of this pokemon quickly as it sets up Spikes and a crippling THUNDER WAVE

3)Tyranitar- Tyranitar's combination of bulk, typing, and power allows it to check prominent threats such as Latios, Mega Charizard Y, Gengar, and Talonflame. In addition to this, its access to Sand Stream and Stealth Rock make it a great support threat, as it assists Sand Rush Excadrill and Sand Force Mega Garchomp. It is hard to check however with a Mega Lopunny in game it's basically game over for this pokemon unless you take it out;otherwise Tyranitar with our without Mega will absolutely demolish the opposing team with Earthquakes

2)Mew- This cat demon from hell has an amazing godly movepool literally! A bulky Mew would mean it is the 2nd best support in game (Klefki 1st) since a bulky mew can set up support moves along with Thunder. The best stall-breaker and possibly support ever

1)Kyurem (Black)- Now this Legendary pokemon takes the list. Upon looking at Kyurem-B's monstrous Attack stat and its solid stats overall, you can tell right away that it's an offensive powerhouse in the OU tier. Boasting the game's most powerful Outrage, a solid Special Attack stat, and a great STAB type in Ice, it has almost no switch-ins and can break down even the bulkiest of walls. Despite being Ice-type, Kyurem-B is no slouch defensively; well-rounded bulk and resistances to the common Electric- and Water-type attacks give it plenty of opportunities to enter the battlefield. Whether Kyurem-B is breaking down walls, revenge killing, or even stallbreaking with Substitute, its versatility means that can fit onto nearly any offensive team and perform well.

Note: The list is from 10-1 so meaning it is actually ranked

why not why not why not

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I don't really play much OU, because I already suck at pretty much every other tier, so when I get into OU.... is often just to have my ass mauled harder than usual.

Still, I guess there are mons I like to use in here (because the only other places I can use them are balanced hackmons and doubles):

1) Clefable: this thing....has become my fav mon competitively, of all time. Cute charm Clefable, Unaware Clefable, Magic Guard Clefable; all of them play quite different and have a specific role depending on ability. My fav out ot the 3 is magic guard clefable, because I like to use it as a full set up sweeper. Yep, you heard right. For some reason, Calm Mind + Moonblast + Ice Beam + HP groun/fire with magic guard and life orb/toxic orb has become my most reliable attacking set, and the one that has won me most battles. My to-go OU team has a mega Gardevoir as main focus, but the one that always ends up getting the work done is Clefable the sweeper, with help of some iron defense baton passers and such. Unaware/Magic guard with stealth rock and some other status move I have been wanting to try for a long time as well, but I don't go much into OU lately. Also, a physically defensive clefable surprises a lot of people, for what I've experienced.

2) Azumarill: I think I have never seen a set that doesn't use huge power, but sap sipper azumarill also has its uses. One of them being, which is my favourite, is totally shutting down contrary serperior. Like seriously, standard serperior with dragon pulse + leaf storm + HP fire CAN'T touch azumarill and is forced to switch by all means. Regardless of that one situational check, I also use huge power azumarill, but I'm just not into belly drum sets, I've found myself unable to either make the +6 mon survive for enough turns, or setting them up to begin with.

Generally, Aqua Tail + Play Rough + Rollout + Superpower/Brick Break with huge power and wide lens is the set I go for what is my "standard" Azumarill. Rollout might seem like a bad move to get locked into, but unlike outrage, there are no mons immune to it, so something is going to get hurt. The worst that can happen is getting locked in front of magnezone, breloom, venusaur or gengar. Basically if your opponent has these mons, you don't go for rollout until they have passed away, as simple as that. For a belly drum + sitrus berry set, I guess I'd use Aqua jet.

3) Gliscor: yeah, I'm one of those guys who enjoys poison heal stalling. Protect + EQ + Roost + Facade with poison heal and toxic orb, is a set I love. For some reason, it seems as if every time I try to get using this set, no ice beam is present in the area, which is cool because it is one of the few things able to hurt Gliscor badly. Everything else either dies to EQ, gets hurt by 140 bp Facade, or was likely already poisoned by another of my mons, so let the stall begin. Gengar, as you can see, shuts down my gliscor entirely, which is why sometimes I put knock off over protect.

4) Serperior: my fav starter in pair with Delphox, but sadly, the only one that can be reliably used in OU. Basically, Leaf Storm + Dragon Pulse + HP Fire + Giga Drain/Substitute with Contrary and leftovers, is what I have used for it, and it is generally a great counter to ferrothorn, scizor and the occasional forretress. Leaf Storm Serperior hits very hard, so it surprised me to discover the past week that it has a base SpA of 75; I always thought its SpA was around 90 or so, but nope, it seems Serperior is a defensive mon based on stats only. Which is quite weird, since its defenses do nothing because A) grass type and B ) 75 HP.

Serperior can't switch into stuff and will be almost unusable if there's a Talonflame in the field and your team hasn't got rid of it first, but once that's out the way, if you can set the contrary shenanigans, its coverage gets it ridiculously close to a gg.

5) Ferrothorn: I didn't like this thing when I got into pokemon 2-3 years ago. It was ugly, it was annoying, it was difficult for me to take down since I built teams with no fire coverage. Yep. In any case, once I found out why it is so useful, it is actually a great mon to have. Leech Seed/Toxic has the advantage that hits most things and, even if you find yourself against a magic bouncer, you can't be affected by your own moves, which is very useful. Focus Sash to ensure it will move at least once, and the rest depends on the match.

And that'd be my list I think. Can't be a top 10 because I have only 2 OU teams lol. Honorable mentions go to Sableye, which I find incredibly helpful on its basic form and deeply despise on its mega form (both when using it and against it), Breloom (which I wish the ability poison heal actually recovered health when hit by ANY poison type move, like water absorb), mega gardevoir, who is good but not as much as I thought it would, Scolipede, who can't take many hits but is an excellent baton passer, and Klefki, which is annoying and I love it.

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10) Weavile

This thing is FAST and it hits hard. Having access to powerful STAB moves like Icicle Crash and Knock Off as well as to priority moves such as Fake Out and Ice Shard makes it a scary threat late-game

9) Landorus-Therian

It may not be as versatile as its incarnate form, but Landorus can be fun to experiment with. Personally, it is my favorite Stealth Rock user and I really LOVE annoying opponents with my Rocky Helmet variant when they go for a U-Turn. Intimidate is always useful too (except when Bisharp is around).

8) Rotom-Wash

This cheeky washing machine has Will-O-Wisp and Pain Split - which offers a combo of annoyance to the opponent. The only downside of Rotom-Wash is that most people run basically the same set, making it pretty predictable.

7) Mega Sableye

Oh, you think you can set up entry hazards on me? HOW ABOUT NO!

6) Azumarill

Always have something on deck to handle a Belly Drum Azumarill.... because if it manages to successfully set up - you're in trouble. It's nice to see how such a underused Pokemon received a tremendous upgrade.

5) Magnezone

Ferrothorn, Scizor, Klefki and Skarmory's worst nightmare. It's always fun trapping Pokemon in a non-Gothitelle way. Shed Shell and U-Turn does exist - but still.

4) Keldeo

Relatively fast and it will hit things hard (especially harder if a Life Orb is attached). There are obvious checks to Keldeo however - such as Mega Manectric and Mega Alakazam.

3) Mega Altaria

My personal favorite Mega! I mean, who wouldn't love a cottonball dragon that is even more fluffier? This thing can successfully sweep teams if bulky Steel types are out of the way with one Dragon Dance. With Pixilate offering extra strength, this dragon/fairy Pokemon could be a nightmare to deal with.

2) Mega Metagross

I've only recently started to use M-Metagross... and I've been having so much success with it. I don't think I need to say anymore.

1) Clefable

No, not the Magic Guard Clefable. UNAWARE CLEFABLE is just awesome (and annoying). Think you can set up? I don't think so. Tail Glow Manaphy? Dragon Dance CharizardX? Belly Drum Azumarill? This fairy is not interested. Unaware Clefable made so many of my opponents rage quit in frustration - and hence it is probably the Pokemon that I utilize the most in OU.

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Honorable mentions

Bisharp - Bisharp missed the list because it's a rather crutch 'mon for me in the tier and doesn't pan out for me as often as Talonflame does, albeit is more fun to use. Defiant is one of my favorite abilities out there and with one of my favorite methods of KOing 'mons out there (trapping) in it's toolbelt, Bisharp is a pretty great 'mon. It also complements Mega Gallade and Mega Gardevoir very well.

Conkeldurr - Conkeldurr makes opponents think twice about going for status conditions not named Sleep or Freeze, which is very handy in a game where Will-O-Wisp is prevalent. Conkeldurr is one of the most recognizable Guts users in the tier, and with access to Drain Punch, Knock Off, and Mach Punch, it's a very threatening Pokemon.

Starmie - Starmie is my favorite rapid spinner in the tier. It's ability to be run offensively makes it attractive and to me, it seems less vulnerable than Excadrill is considering I'm not very good at playing balanced.

Breloom - Breloom is stupid good, but often feels stupid cheap to play.

Terrakion - Terrakion's speed and beneficiary dual typing gives the OU swordsman rep points.

Keldeo - This guy's appearance is so much...."ugh" - but there's no denying how reliable Keldeo is.

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I'm going to rank all of the OU pokemon in order from favorite to least too lazy to explain for now.

1. Excadrill

2. Garchomp

3. Rotom-W

4. Tornadus-T

5. Skarmory

6. Magnezone

7. Mega Altaria

8. Ferrothorn

9. Gengar

10. Starmie

11. Mega Charizard Y

12. Azumarill

13. Hippowdon

14. Mega Scizor

15. Serperior

16. Gyarados (+Mega)

17. Zapdos

18. Clefable

19. Breloom

20. Conkeldurr

21. Bisharp

22. Manaphy

23. Latios

24. Mega Venusaur

25. Heatran

26. [NORMAL] Scizor

27. Mega Charizard X

28. Hoopa Unbound

29. Weavile

30. Slowbro

31. Landorus-T

32. Alakazam (+Mega)

33. Chansey

34. Mega Metagross

35. Latias

36. Kyurem-B

37. Sylveon

38. Dragonite

39. Mega Gardevoir

40. Mega Manectric

41. Mew

42. Sableye (+Mega)

43. Tyranitar (+Mega)

44. Thundurus

45. Raikou

46. Mega Diancie

47. Klefki

48. Hoopa

49. Keldeo

50. Celebi

51. Jirachi

52. Gliscor

53. Talonflame

54. Mega Lopunny.... slut

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I'm going to rank all of the OU pokemon in order from favorite to least too lazy to explain for now.

1. Excadrill

2. Garchomp

3. Rotom-W

4. Tornadus-T

5. Skarmory

6. Magnezone

7. Mega Altaria

8. Skarmory

9. Gengar

10. Starmie

11. Mega Charizard Y

12. Azumarill

13. Hippowdon

14. Mega Scizor

15. Serperior

16. Gyarados (+Mega)

17. Zapdos

18. Clefable

19. Breloom

20. Conkeldurr

21. Bisharp

22. Manaphy

23. Latios

24. Mega Venusaur

25. Heatran

26. [NORMAL] Scizor

27. Mega Charizard X

28. Hoopa Unbound

29. Weavile

30. Slowbro

31. Landorus-T

32. Alakazam (+Mega)

33. Chansey

34. Mega Metagross

35. Latias

36. Kyurem-B

37. Sylveon

38. Dragonite

39. Mega Gardevoir

40. Mega Manectric

41. Mew

42. Sableye (+Mega)

43. Tyranitar (+Mega)

44. Thundurus

45. Raikou

46. Mega Diancie

47. Klefki

48. Hoopa

49. Keldeo

50. Celebi

51. Jirachi

52. Gliscor

53. Talonflame

54. Mega Lopunny.... slut

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