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Those games.......


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We all know those games. Those games that touch us in ways that we've never been touched before. Wait, I should rephrase that. Those games who emotionally invest you in a way no other can. For me, its Mother 3. If you've played it, you know what I mean.

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Tales of Symphonia- Collette's story resonated more with me than I understood when first playing it, and for reasons I've only recently found.

Kingdom Hearts 1/CoM- Especially since I once had a best friend named Riku and things... went south fast.

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Persona 4. I was enjoying it at first like a regular game, but the character of Naoto touched me in a personal way. Spoilers incoming.

Comparing it with other people's impressions, I think I was more settled that other people at the role of "Seeker of Truth", maybe driven by how I liked Naoto and rushed her social link ("How can't you see yet that someone dear to you made this game, so you could share your passion with someone else? You piece of... a... sleuth."), precisely when the "discover the plot" part of the game starts going in crescendo and the main story gets shaken by some major events. Nanako's death and Teddy's disappearance are there to touch you precisely when you have to make some major, important choices, and yet with tears getting piled up behind my eyes I reloaded several times until I got the right choices to kept the ******** of Namatame alive, because once I had got into the sleuth's skin, I couldn't accept an event that meant not ever getting to know the truth.

When Nanako and Teddy came back, it felt cheap, I felt fooled, but I was still enjoying the plot and kept on playing. When I finished the game and discovered on the net that Nanako could have died, had I made other choices, I suddenly took a completely different perspective and FEELINGS attacked me again. I guess I had the grace of the Atlus' Pantheon for playing the game right.

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The SNES Mario when I was a kid :C...A person rescuing a captive princess from harm was quite embedded into me since my relatives used to tell me fairy-tales (ugh) quite a lot. Other than that, I never found any other game touching as I mostly play action or open-world games.

EDIT : Yay, 200th post and a Psychic now :3!

EDIT 2 : Also Adventure Quest Worlds! In that game, I had made so many friends and had so much fun grouping together, chatting, fighting, farming equipments etc and I was deeply disheartened when Artix Entertainment perma-banned my account because a wimpy little hacker hacked into my account, The Dragonking and they wouldn't believe me :/.

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For me:

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7

The whole ordeal with the Zack/Aerith relationship... and the damn ending...

I mean I knew beforehand how it would end, because I've seen the end of Zacks story in the original FF7... but Jeezuz, I did not expect how they turned it up 1000000000000% for Crisis Core.

This ending was legitemately one of the few endings were I really cried...

I sat there like:

"no... don't cry... you knew how this would end... don't cry... I SAID DON'T CRY... DAMNIT TEAR DON'T YOU DARE ROLL DOWN MY CHEEK, COME BACK HERE!!"


Kingdom Hearts

whenever I hear the ending theme... I get sad... It's a great theme but I always picture the ending before me and I just get sad...

"I come back to you! I promise!!" - "I know you will!"

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Touching, hmm idk if the game itself was touching, but the people i met and "hang out with" in it deffinitely were. Fiesta online. I proudly was in a guild for 3 years with pretty much the same people. So many memories, so much fun, so much joy, so many online friends. Good years~

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For me:

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7

The whole ordeal with the Zack/Aerith relationship... and the damn ending...

I mean I knew beforehand how it would end, because I've seen the end of Zacks story in the original FF7... but Jeezuz, I did not expect how they turned it up 1000000000000% for Crisis Core.

This ending was legitemately one of the few endings were I really cried...

I sat there like:

"no... don't cry... you knew how this would end... don't cry... I SAID DON'T CRY... DAMNIT TEAR DON'T YOU DARE ROLL DOWN MY CHEEK, COME BACK HERE!!"

I second this so much.

Also, Shadow of the Colossus. There's a reason that it's my favorite game to this day.

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Well... Depends on the topic at hand for a "game that resonates with me"

Is it a game that hit me straight in the feels? A game that I can really relate to? A game I have set a standard to when I play other games?

Here are a few that are important to me...

Devil May Cry 3. It is hands down the best action game ever made in my book. The best monster designs, the the best boss designs, coolest weapons ever, amazing battle system, awesome theme and art style, and despite the fact that the story wasn't the best thing ever, it did speak to me. The entire premise of sibling rivalry, family problems, and destiny are themes I can still relate to today.

Super Mario RPG: Legend of the 7 Stars- this is my first RPG ever. So because of it, I have a special connection to it. I don't have anything I can think of when I say "I can relate to it". But it is more of the "nostalgia goggles" where I can only see good in it because it is what I grew up with. The game may not be the best ever, but I hold it really highly.

Persona 3 and 4- I discovered these games later in my life than I wish I had. Everything in these games are just so well done. Story, music, themes, symbolism, life lessons, ect. I want to say more but I cannot think of anything at this moment.

Phoenix Wright- the feels, such good stories in each case... That is all. The first and third game spoke to me the most. I really enjoyed the story and dynamic of Phoenix, Mia, and Godot.

Borderlands 2- best Villian ever, great story scenarios, best NPCs ever.

Lastly golden sun- Golden Sun was one of the first games (besides Pokemon). I became a super fan of. There was so much great lore and story in Golden Sun and it is so under appreciated. Long story short, it is like the Avatar anime in video game form.

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Devil May Cry 3. It is hands down the best action game ever made in my book. The best monster designs, the the best boss designs, coolest weapons ever, amazing battle system, awesome theme and art style, and despite the fact that the story wasn't the best thing ever, it did speak to me. The entire premise of sibling rivalry, family problems, and destiny are themes I can still relate to today.

I second this as well. That game was SO much fun, and I loved practicing the infinites you could do with proper timing. Coolest looking combos an action game has to offer.

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I have a few moments from games that made me quite sad and one from a trailer.

The Last of Us~ The god damned beginning gets me everytime and the DLC

Infamous~ the ending wtf

PMD~ n explanation needed

FE:A Future Past One and Two after completing the levels~Only because of my choices

Dead Island~ The trailer was so sad

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Edit, Whoops I mistook this thread for something else. I'll fix my post.

Radiant Historia: I fucking loved this game and couldn't get enough of it. Easily one of the best games on the DS imo. Incredible soundtrack, interesting characters, great story and the battle system is pretty unique.

Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective. I loved this game's story and soundtrack. I won't say anything more, because I might spoil something if I do. The main appeal of the game is the story and its plot twists, so it would be a shame if I spoiled it.

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The Last of Us, PMD (Time/Darkness/Sky, specifically) and the ending sequence of MGS:IV before the last fight are some of the games that made me feel... "lots of feels". Either because of the ending, or a specific situation. But those are the ones that I can say from the top of my head.

There's probably others, but those are the most important ones.

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