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Ahem, my reasoning why I left the fps part of gaming for 1 or 2 years.


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For those of you who saw my status update. I had burned out on the fps but there is another reason why I put down the fps for a while: No "Rush" (If you played battlefield, you will know what it is) and my binge playing with Team Fortress 2 has been stopped for a long time and nearly completely stopped after a hacker gave all of my stranges away. Also it lead to me finding this majestic game. Because my steam was blocked, hacked and current fps games didn't had a mode like rush in a way, I stopped. Now Bo3 beta is live and I saw the return of Demolition, my fire has returned and am back kicking some ass.

Edited by OmegaRa1der
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Nice to see you coming back in the FPS gaming world (even though I am an open-world gamer more myself :P)! I haven't played BF ever but I do get the idea of Rush - its where you attack head-on and capture or bomb the enemy's territory, right?

Tbh, I never liked CoD games since it had the same mechanics in every game and the servers were always inhabited by hackers and troll-kids...the only one I enjoyed was MW1. The only FPS game I look forward to buying is Destiny. (hearing good reviews of it so far)

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I stoped playing cod a few months ago cuz i didnt enjoy aw or ghosts and i didnt feel like playing bo2 for another year. Right now im getting into csgo but when the beta comes out for xbox one ill be playing it a lot.

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CoD was good at first then it progressively got worse with balance issues and stale maps and reselling maps. Tried to get into bf but I didn't like it much. MAG was a huge disappointment. BL2 was great. Enjoyed destiny but bungievision are being asswipes right now. I will play halo 5 but haven't played any of the previous ones in a while. Probably gonna get back into war frame when the new destiny expansion comes out. So yeah, done a lot of shooters. Oh yeah, didn't like tf2. Never heard of rush didn't like the cod zombie stuff and... I don't foe on pc like you do

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