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A new shiny hunter is coming !

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Okay, soooo. Let's start with the fact that i'm french, so, i'm really sorry if my english is bad or if you don't understand what i try to say..

So, i'm a girl, i'm 19 and you can call me Miko, or Clémentine, like you want ! :) I'm a shiny hunter and i'm planning to hunt a looot of pokemon on Pokemon Reborn ! >w<. ( Let's start with Turtwig. ) so, hum.. I don't really have something else to say.. So, if you have some questions, don't hesitate ! ^^

Good game to all ! ~*

Edited by MikoLAqualiChromatique
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Welcome to Reborn!

Don't worry about the whole "asylum" thing. We just call it that because this community is just known be very crazy.

Also, don't worry about having to dispose of your sanity, it's really a painless procedure.

Reborn has a very strict no sanity policy, so you have no choice in the matter. I hope you understand.

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Salut !

Je m'appelle Snow.

Tu es français? Je suis américain, mais j'apprends français depuis neuf ans à l'école. Maintenant, je vais aller au lycée, alors je ne suis pas très bon au français .... J'ai beaucoup de choses apprendre. Bienvenue! Si tu as une question, juste me demande. J'espère tu as une bonne fois ici!

Oh gosh I hope I didn't mess too much up. I'm only in french 2, so I'm not very advanced... Please excuse any grammatical errors you find, Merci!

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Welcome to the fourms! As you already noticed, the Shiny rate is increased. Also, Amethyst and contributions from other members of the forum allowed for us to be graced with some amazing Shiny Sprites (and soon to be Shiny Mega Sprites by Baz). Anyways, if you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask as everyone on here will do there best to answer it.

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Well met Cle-- Clementine? "CLEMENTINE!" - Lee Everett


Welcome to Reborn!

You said French? Hey I have to bring Ark here.

Anyway, a question then: When it comes to music, what genres do you like?

And I know that the blue Vaporeon is not the shiny one but here's a staff WOLOLO \o/ now you're converted to blue

I hope you'll enjoy your stay here in the Reborn place place~

I'll see you around o/

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Thank a lot all ! I hope i will be insane like you want ! ♥.

On pokemon game it's 1/8192 and 1/4096 since the 6G.I already found 9 shinies Turtwig on Reborn, 'vause i want a female one.. :')

And Vinny, please, no. Not Lee ;v; :cry: Best man ever. </3.

And so, when it comes to music, i'm listening .. more or less all. I can listen techno and after some metal music, but i would say that i prefer pop/electro/rock music.. :c.

Edited by MikoLAqualiChromatique
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