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Map/Screenshot/Sprite Showcase


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it should still dimly show the events on the map though. if not, try messing a bit with the display toggles.

It's showing it very faded and not the whole person for example. It just shows the their forhead and bit of their hair. I'll keep putzing around with it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So I haven't posted here before so I thought I would show this


also would vs. sprites be acceptable to showcase or it is just trainer sprites with maps

edit:I thought the original size was too small so I used the regular trainer sprite size. if there's an issue with this let me know and I'll fix it

Edited by Jmanultrax1
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  • 6 months later...

I desided to make custom shinies, but I don't know if they are good or not. These are the ones that I think I'm completely finished with, but I'm open for any critiscism.



   although I think volcarona is a bit too blue though, and the only part I really like is the gold








Edited by MOLVEGQ
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  • 6 months later...
  • 6 months later...

@StarryDreamerKitten Here are some changes I would make if I were you.

1) An the first map I feel like the table and the chairs should be at the center of the carpet. So I would enlarge the carpet and move the table and the chairs one tile right. Furthermore, I would consider adding something to the lower part of the map (like plants?) to make it feel less empty.

Also, is there a tile error on the carpet? Or it has white outline on purpose?


2) An the second map, the sofa is covering the window and it feels a little bit weird. I would probably remove it (or replace it with something that's not that tall).


3) Same problem with the third map. You should remove the bookcases that block the windows. Also you should consider removing some of the posters on the wall. It seems a little bit too crowded there.


So these are the changes I would make. Overall, I really liked your maps, especially the outdoor one ( I found no flaws there 🙂 ). It's just small details that need to be changed to be aesthetically better.

But it's your game. You decide what you are gonna do with your maps.

Have fun making your game!

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@groniack Thanks for the feeback, changed them a bit, used smaller windows and changed their placement, the main room the carpet including the layering has been fixed and realigned for better centering and a couple things added to the corner, I left the bookcases as they are there on purpose and will serve a purpose latter for an event

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  • 1 year later...

Hello! I was wondering if i could get some feedback on one of my maps!



Events aren't being shown. It's essentially a park in the middle of a city. It's entirely man-made, except for the nature.

Feedback would be great.

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  • 3 years later...
  • 2 months later...
On 3/12/2023 at 1:20 PM, BlasterMillennia said:

Hi all, does anyone have comments on this starting route? The player will start from the bottom-right-hand side.

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Seems pretty good for me. The map depends of the event that will happend there, but for a start route it's ok.

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