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Hey Snow. Since you are offering about remixes and themes, etc, I would really appreciate some suggestions for ghost gym themes or evil spy type theme songs for my character ingame.

I'm probably going to look at some later on but I'll definitely check out what you suggest if you suggest some. :D

Ooh. A dark spy theme, huh? Alright, I got something. For a battle theme, I would recommend Dark Impetus or L'Impeteo Obscuro (a remix version) from the kingdom hearts series.

For an overworld theme/ encounter theme I recommend Shadow's Vigilante by Approaching Nirvana. It has a dark, sneaky, shit's hitting the fan kind of feel.

On the topic of character development... How much screen time each character gets depends on the Length and events of the story. Take Reborn for example. So far each gym leader has had a good amount of story. However, if you look at the difference between Serra and Charlotte, the latter gets more development and appearances since she is more involved with the story and events. It all depends on how involved you want the characters to be really. Some will be less involved than others, but who fills what role is your call.

I'm not sure if putting a mega on the first leader is the best idea. Around the 6th should be okay, but unless the player has level 30+ pokes on gym 1, it would be too OP

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good idea aqua but what about eggmoves and tm potential for each pokemon. You don't only have to limit to level up movesets.

I joined Black November and Team Scorpia in this thread and became admin not in the arcane thread but i'm the only one lol.

Snow would you mind linking those songs maybe a YT link so I can listen to them easily. ;D Also great point about character development. I agree.

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I'm not sure if putting a mega on the first leader is the best idea. Around the 6th should be okay, but unless the player has level 30+ pokes on gym 1, it would be too OP

Yeah, I have similar doubts. I'm going to limit what my Aerodactyl knows anyway. Hopefully it isn't too OP. Maybe make it the lowest leveled mon on my team to balance it out?

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Well, Pbood, the name of the team is actually Ultima. Scorpia is just the shorter name of the Black November cult. Just clearing this up for people. And although I do have an idea for the Post-Story, I'm going to save it until three days later, just like what Jacob intended. Although, let's just say my idea with the cult Post-Story involves Arceus (Yeah, I got you, Milotic. ^_^ It actually fits with my character, too!)

With Episode 1 already in the works now, things are going to start off great!

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I think that could work Aqua because then aero is not as op than it was before being ace or whatever.

When it comes to mega placement, I think anything about lvl 20 mega is manageable as long as you have a varied party and good strategy going into the battle.

ALSO: 150+ posts in one day WOOHOO and 5 gym leader spots left in this game so good luck. :D

EDIT: WOW I'm dumb but okay thanks for clarifying so I don't make that same mistake over and over. Ultima is a great name so good job.

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Found one more dark sounding theme. Definitely an overworld crisis theme, and more pokemonesque I suppose. I'll link the others momentarily.

1. Drought and Flood Fusion

2. Shadows Vigilante

3. Dark Impetus

4. L'Impeto Oscuro

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Much appreciated Snow and thanks for linking to make it easier to see them.

Aqua I think the 60 bp is a great idea because you can still have moves like wing attack, bite etc which are pretty good for aero at low level.

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Can you find any themes that would fit a flying type leader, Snow?

I've been looking around, and I can't really find anything that I like and would suit the battle.

Flying type? Hmm, nothing comes to mind immediately, but I'll take a look and get back to you. Something that sounds airy... Would you prefer fast or slow, upbeat or serious, maybe even happy or sad?
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Okay, I'm poking around some GlitchxCity remixes yeah, ik, sue me So far I think a few might fit. I definitely found one for dark/ghost again. And water/ice. I might as well make a list for each leader. I also have a lot of music to go through, so if you don't like a song there's probably another option. Will post links soon

Edit: I realized that some people have posted themes for their gym leader. If you can't really come up with one, I can try and help. Also if you want a second input or option I can provide.

Edited by SnowGlaceon
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oops I made a mistake in my team. Instead of mega-sharpedo, change it with greninja and make the scizor mega scizor because I forget I'm spy role so I need my aces to be ninja-y so scizor and greninja will be so. :D

Commander you do raise some good points but what works in your reborn hardcore might not be so effective or useful here because of different field potentials, etc. Therefore, you might provide a good team, I'm going to provide a team I think would be useful to use based on my experiences sorry to say. Okay if mega-aero needs to be removed, what flying mega do you suggest then because Jacob is giving him one flying mega.

About the story, I really think this format of throwing ideas and seeing what people think is good and easy as opposed to letting 2 main people have control over the whole story. I mean each gym leader person on this thread should have creative control over some of the story for their character. I don't know if Jacob agrees with this or not but this is just my opinion. That's the point of a thread and I believe it's the perfect place to talk about anything game related.

Also, I would appreciate it if you stop making yourself out to be the greatest person alive with your suggestions and knowledge by saying hey PM me in secret somewhat so I can come up with all the story ideas because it's kind of offputting to be honest. Sorry I don't mean to be rude or mean but I'm just saying my peace.

If I'm misunderstanding you, let me know but I have read your top half of the post multiple times to make sure i'm not saying anything not valid.

It's 1am which is pretty much the point I'm a little out of it. The idea is more to keep this place from being a cluster of random ideas and have better hammered out ones put on the board. It honestly doesn't bother me whether people PM me or not, but I find it easier to discuss things over a topic like this because it's easier to read and respond. To each his own though.

As for the whole story, I don't know how Jacob is handling it. 17 people writing a single story will not work. You can throw ideas, but somebody has to be drafting the final picture. What worries me is that the game is already in development and how fast this "story" seemed to develop as most of you created your own characters for it. I'd like more clarification on how this idea is going to be planned out. Everything is moving unusually fast for something in the idea stage.

I'll limit myself to moves with 60 bp or below and status moves, since that's pretty much the highest attacks go at that point.

The problem now rests in the number of options that can resist ALL of its attacks. An evolved Pokemon that early in the game can barely stand on its two feet against this (usually two shotted) and Aerodactly does not have laughable defense being fought that early in the game. You don't want to force people to run Marshtomp/A Water Starter just due to one Pokemon's difficulty being that unbalanced.

I can't judge the situation too well as I don't know what will be available at the time. Right now, I'm basing it off of a typical main game's options (ie stuff before Brock in Kanto, Pokemon before Cheren in B2/W2, etc) and there'd need to be quite a handful of good water types to consider this fair. This is kind of off putting as there'd be no point in picking a water starter then due to the diversity. That's something that'd Jacob and his crew would have to decide and design as they know the game better than any of us.

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Commander I do understand what you are saying here so thanks for being more clear. I'm sorry for being mean because I didn't like saying what I did but it was on my mind and I needed to type it. I do believe after reading your most recent post right above, there was a misunderstanding somewhere which could have had something to do with time.

I'm okay with it if people do throw ideas around because if you don't how will you be able to progress anything. I do believe that this will in turn lead to better and more hammered out story features like you think should be in this topic because of being thrown around and talked about immensely here. I also believe discussion over this topic is better than PMs because at least feedback and input can be taken from all over.

I believe that Jacob will be having final say on everything discussed within the thread so it's not really 17 people coming up with story because if Jacob doesn't like it, he just won't use the idea I would think. :D

I have nothing bad to say about what you said for aerodactyl but I feel aqua is trying to minimize the power of aero by giving it not the best attacks possible so it doesn't one shot everything possible. :D

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I can kinda agree with what Commander is saying, as far as the story goes. I mean, I sent Jacob the specific, simple details for Team Ultima and the Black November, at least, because there were many many posts, all made in over one day! Should the same kind of situation happen again, we should at least try getting a grasp at what's going on, and getting that information to him as well, specifically, and simply put.

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was the four yt links you found for me Snow only for the dark spy theme or were any for ghost gym leader theme? Just curious so I can see them accordingly. :D

So the last two were sort of interchangeable, since they're two versions of the same song. I was thinking that those were fitting for when he turns evil and such. The first two were atmospheric/emotion themes, not to be used in battle, but in the overworld as you see fit. Like using the first one at a really tense moment. If you want a ghost gym battle theme that doesn't sound evil... Maybe this?


Or better yet


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Jacob I don't know how you'll deal with 17 conflicting stories without some plot holes and... Gaps. I think it would be cool if this worked out how you plan, but ultimately the person who invents the personality and feelings of characters should be you. That means its easier for you to relate them to other characters, rather than them being purely standalone. That being said, I'm sure this would be really cool if you pull it off how you're planning.

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I plan on going through the posts and listening to the suggested gym leader themes for everyone at some point to make sure it all fits.

In this case, i would also like to apply for a gym leader spot if available.

As for a theme: i would like this. https://youtu.be/s_7FaCI9cyk?list=PL9793A30C55CED7F6

I totally see why this song was chosen. It's quiet and mysterious like your character. The only issue is that this sounds more like an overworld theme than a battle theme to me. It would make a great theme for your gym, but not so much the gym battle. Maybe the Dialga Palkia remix would be better? It's also quiet and mysterious, although it has the same issue as the other in that it doesn't sound too battle-y. Just my input. Final decision is Jacob's, and he might think differently.

All right Snow thanks. I'll check all them out later in the day EST. ;D

I'm also running on EST. And I've been using my phone this entire time, which makes things harder to copy, paste, search, post, etc. I'll get my computer back when I get home later today. Expect a lot of my posts to be edited because I need to copy/paste stuff. Like this one, because I just found another potential boss theme. I'm very good at boss themes, atmospheric themes and emotion themes. Gym battle, wild battle, and trainer battle are harder...

So I found this while looking for a theme for Aqua (sorry, still looking). I've never played bravely default, but now I'm interested. Similar story with Final Fantasy. I've heard that it has good music, so I'll look into OSTs from there sometime. I thought this would be a good flying theme, and it is, but it seems too... Intense and slightly dark for the first gym, so boss theme it is.


I'm trying to stray away from using solely GlitchxCity's themes, or use the ones other games haven't, since a lot of fangames use her music. I'm not writing her off completely, because I think her music is great for routes, cities, and other atmospheres, but I am seeking other themes from other games to make things more interesting. Taking a look at ElectricMudkip tonight

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Jacob I don't know how you'll deal with 17 conflicting stories without some plot holes and... Gaps. I think it would be cool if this worked out how you plan, but ultimately the person who invents the personality and feelings of characters should be you. That means its easier for you to relate them to other characters, rather than them being purely standalone. That being said, I'm sure this would be really cool if you pull it off how you're planning.

Well going off of this idea of 17 conflicting stories, I think that we can all agree on working together to come to some sort of conclusion. I mean ultimately I do believe it is up to Jacob to give final say of how the story progresses. However I believe that we can all chat with each other to make sure we have at least a coherent story.

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I never actually posted my application here, so here it is.
Name: Gavin (a variation of Gawain, a Medieval name which means "white hawk" in Welsh)
Appearance: Pale skin. Dark brown, messy hair. Green eyes. 20 years old. Wears a purple shirt, with an open grey jacket, and grey trousers. (Basically, his clothes match his ace, aerodactyl).
Team(Moves/abilities very likely to change):
Fletchinder(Dive Ball, this is to stop acrobatics from wrecking everything)
Gale Wings
Flame Charge
Vivillon(Light Clay)
Shield Dust
Sleep Powder
Light Screen
HP Bug
Wing Attack
Perish Song
Night Shade
Aerial Ace
Drifloon(Helix Fossil)
Destiny Bond
Smack Down
Wing Attack
Battle theme: There is a surprising lack of battle music that suits flying types. I'll edit in something here if I find something I like.
Personality: Gavin is a quiet, relaxed, and considerate person. He's a klutz, and a bit awkward. He's a natural history buff, he's interested in ancient pokemon and their modern descendants, hence why he favours flying types and why his ace is an Aerodactyl.
I haven't really decided anything about my character outside of that. I guess it's a good thing he turned out to be the first Gym Leader.
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