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So, two items I currently want to find.

Number one: Honey. Where is the honey at? how am I supposed to add a sweet flavor to my healthy tree-bark diet without honey??

Number two: the mining tool (whatever it's called) I am on like the 8th gym or something and still don't have it. Where is it???????? D: D: D: D: D:

Thanks in advance,


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well if u dont want to spend money to get honey u can use either combee or teddiursa with the honey gather ability to get honey.

also u can use a pick up crew/team to pick up choc ice cream to trade at nyu's house.nyu's house is in the woods near route1 a.k.a the house filled with pikachus. nyu also take sweets for honey. only food item which nyu does not trade for honey is blue moon ice cream.

if u have enuf money u can just buy em at lapis ward at the flower shop.

As for the mining kit.go to the grand stairway and bring a pokemon which knows rock smash. u need to explore the cave and find a pathway/ladder going down blocked by a rock smash rock. smash teh rock and continue a few screen and u will find a room filled with shiny rock a.k.a minning rocks. talk to the hiker in that room he will give u the mining kit.

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