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Pokemon Revolution

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Where might one find the download link? I didn't see anything on the first or second page, or after a quick search... And Google was entirely unhelpful.

I'm probably missing something very obvious, of course. :unsure:

Painfully obvious, then. I should probably have considered that...

Edited by ThRev
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Where might one find the download link? I didn't see anything on the first or second page, or after a quick search... And Google was entirely unhelpful.

I'm probably missing something very obvious, of course. :unsure:

I'm pretty sure that Revolution isn't out yet...

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is just a little update to know what is going on. I would love to show you guys something, but right now we only have fragments of things to show off. At some point maybe we'll throw a tease, but even my main department, story, is still being worked on. You'll be happy to know that I finally have an overall general sketch of what the entire thing will look like minus a few little holes I'm working to fill. Now I just need to fill in all the tiny stuff.

We've also now pushed into the development of episode 1 so that people can start working at their own pace instead of waiting for me and allow me more time to work on revisions and such. There's also a small little announcement I wanted to make:

Trevo has been promoted to basically taking everything I and the group creates and putting it into a format we can use aka dialogue. We're actually taking this with more of a story based approach (which might surprise some of you) while trying to keep the game challenging and fun. Lots of interesting things have been popping up so even if you thoroughly read everything in the docs, on this page, and everything I created in the drafts, I still probably could surprise you.

Anyways, I just wanted to say we're still alive, and still working on the game. Only thing we still are looking for are spriters if someone wants to take a shot at in that category as it's only Aqua and I at the moment.

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I am officially creating a new development group for Revolution. I will analyse any and all interested in creating this fangame. This crew will be the Daft Punk of development groups. Harder, better, faster, stronger.

Here's people I'm looking for:

Spriters-You don't need to be legendarily good, just capable. (You can stay if you want Aqua.)

Storywriters-Probably the most important, I would really appreciate anyone with even some experience.

Programmers-I'm adept with RPG Maker, but it would help to have someone else to assist with this.

Conceptualists-People to help bring the world to life.

If you wish to be any of these, PM me ASAP. Your assistance would be appreciated.

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Final Edit-Revolution was established as a project to unite the best of Reborn as one and create a fan game with those people, but due to certain circumstances, all work on Revolution is permanently stopped effective immediately. All I wanted was a way to give back to the Reborn community, making friends along the way, and this was the thanks I got.

I feel I have a right to speak up about this considering what has happened. This is one of those rare ideas that the developer isn't the main story writer, and due to certain conditions and to so much uncertainty, I had to take control of certain areas in order to actually make a plot and for things to start running smoothly. Actually, I pretty did do quite a few changes...though apparently it was being frowned upon and causing tension who the leader was. This caused many conflicts down the line, but due to how the leadership was going, there was nobody stopping it. I decided to put an end to this by taking everything I worked on for this game with me since that seemed to be a huge core of this problem. Apparently, nobody was willing to step in to end the fighting out of fear of losing my plotline design. Trust me, the four of us had a little talk and when we figured out what happened, we decided it was best to leave and remove as many traces as we could to what this plot was going to be.

There were so many things to consider when making the plot and choices I had to make from either the moral choice or stronger and better plot choice. Generally, I tried taking a balance of the two. It's kind of sad to considering the plot was near completion never to be touched again. I hold in my hand a countless amount of hours of work of plot and character building. While not complete, many ideas such as Callaghan being a main antagonist for Ultima came about. While they were my ideas, they were not my characters so if anyone is curious and want to know what would've come about their character, I will let them know in a PM. What is done with the ideas for them is entirely up to the original creator of that character. That's what I feel is a fair bargain in all of this instead of me keeping many of these ideas only to rot in time.

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and ghost gym leader is also and if you go to the dev doc Jacob, you'll understand why that is so. Good luck getting your team and I know you will make this game amazing. I just decided I needed to leave and to do my own things which I am now and I'm happier and freer than I've been before. :D

Have a great day/night though. :D

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Long story short, Revolution's back to square one. Ground leader spot's also open again.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is somewhat sudden what's going to happen with the game are we going to have a long hiatus or is revolution done for good

Edited by nepeta100
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I am officially creating a new development group for Revolution. I will analyse any and all interested in creating this fangame. This crew will be the Daft Punk of development groups. Harder, better, faster, stronger.

Here's people I'm looking for:

Spriters-You don't need to be legendarily good, just capable. (You can stay if you want Aqua.)

Storywriters-Probably the most important, I would really appreciate anyone with even some experience.

Programmers-I'm adept with RPG Maker, but it would help to have someone else to assist with this.

Conceptualists-People to help bring the world to life.

If you wish to be any of these, PM me ASAP. Your assistance would be appreciated.

Sent a PM asking, but, you guys still looking for a Storywriter? Got a story outline I wana run past you when your online.

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!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is somewhat sudden what's going to happen with the game are we going to have a long hiatus or is revolution done for good

No, Revolution is not done for good.

Finally got caught up with my schoolwork, what the hell did I miss.

Good question, I'm just as confused, though I think I have more information than you. I should probably check the doc sometime. Not sure how much I can say, but this is to the other guys who worked on the project. Going to also try an avoid ranting here. I feel as if the reason this all happened is pretty silly. If I'm piecing this together properly, it was a matter of distrust and lack of faith. I think it was baseless too. While I could start pointing fingers and accusing various people of various things, I have a limited amount of time, so I'll keep it concise. Before you start making claims and accusations, make sure you have the proof to back it up. Just because something doesn't go the way you want, doesn't mean you have to quit. You'll never get anywhere like that.

Last thing, why can't we use the plot line that we have?

Also, side note: Passive Aggression doesn't work with me. You know who you are.

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Sigh...Jacob isn't around right now so I suppose I should clarify the situation. The current situation isn't as bad as it seems as I had second thoughts on what I did. Yeah, this might seems silly because the whole thing was silly. Basically for the past month or so, there have been many many arguments causing a lot of story development to halt. Things just kept building up and getting uglier and uglier for the story side of things and there really wasn't any side getting a resolve to this whole conflict. Bandages at the most as I would say. Truthfully, it was a few PMs that set me off and pretty much made me want to be done with this, but my god were we all acting like children. Telling Jacob I couldn't use any of my story pretty much was the only way to end the whole mess, but I do think it was a little too extreme, but again, my stress had enough with this so I did what I could to get myself out of this.

Right now, I sent a PM to Jacob to discuss what we should do about the situation. WaveBlade, if I don't hear from Jacob in a week, I will begin discussing the drafts I had to you and we can try and settle on what should be done while we wait for Jacob to come back on. I want no one else to be a part of this though as we try and fix this giant mess. It is possible I will do the plot, but under the current situation, some changes will have to be made due a certain unexpected character being removed. But yes, I did give Jacob back the rights to the ideas and Episode 1 progress should continue (though I'm actually in the dark what exactly has been done).

So yes, things are a little bit rocky as they are right now, but for the time being, Aquawaffle and SnowGlaceon are the only two official members of Revolution and the only ones I will discuss the current story situation with as the events unfold. Right now, I'm just trying to settle this out so it won't happen again, even if it means replacing me. It is also possible we completely rewrite the story entirely but keep some old concepts. So yeah, please don't ask me about the current situation of Revolution because I don't entirely know and I'm trying to get it back on its feet again.


As for people removing their characters or want to replace the new ones, we are currently not taking any characters until this is settled out. I did have the ground gym spot and we had a backup for the Ghost gym which might be used. If you remove a character though, that does not mean that spot becomes vacant. The plot I had wasn't complete, but was near completion, but we do not know what will become of that plot until we sort this mess all out. If you have concerns or questions, I am very limited to what I can answer, but I will discuss a bit about the character if you are considering removing yours.

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Okay, I have a bit of good news and a bit of bad news. The good news is that we resolved the main issue at hand. Basically, the train is back on it's tracks for development, but there are going to be some changes. Nothing is official yet, but we are more or less back to normal...for the time being. Something is definitely going to come out of this situation as the writing team is going to be getting a few new policies regarding how thing are done. By policies, I mean the next person who causes a warzone is getting booted out of Revolution for good, character included.

Now for the bad news, Revolution is going to be on a hiatus for a bit of time. Do not worry, it will come back. We've put a lot of time and effort in it to simply let it rot. For the next few days, I will be discussing how we will go about this. There are already going to be some slight revisions due to the loss of our ghost leader (who was a BN admin), but we actually had something interesting going on when things got tense.

During my time as storywriter, there have been some interesting discussions about a character to fill in for the ghost leader role. Vladamir Demasque was actually in development shortly before I left. He's a bit of an older, well-mannered gentleman and quite wealthy with his haunted house. He's not finished, but I thought I might throw something at you to see if it perks any interests. Even though it would break the one leader per person rule, if it is well received, I will create an app for him on here for all to see. I still need to put the finishing touches on him (too bad he doesn't have a sprite yet).

Edit: The hiatus likely won't last more than two weeks, but I'll be getting to work now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's a little bit of a news update on what's going on. Revolution is not dead, but we took a bit of a hiatus, as it was predicted by the Mayans (Just kidding! It was C who said that it would be on hiatus for a bit, so it's not the end of the world, right?). What we have been doing is Draft Days, which is pretty much revisions of Episode Drafts. For now, we have been revising Episode I, because, well, it is the first episode. We apologize for the long wait of hiatus, and hope that we can continue as such.

Do have a good day. Sit back, and enjoy some tunes while you all wait for any more upcoming news. ^-^

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Sorry for the lack of news, I was waiting for something. Thanks to Shia, we actually now have an official trainer sprite (well...we were going to use Jacob's, but Shia knocked it out of the park). If you go to her sprite shop page, you can see what the male BN grunt will look like. And before you ask about a female...that's going to be on the to do list for a later episode.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello, fellow Revolutionaries! I just wanted to take the time to give a quick update on what's going on in the Revolution factory. We had a little bit of a hiatus (Almost two months!) due to busy, busy things, such as finals, academics, gaming, and other things. However, I'm happy to say that we are back, with a new staff member! Some of you might remember Axxel, the creator of Pokemon Arcane, which eventually split into that, and this, which became known as Pokemon Revolution. Axxel has returned, and is now helping us make Revolution a reality!

First, over the last few months, we've had some sprites made. Namely Trevore (Which I eventually adopted as my second name), Falcone, and Travix, all made possible thanks to Shia! For now, we're working on overworld sprites, such as Trevore, Falcone, and Gavin, but eventually going to work on others, such as Brian.

Second, I'm not sure if this happened a long while ago, or if it happened just recently, but SnowGlaceon is officially one of the staff members too!

Finally, since Winter Break is nearing for most people already, development of Revolution's Episode 1 will continue!

I want to thank you all for waiting patiently. Some might have already thought this was dead, but fear not! We are alive and well, and ready to continue the Revolution! Viva la Revolution!

(I can't believe we are at 800 posts now! :o)

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From what I see, I think the document is still going to be there. For a while, there have just been a few other documents that do leave most in the dark, but like the update post I have posted, we will do our best to keep you all updated whenever there is something done like sprites, story, dialogue, etc. (I'm hoping we can find the mechanic for a status thread of our own, but I suppose we'll wait after a few episodes and get a good foot with Revolution before doing that.

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  • 5 months later...

I know what's happening but I do believe Jacob or Trevore or Commander should post more frequent updates for the progress of Pokemon Revolution for the people not as informed.

No offense to Jacob's approach. Just my opinion.

I am super excited for what Revolution has planned though. :)

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I know what's happening but I do believe Jacob or Trevore or Commander should post more frequent updates for the progress of Pokemon Revolution for the people not as informed.

No offense to Jacob's approach. Just my opinion.

I am super excited for what Revolution has planned though. :)

First off, we decided not to make updates due to infrequent flex of progress due to many of us working on other projects combined with school. I also stepped down from my involvement other than drafting the original storyboard which also slowed progress. Once progress was getting close to completion, we would make updates and announcements instead of giving empty or worthless news and excuses why the first release isn't out yet. That's why we decided to keep any progress underground just in case something does happen so that we don't have a ton of super disappointed people. The other reason is that things are subject to change based on our abilities due to the lack of artists in our department.

In truth, I wanted this to stay hidden and buried after all the shit that hit the fan and stuff. Would you really blame me after an incident that could've involved me losing ace occurred due to some unnecessary drama? The current team (Snow, Jacob, Trevor, and I) is on good standing and most of the work falls onto Jacob with me only jumping in to give a couple pointers. Unfortunately, we can't show off any progress at this point since most of it is super spoilery and for other reasons. And just as an FYI, please don't answer questions addressed to our team for us.

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First off, we decided not to make updates due to infrequent flex of progress due to many of us working on other projects combined with school. I also stepped down from my involvement other than drafting the original storyboard which also slowed progress. Once progress was getting close to completion, we would make updates and announcements instead of giving empty or worthless news and excuses why the first release isn't out yet. That's why we decided to keep any progress underground just in case something does happen so that we don't have a ton of super disappointed people. The other reason is that things are subject to change based on our abilities due to the lack of artists in our department.

In truth, I wanted this to stay hidden and buried after all the shit that hit the fan and stuff. Would you really blame me after an incident that could've involved me losing ace occurred due to some unnecessary drama? The current team (Snow, Jacob, Trevor, and I) is on good standing and most of the work falls onto Jacob with me only jumping in to give a couple pointers. Unfortunately, we can't show off any progress at this point since most of it is super spoilery and for other reasons. And just as an FYI, please don't answer questions addressed to our team for us.

That's almost correct, but not entirely. I will be making an update during beta testing that the game will come out very soon just so people have enough time to look back at the forum and see what we've done. All that will be said is it's coming soon so be prepared and will be posted a couple days before the game's release. Regular updates though, will not be posted due to my erratic schedule.
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