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Im back and will introduce myself this time


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Hello Reborn Community!

I have returned from my 1 month slack off, and am back to introduce myself, which I never did.

My name is Sparky, and yes thats a dogs name and not my real name but I prefer to be called this way.

I live in The Netherlands, so my English wont be perfect but ill try my best :D

My most favorite hobby is of course gaming and I love all types of games, except, you know.. horror and stuff.

My last 2 years I played a lot of League of Legends, and since 1 year I picked up playing Pokemon again.

My favorite games yet are: Pokemon Emerald, League of Legends, Sonic Adventure 2, Super Mario Sunshine,

GTA 5 & San Andreas and a good game off Call of Duty Zombies will do too :)

I love gaming and games overall and that being said hope to make my own game one day (Maybe a Pokemon game).

My favorite thing to do in games has to be glitching and bugging, and completing/100% a fun and good game.

I love glitching and breaking games and also trying to fix them, so thats the forum you will find me the most in.

And completing games is also a hard and fun quest, and that's why I made my own list off games to complete,

and games that I have already completed.

My favorite Pokemon's are Manectric and Ludicolo, and if youre up against me in Showdown Im probably using my Rain Squad.

To end off this introduction I would like to say that its good to be back again ^_^

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Welcome to the forums! Hope you have a warm stay over here :).

Also, like you I am a gamer and I also like Pokemon Emerald but I'll have to disagree with the glitching part :P. I like to play a game fair and square.

A question - what is your Showdown alias?

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At least you're not using a Jolteon avatar so it's easy to pick you both apart. And Sparky is from Apophyll anyway :T

Well met again NLSparky.

And welcome back to Reborn!

People probably said everything and I don't have to do anything since Manectric is already blue but just in case WOLOLO \o/ get converted.

Good to see you back. You know what that means? Exactly. It's time to...


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